Yellow Blooms

Yellow Blooms

Their beauty’s only here for days.
Their pretty ways
We want to last
Too soon have passed.

Like every joy we’ve tried to hold,
Like yellow gold,
Like dreams come true
Come touched by blue.

The flowers tried. We’re on their sides.
The present hides
Yet yearns to show
Where all dreams go.

I am hosting today at dVerse. The form is the minute form illustrated above. You can find directions on how to write this at
Photo: “Yellow Blooms” by the author and linked to jasenphoto’s Tuesday Photo Challenge — Yellow.
I also linked this to Floral Friday Fotos.

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

73 thoughts on “Yellow Blooms”

  1. “The flowers tried. We’re on their sides.” So bittersweet; the fleeting nature of beautiful moments is desperately saddening if we stop to think. Yet I suppose it’s their fragility and transience that illuminates them in our experience and memory.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Beauty oF all
    they come
    and go enough
    that we miss them more
    Darkness Dances and Sings
    FloWeR Colors of LiFe..
    that die and come back
    more than less StaRlit aGain..
    A best
    of Beauty once..
    Love them more
    As they only come once..
    Plant them more and never go bored
    Colors oF LifE LiGht reFreshing anew..
    Thanks Frank.. i enjoy
    wandering through
    Garden today..
    i plant
    i plant
    too as life
    always comes new..
    Never any perennial poetry
    for me.. only annual NoW..;)

    Liked by 3 people

  3. A lovely reminder of spring, Frank; we’re already on our way back to those ‘yellow gold’ flowers that seem to be gone in a flash. You’re a master of the form!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Master of the form, oh yes. Odd, for me, the form moved fluidly & quickly–like it was pre-written & ready to spill out on the page. Transience–yup, breath, life & beauty–even pain.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Flowers are like a clock in themselves. In NZ the early magnolias are starting to flower and this means that they are emerging from winter and yet I feel like our summer is still not spent. We watch over our blossoms and heed their message. lovely poem, lovely daffs. XX

    Liked by 1 person

  6. That second stanza…it makes me think about how we might hold onto something too tightly only to crush it. I guess it’s better to hold it gently, appreciate it for what it is, release and let go. It’ll return. Thanks again for the prompt. You really have this form down.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. It’s hard to believe the daffodils, the irises, the dogwood tree, and more are done blooming for the year. How can that be? Thankfully other flowers take their turns as the summer rolls on into fall.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. My thought on the second stanza… and the entire poem, really… is that it stands beside Frost’s Nothing Gold Can Stay. Your poem is beautiful, Frank… not somber… bittersweet, maybe.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I had to reread Frost’s poem. They do seem similar in message and the gold/hold rhyme is in both. I liked the trimeter meter in Frost’s poem. I’m glad you liked it, Charley!

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  8. Their beauty’s only here for days.
    Their pretty ways
    We want to last
    Too soon have passed

    Nature’s fleeting presence makes one yearn for more. Colors and beauty can make a difference even if they appear for just a while


    Liked by 1 person

    1. More beauty comes replacing what has past. I agree that the fleeting nature makes us yearn for more and perhaps even to pay attention. Thanks, Hank!


  9. Ah but I love the transient beauty of daffodils. Their color is so beautiful!
    I did enjoy this form much more than I thought I would….and here I am catching up on reading from last week while also on the haibun trail today!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That is a nice name for them. I don’t know many flower names except for some generics like “rose”. I usually think of them by color and shape. Thanks!


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