First Frost’s Voice

Autumn Purple Yellow Flowers

The first frost tells us that the trend will change. More will come until more doesn’t come anymore. It is corrective whether one learns a lesson from it or not, perhaps how to better stay warm. We do not circle back into last year’s frost. We spiral into this fresh, new one.


Text: Linked to dVerse Haibun Monday. Victoria C. Slotto is hosting with the theme of first frost’s voice.

Photo: “Autumn Purple Yellow Flowers” by the author. I took this at the Chicago Botanic Garden.

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

37 thoughts on “First Frost’s Voice”

  1. We do not circle back into last year’s frost. We spiral into this fresh, new one….you hit the nail on the head with this one Frank. I do so like your thought on the first frost. Superb.

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  2. Wonderful non-linear writing, Frank. (While I’m not writing tonight, it’s interesting to read on the theme as we are coming out of the long, dread heat and into our most beautiful time of year here. It’s like the reverse seasons of the Southern hemisphere. Perspective.)

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  3. Living in Canada where that first frost and snowfall spells doom, I’m grateful for when the cycle is through and the last frost means spring is near. Well written 🙂

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    1. It is a rather abrupt change from one day to the next, much like the first warm snow of the season–all of a sudden there is snow there, thick like frosting on the trees. It is quite beautiful. Thanks, Robbie!

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