Looking Down — Community (Collaboration with Revived Writer)

Curve in Bridge

One’s friends are precious, keep them close in heart,
Even though distance can get in the way,
It’s no excuse, these days, to be apart,
Community is needed like the day.
We like to think our choices have been smart.
We like to think there’s always time for play.
Our roads may turn and lead us somewhere new
But nowhere could I see forgetting you.

Text: This is a collaboration poem with Revived Writer. She selected ottava rima with rhyme pattern abababcc as the form. Her part is in bold.  It is also part of Jilly’s Casting Bricks October Challenge.

Photo: “Curve in Bridge”. I took this at the Chicago Botanic Garden and I’m linking it to K’lee and Dale’s Cosmic Photo Challenge with theme “Looking Down” and with trablogger’s Mundane Monday.

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

21 thoughts on “Looking Down — Community (Collaboration with Revived Writer)”

  1. Hi Frank, you finished this perfectly. I’ve had Revivedwriter’s poem on my desktop all weekend and have so far drawn a blank. Mayhaps my muse will be inspired by this. Good job!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you! I’m glad you liked the last line. I shifted focus from a general to a personal perspective which is where I thought you would have taken the first four lines.


  2. For 33 years of Work me always thought
    Friends would coMe until
    me BEcAme a Friend
    And Everyone aLL
    then/now is
    me Friend..
    but of course
    with Friends
    like me
    ‘needs’ Friends..
    When aLL iS FRiEnD..;)

    Liked by 1 person

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