Last Draft

First Draft

A little rain, a little wet
A little sun we won’t forget
A drizzle, drazzle, druzzle there
A frazzle frizzled up somewhere
Mushy, splushy, gushy kiss
Happy dragging worlds through bliss
A liftoff love crash lands with pain
Healing hearts light dance in rain

Linked to dVerse Quadrille #30 hosted by Mish with the prompt word “drizzle”.
Linked to NaPoWriMo2017 Day Ten although I realize actually writing one poem a day is beyond me.
Photo: “First Draft” by the author.  This was my starting point.  That whitish background is the desk I made myself out of a sheet of plywood decades ago and still use.

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

82 thoughts on “Last Draft”

    1. Thank you, Emilie! I liked the sound of that ushy kiss as well. You’re right about my handwriting. In 24 hours I myself will no longer be able to read it. 🙂


    1. I am glad you liked it. I’ve seen other poets take photos of their notebooks with early drafts of their poems. It seemed like a way to make their poems more present to the readers.


  1. Frank–kudos & a salute to a fellow member of the “Brotherhood of the Longhand”. I always start there, blue pencil there–before typing & refining. Arthritis has trashed my penmanship as well; smile.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. My penmanship has been bad for decades. Most of my poems start in tiny notebooks that I carry with me on walks even though I could use my phone to take the notes. Thanks!


  2. Beautifully rhyme-y and great fun, Frank, especially:
    ‘A drizzle, drazzle, druzzle there
    A frazzle frizzled up somewhere’
    ‘A liftoff love crash lands with pain
    Healing hearts light dance in rain’.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. So fun to read aloud specially this part:

    A drizzle, drazzle, druzzle there
    A frazzle frizzled up somewhere

    I also scribble poems on pieces of papers lying around ~ But for Quadrille though, I write the draft in WordCounter so I can easily count and edit the words ~

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I rewrite mine later in Google Docs which has a word counting tool and cloud storage. One of the things I realized with this original version was that it didn’t have enough words. It is usually easier to add words. Thanks, Grace!


  4. I read this earlier and had to come back for another read…and another. My favorite line is “mushy, splushy, gushy kiss.” I also like that hearts can heal after the crash. I’m fascinated by other people’s handwriting and tried to read yours before reading the finished poem. I used to read this mystery author who was also a graphologist. It got me interested in handwriting analysis and I tried to study it for a while, and by study I mean getting half way through one of those Complete Idiot Guides. Interesting stuff but there’s so many nuances to handwriting that it boggled my mind.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I remember once trying to analyze my own handwriting using some simplified guide in the library. I didn’t get very far, however, I do think people can use handwriting to understand others better. It takes skill to read anything well and practice. It is hard to tell if one gets it right without knowing the person.

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  5. these were the happiest words I have had the pleasure to say out loud today, the rhyme was so sweet, I could almost feel the drizzle, drazzle, druzzle! Very lovely Frank!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I like how the last two lines personify the nature of sunshine and rain as we tend to associate them with love, loss, and mending.


  7. This was so much fun! I’m writing a poem right now (I sometimes write when I am out biking (on Google Keep on my phone) it’s about ringing in spring and is similar in it’s rhyming, timing, fun. In fact, it’s a song but I don’t write music so I probably borrowed another song without knowing it. I don’t know how you did it, I have written a poem a day but not in some time. Maybe next year.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I haven’t used Google Keep, but it sounds like a good app. Normally I carry a notebook and pen. If I forget that then I open Google Docs. I am not actually writing a poem a day. The original intention was there, but I realized I don’t get that many good ideas. However, I suspect I could write a limerick a day or a haibun/haiku. I don’t write music either and so the melody has to come from the rhyme, alliteration and so on. There are many songs that have separate lyricists and composers. That is where you would need to team up with a composer and then a singer to make the complete song.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, I used to play piano but didn’t keep it up so music is lost to me now. I can write easily to other music because I’ve written rhyme for so long. When I write “songs” I’m probably borrowing from other songs without knowing it. People probably think I’m crazy when I pass them on my bike because I sing aloud while I’m riding. Lol! I so enjoy it though and don’t care what others think. Google Keep is great for notes I carry a pen and paper but it’s faster to use Keep. Everything is on there, passwords, grocery lists, everything! I can write a poem a day but have to have the time to do so which I don’t have now riding everyday. Today (Easter Sunday) it’s raining so today’s a day off but I’m addicted. I’m writing as much as I can today and don’t forget I have a few blogs I write posts for. I started a private website for my book. That way, I can put everything in order, have spell check, etc. You probably noticed I’m not writing as much with the groups but am doing what I can. Today is a day of catching up on reading too. Doing anything special for Easter?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’m still finding my around Google Keep. It looks like it could replace my notebook, but I am still unfamiliar with it. I really should learn how to use these tools. This weekend was nice. I was out walking during much of it. A private website sounds like a good way to organize your book. Being on a bike allows you to pass those people quickly when you’re singing just in case they think you are crazy. Good luck with that book!


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