Mundane Monday — Fungi

Stump and Fungus

“Am I so pretty you would take a picture of me?”  Yes.

Photos: “Stump”, above, and “Mundane Fungus”, below, by the author.  I’ve linked both to K’lee and Dale’s Cosmic Photo Challenge with the theme “fungi” as well as trablogger’s Mundane Monday.

When I read Dale’s prompt I asked myself, “Where am I going to find a fungus?”  A voice said, “Go to the botanic garden.”  I replied, “I’ve never seen a fungus there.  It’s too clean.” The voice responded, “Go to the woods in the botanic garden.”  I walked to the Mary Mix McDonald Woods and followed the trail until it forked.  “Now where?”  The voice responded, “Take the boardwalk.”  At the end of the boardwalk I saw the fungus. “I’ll have to step off the trail.”  The voice responded, “Stop whining and take the photo.” It was the only fungus I saw all day, but I had no need to see another.

Mundane Fungus

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

53 thoughts on “Mundane Monday — Fungi”

    1. When I am looking for woodland areas I usually take the forest preserve trails south of the botanic gardens or along the Des Plaines River, but this small area in the gardens is also nice. Thank you!


    1. That story is true. I was either talking to myself or to who or whatever in my mind and without getting detoured I went straight to that fungus. I am almost as surprised with that as I am with the fungus. Thank you!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Hmm.. SpeaKing oF MaGiCaL
    ThiNking And sureLY
    LiFE iN SyncHroniCiTies
    thaT caN and wiLL
    coMe to be
    awe inspiRing
    and even tear
    geneRating iN fuLL
    of hoLy and sacRed
    meaNing and purPose
    As flow BRings FloWeRs
    oF Fruition when Lucid
    Guiding WakinG DreAms
    beCome just A neXt stoP oN A RooT of Tree..:)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Finding that fungus was a mundane act of simply walking to it, but it was also mysterious. I walked directly to it and some aspect of me seemed to know where to go. It was a synchronicity if I understand the word. Thanks, Fred!

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  2. Ah. That’s what a bracket fungus does when it finds room to expand. That’s such a wonderful explanatory photo: you see the bracket fungi in the usual bracket shape lower on the stump, and at the top you find how it turns into a nice full plate when it has the space to.

    Liked by 1 person

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