One-Liner Wednesday

Snow Covered Park

The mundane is in the mind of the beholder.

Text: Linked to Linda G. Hill’s One-Liner Wednesday.

#1linerWeds badge by Dan Antion
#1linerWeds badge by Dan Antion

Photos: “Snow Covered Park”, above, and “Snow and Ice”, below, by the author and linked to Frank Jansen’s Tuesday Photo Challenge — Quotidian.

Snow and Ice
Snow and Ice

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

25 thoughts on “One-Liner Wednesday”

  1. So.. True.. Frank.. that the Mundane
    iS oNly iN the eYe of the BeHoLDeR
    For it is TRuE
    Humans MaY
    Value all that is
    Holy and Sacred
    Full of Meaning and
    Purpose We Co-Create
    iN MoVinG CoNNecTinG
    WaYs alWaYs iN DancE and SonG
    oR Make iT
    All A Random
    Soup of
    Nothing aT aLL
    Better for the Mundane
    to be all that is Holy and
    Sacred Full of Meaning and Purpose
    We Do Move.. Connect and Co-Create
    aS ReaL
    As iMaGiNaRY
    Random Soup too..
    True MaGiC iS MuNDaNE MaGiC
    Happy NeW YeaR aGAiN ALWaYS NoW
    AnD Why Not Merry Christmas ALWaYS NoW
    Too A Feast And HoLiDaY ALWaYS NoW FoR iF We CaN
    WiLL Do iT For Last Week oR Tomorrow We CaN and WiLL ALWaYS
    A pARTy FoR
    aT LeasT OnE iT’s
    True One Suggestion iS
    To Dance Every Step One
    Moves And Sing in Poetry
    EverY WorD oNE WRiTeS And
    SpeaKs NoW iN Vocal Ways too..
    SurE.. NaH.. iT’s NoT A MaGiC
    ALoNE A
    ALLoNE iT iS
    No MaTTeR FoRM
    oF DancE As SteP
    oR SonG aS WoRD
    As HoLY And SaCReD FuLL oF MeaNinG
    And Purpose NoW MaSTeRinG ReGuLaTiNG
    And InTeGRaTinG EMoTioNs and SeNseS ALL thE WaY
    tHat WorKS oN A Multi-Uni-Verse
    iNDiViDuAL gAMe PLaN
    A PeacE LoVE
    oF EVeRMoRE
    NoW ReaL aS NoT
    onLY SuRViVE BuT THRiVE NoW2..:)

    Liked by 1 person

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