3rd Halloween Poem Contest – 1st Group Of Submitted Poems

There is still time to enter this Halloween Poem Contest. My poem, Mountain Castle, is in this initial group of poems.

Writer's Treasure Chest

Picture courtesy of: http://preventioncdnndg.org/eco-quartier/eco-tips-for-halloween/


Please respect each authors’ and poets’ copyright. The rights remain with the writers. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from each of the poems author’s is strictly prohibited and violates copyright laws in the country you are reading this work in as well as in the country you are trying to re-publish this work in. – Aurora Jean Alexander


Let’s Shine – by Melody J. Fisher

Four fat hollow pumpkins
Gutted, carved, and lit
Staring from the steps
Of the porch where they sit

One is very frightful
Another dons a hat
The biggest one is smiling
One resembles a cat

They just sit and watch
As the world passes them by
Making observations
Before they shrivel up and dry

They sit in silent judgement
As a couple bicker and complain
Listen in discomfort
As they cause each other…

View original post 1,078 more words

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

12 thoughts on “3rd Halloween Poem Contest – 1st Group Of Submitted Poems”

  1. WiNks.. first of all very happy i am
    to see that the entire poem is longer
    than the copyright notice.. hEhe..
    And that’s what i love
    about Mountain
    Beasts.. A
    They Leave is
    A Nature They Bring..
    but surely we are careful
    not to step in that stuff.. hAha..;)

    PersonAlly.. i don’t see myself as a cover/name now
    nor will i ever now hoard or sell my soul for less than free..

    But of course to
    each his or her
    eTc own
    i agree..
    for what is owned
    is most often sown that way..
    As A Beast who once iS owned that way..;)

    Liked by 1 person

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