
My Right Hand

Skin is what I see, not what’s within.
Castle walls might block me, thick or thin.
When they crumble mysteries begin
To lock outside whatever went right in.

Photo: “My Right Hand” by the author linked to K’lee and Dale’s Cosmic Photo prompt with the theme “skin” and Trablogger’s Mundane Monday.

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

26 thoughts on “Skin”

      1. Gazing at Stars Imagining
        Connections ‘tween Angles
        iMaGininG AngEL WinGS
        iNspiRinG Geminid
        SHoWers then too
        ABovE SpiraLinG
        iN Nature too..
        Scratching Symbols
        Beginning in Sand
        As Prehensile thumb
        Comes one with rest of Fingers
        On Hand WitH A Stick oN DraWinG
        Board oF GRound.. Sure.. Petroglyphs
        And Pictographs iN Hieroglyphic way
        As A First Symbol A Trace oF Five Finger
        Hand iNcluDinG Prehensile Thumb EVenTuAlly
        Cave Art
        A SKyScRapeR
        A SpacE ShiP
        And An H BomB Too..
        YeS AWeSoMe PreHeNsiLe THuMB Comes..:)

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