Moon — #writephoto

Sue Vincent's #writephoto prompt - fog

Some would say they know the Moon.
They’ve data they can show,
But when they look
And close the book,
What is it that they know?

Text: Linked to Sue Vincent’s #writephoto prompt and dVerse Open Link Night.

Photo: Sue Vincent provided the photo as the #writephoto prompt.

Sue Vincent's #writephoto icon

News: The new dVerse Anthology Chiaroscuro: Darkness and Light is now available.

dVerse Anthology Chiaroscuro: Darkness and Light


Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

89 thoughts on “Moon — #writephoto”

  1. Hmmmm, I don’t know one person that does that. I do know lots of folks that supplement moon gazing with all sorts of other knowledge. But closing the book or the computer screen is a very good idea.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yes Frank, you put your finger on something telling here.The moon has always had the power somehow to suggest more than it shows – by comparison – even the fabled sun (glorious and inspiring as it is…) is somewhat two dimensional. Thank you so much for taking me to that thought…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Once I believed the moon had a man in it made of cheese, then later I read where hidden UFO bases put ET’s closer to us in order to fulfill the promise President Truman made with them in 1947 after Roswell–they get to abduct and experiment on us, and the government received alien technology–making me believe that half of the UFO sightings are of “made in America” crafts–I certainly saw one 5 miles out of China Lake Naval Weapons Center at 3am along highway 395 in 1984., between Redlands and Ridgecrest, CA

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You saw a UFO? I kind of wish I saw one, but I don’t want them to see me. I think I remember the idea that there were alien bases on the far side as well and that’s how we got our technology. Thanks, Glenn!


  4. HeART WitH No MeASurENoW
    LoVE oF Art WitHOuT Distance
    Space Or Time all that is aLive
    From Less to
    iT aLL
    No Science
    PLays A HeART oF Free..
    A Moon A Sun Beyond
    Stories DiffeRent
    Less and
    More.. it
    we us me you
    i ArE NoW NeVeR
    F FoR FaiL AliVE..:)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I echo Dan – in most things we think we know, we know only the extent of our knowledge but often refuse to accept our limitations…
    Marry Christmas Frank!
    Anna :o]

    Liked by 1 person

    1. As a mathematician I can see the set of data collected as something to work with in a model, but all that data is an abstraction of what the moon really is. I’m glad you liked this, Jilly!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I fairly certain, Frank, that all one ever needed to know about the moon can be heard at the very end of the classic rock album, Dark Side of the Moon. Nevertheless, a thoughtful and well-turned write!

    Liked by 1 person

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