The Porch as Chair

He used the floor of the cabin’s open porch as a chair dangling his legs. The chickens were safe. The dog was safe.

He figured if he couldn’t see it, it wasn’t there. No fairies. No unicorns. The trees weren’t watching. The sun didn’t care. He was safe.

Then he saw her walk up his long path. She was watching him for some time and decided to make her move. She needed a place to stay. After they spoke his understanding of safety expanded to include her.

Now they both sat on the porch. He promised to make chairs.

Text: Linked to Charli Mills’ Carrot Ranch 99-word Flash Fiction Challenge. The theme is a chair on a porch. Come join us writing flash fiction.

News: Last Wednesday the Prairie Writers Guild held a dinner in Rensselaer, Indiana, celebrating the publication of the fourteenth volume of their series From the Edge of the Prairie. Some of my haibun, which appeared previously on this blog, are in that volume. They print the anthology in Rensselaer. Although I have been a member for only the past year I have known some of the people in the guild for decades having grown up in northwest Indiana.

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

26 thoughts on “The Porch as Chair”

  1. Congratulations on your haibun in publication. I used to live in Indianapolis. Many many moons ago.

    I like the gentle quite protection your piece and its’ porch offer, even if there are no chairs yet.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Our front porch really doesn’t have room for chairs… I’m used to calling that a stoop. I suppose though that is more for a city. And I often sit on the concrete step 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m from Indiana 🙂 Frank, this piece is touching in its simplicity. Other people inspire us. We don’t mind doing without but we don’t want others to do without – so we make chairs for them.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. A beautiful tale, Frank and a metaphor for sitting in our own world, protecting what we have and yet accepting into that world someone who comes along. I agree with others about the line of how that shift occurs.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. SMiLes my friEnd.. reminds
    me of my Chair Making Great
    Grandfather who lived two doors
    down in a small tin house with tin
    roof on the Down Town
    River Front by
    us.. he
    the stuffing
    of the Chair was
    made out of Vegetables
    as he talked about his old
    Horse Named Dancer at
    over 90 Years old
    Blind forever
    he sat now relaxed
    in front and with that River
    for Peace only a step away in present
    and it’s true i finally understand and
    those Vegetables
    for my Chair is alive now too as food..:)

    Liked by 1 person

      1. SMiLes Frank
        as i come through
        as a second wave
        Great Grand Father
        Per Legend and his
        Son with three Sisters
        Arranged Names for Peninsula
        Parts of what is now still Named
        as Navarre and Oriole Beach no fame
        my friEnd but being A First to explore
        and settle
        Real of course
        when the purpose
        of Barrier Island
        is not being Served
        when Hurricanes visit.. hehe..
        but for them caution to the wind..
        i suppose they gave me something my friEnd..;)


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