
Sunrise Watching

Birds line up near the water’s edge to watch the sunrise on the beach. So do a few people although not in such nice lines. Workers collect garbage from trash containers. Others drive tractors smoothing the sand roughed from yesterday’s play. Unintentionally they make raked Japanese Zen gardens, but without the stones. They are so perfect they need delicate footsteps. So much order also wants to be beautiful.


Linked to dVerse Haibun Monday.   Victoria C. Slotto is hosting with the theme Wabi-Sabi, the art of imperfection.
Photos: “Sunrise Watching” above and the collage “Bird Tracks on the Beach” below both by the author.  These are linked to K’lee and Dale’s Cosmic Photo Challenge with the theme “Birds and Bees”.
Come join us with your photos and haibun!

Bird Tracks on the Beach

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

80 thoughts on “Birds”

    1. Thank you, Xenia! I usually watch the sunrise with the birds and the few other people who get up early when we are near a beach. It is the best time to be there in my view. Sunsets would be also nice.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. A wonderful “take” on wabi-sabi, Frank. It conjured my memories of beaches made pristine at the beginning of each day. I haven’t been to a beach in a long, long time. Thank you for taking me there!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I don’t think it is an original observation, but I have not checked if someone else thought of this or not. Many probably did. The footprints do make it special, perhaps like the rocks in a real Zen garden. Thank you!


  2. The sand does appear a zen-garden. Intricate markings of bird feet reminds me of ancient writing. I love how the birds all look in the same direction. This is something I have noticed with awe. Gorgeous writing and photos, Frank.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Your haibun in small and perfect, Frank, with beautiful photos to complements the prose and the haiku. I love the ‘Japanese Zen gardens, but without the stones… so perfect they need delicate footsteps’.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Rough waves soothe the Winter shore.. I always saw the shore being brought to order by those waves.. A turmoil bringing peace.. Is that a revolution or plain fact of life?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Good way of putting it: spontaneous and unintended. The byproduct of something perhaps even more beautiful. And being able to see it at all is a kind of beauty. Thank you, Petru!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Loved this post! The main picture reminds me of an oil painting and than there is the delicate pattern contrasting the birds footprints and the marks of the wheels of the tractor.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I am glad you liked this, Danik! Those birds improved all that raking which looks quite nice by itself. I am amazed that they line up so nicely in the morning and face the sun. I wonder if this has been studied by anyone? I might try to find out.


  6. Birds Fly and GaTHeR
    toGeTHeR NeVeR
    tHeir feet
    or wings
    rest as Beach…
    They do LonGeR
    Practice MaKinG
    Fearless Rest iN FliGht oN Land..
    ConsideRing tHeiR Ancestors are
    Dinosaurs they have more
    even changing for
    eScape 66 Million
    years ago from Gulf
    MaKinG Asteroid Dinosaur DeatH And
    ANew Changing RodentS unTo Human LifE heHe..
    We Arise From rodents and birds Arise from Dragon
    but the
    and the
    and the
    UltiMate Survivors
    iF Humans Press A
    Red Asteroid Button
    And Roaches eat tHeiR
    spiny leg
    bEats gRay MaTTeR anTeNNaS uP NoW..;)

    Liked by 2 people

      1. There was once a great tite coming each winter in the early morning, sitting on the roses of our balcony and always interestedly looking into our appartment to see what we are doing like saying “Good morning, how do you do?”

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Some of them I am sure are curious about us. Walking downtown Chicago I saw these tiny birds almost within touching distance. I got a few photographs. Some of them were looking for food. Others were just there interacting with the people like they were also walking the street enjoying their day.

          Liked by 1 person

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