Postcard From Some Destination

Shadow of Reality

These words are silly shadows.
Wonders disappear
When darkened ground forgets bright sky
And hints but it does not know why.
There’s something missing here.

Linked to dVerse Poetics hosted by De aka WhimsyGizmo asking us to write a postcard poem.
Linked to NaPoWriMo2017 Day Eighteen.
Photo: “Shadows of Reality” by the author.

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

60 thoughts on “Postcard From Some Destination”

  1. Your poetic card puts me in mind of a ski-fi plot not yet written, where you find yourself in a real Shadowland–all shadows & no substance; & when you look in a mirror you only see your own shadow–a purgatorial way station full of telepaths & chilled air.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was not written as humor. Your interpretation makes sense to me. Upon rereading I wasn’t sure if it made enough sense. I am glad it did to you.


  2. I like how you did the writing on the photo. It fits the poem very well. The shadows flicker and play, only to lose light, and fall away. I like the way you’ve made me think of shadows. 🙂

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  3. Reading comments here, it shows how many different meanings people obtained from your postcard message.
    It made me think of childhood in a certain Portland, Oregon city park 😉

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    1. I didn’t understand it either after posting it. I usually like what I write to be clearer. The photo was taken in the Chicago Botanic Garden which is a very nice park nearby. I was hoping to see the crab apple trees in bloom, but that will probably be a week or so from now. Thanks, Kathy!


    1. I don’t know what I was trying to express anymore. What you say makes sense. Shadows and words miss a lot by their very natures, but we need them nonetheless. Thanks, Victoria!


    1. That was the first time I put words on a photograph. It was easier than I thought it would be. As I think about it now, words are a shadow or projection of reality. They will never completely capture reality. That might be what I was thinking of, but I am not sure anymore. Thanks!

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    1. Looking back, I think I was thinking that words are like shadows. They do say something about reality, but what is real is so much grander than they are. Like a shadow telling you something about the shape of reality, but not enough to be satisfied with it. One wants what is missing from the shadow.

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  4. To me, the poem suggests some things about the relationship between words and the realities they refer to. Words are “silly shadows”. Silly shadows of the realities they refer to? I know words can sometimes distract us from reality — make “wonders disappear”. It seems possible to me you can read a lot into that poem. But even if you don’t, the words themselves, the images they evoke, are beautiful. Thanks for sharing, Frank!

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