How Humor Can Make Things Better Or Worse

Humor feeds those parts of man
That hope sweet dreams come true
And woman feels she finally can
Do what she wants to do.

Anyone is happy when
Laughter lightens air.
Giggles entertain us then
And we no longer care.

This poem is a simple one.
It rhymes and sounds like verse.
I hope that now you know it’s done
It don’t make matters worse.

Posted for dVerse OpenLinkNight #187.

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

42 thoughts on “How Humor Can Make Things Better Or Worse”

  1. Bang on, brother–for we need both levity & a little madness to keep our spirits afloat. This common meter has the feel of a limerick; smile.

    Liked by 1 person

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