
Morning Sands to Walk on

A tarot card reader told me I could predict the future, but I did not take advantage of my skill. She herself got many things right about me, or rather she got the details wrong, if one wanted to be technical about it, but the end results were all right on target, better than I expected.

That was long ago. It was the only time I ever had a reading done. I thought at the time I was skeptical enough, but I realize now that I believed every word she said. Today I am more skeptical of doctors tempting me with drugs than I am of tarot readers pushing what? Best wishes? Some good advice on what to be cautious about?

I looked for her when opportunity brought me back to that area to thank her and tell her that she was right about everything of value. I didn’t expect she would still be there, but I checked anyway. Her dark shop in the hotel lobby was replaced by a well-lit trinket merchant. No one knew what happened to her. So, instead of expressing my gratitude, I had to be satisfied with seeing a beautiful future for her through all the storms that might come to charm her life. It was basically the same future she predicted for me.


Text: Linked to dVerse Haibun Monday. Michelle (Mish) is hosting with the theme of “faith”.

Photos: “Morning Sands to Walk on”, above, and “The Way We Bloomed Last Year”, below.

The Way We Bloomed Last Year

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

48 thoughts on “Faith”

  1. I always enjoy looking at your photography Frank, as well as reading your words. Tarot readings are never what we expect and it is a surprise to meet a reader who is completely accurate. It’s touching that you went back and that you wonder what became of her.

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  2. I like the comparison you made, putting the card readings into perspective….even if she didn’t believe in her own craft, her heart could have been in the right place….to wish you only good things to come. Your haiku is so strong. Oh yes….just “bloom, receive and give”!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I remember once when at management training we were all tricked into writing a test to an absent graphologist… the day after we all got an analysis back in a sealed envelope…. and it was amazingly correct… I was flabbergasted at his skill… and so were all the other participants… then the leader of the course asked one of us to read aloud what was exactly the same as mine… it turns out that you can give a lot of predictions (with just a few details wrong) if you present it in the right way to make it perfectly correct…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I find it easier to believe a graphologist’s or a palm reader’s skills. They are looking at something about me, but she was getting information from a shuffled deck of cards. True, she could see me and clearly she was intuitive and empathetic–and maybe that is all it is, which is quite a lot. Thank you, Bjorn!


  4. I liked that story a lot and the flowers look as if they are indeed talking to the photographer. I think future predictions are mostly symbolic and therefore more general.

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    1. She didn’t get the details exactly right, but she focused my attention on what I did not expect about myself. I credited her success at the time to her good heart which let her see further than I was able to. Thank you, Danik! I am glad you liked the haibun and photos.


  5. I have done a few tarot readings. They can be quite enlightening, if you’re willing to expand your mind.

    I especially agree with you about the doctors pushing pills. I’m in favor of natural medicines … like honey, walking, water, and sleep.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I prefer natural medicines with diet and exercise change where needed and sleep which is also important. It is amazing what insights come from waking up from a restful sleep. The tarot reading I had I will never forget, although there was nothing unusual about it on the surface. Thank you, Carmelita!


  6. A Beautiful and interesting story Frank. I love your concern and compassion for her wellbeing. It reveals what kind of person you are! Loved the haiku and the photos… flowers just bloom!! Perhaps we could learn a lesson here.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. It’s beautiful. I can easily agree with you about trusting her more than your doctor. It’s a definite reach of faith to even understand them sometimes. Your encounter with the Tarot card reader reminded me of the film, The Wizard of Oz, right before the tornado. The kindly old man who read Dorothy’s fortune. Though he didn’t exactly give her a real crystal ball reading, he did give lots of useful info.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, now that you mention it, it was much like what that man did for Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz and nothing more elaborate than that, all the more meaningful for its simplicity. Thank you, Walter!

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  8. Exactly. As the only creatures on this planet that ponder such matters, I wonder if we are just an experiment–and whether we will end up as successes or failures in the evolutionary chain.

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    1. They are good readers of people. I think she knew all she needed to know about me on her first glance. The cards just prompted her intuition for more detail. I think all of us have this skill. Our paths lead us to use it differently. Thank you, Sarah!


  9. Great story Frank,

    I believe deeply in alternative medicine. Actually I believe that everything we are ready to believe can help us. No matter what it is ! Great story Frank

    Liked by 2 people

  10. A wonderful story Frank and I love your closing haiku especially. If you keep thinking of the Tarot Reader it may be nice to light a candle for her, close your eyes and send your best wishes her way. She will be able to pick them up on the vibration, whichever side of the rainbow she is now.

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  11. I like your story about the tarot reader. I am currently reading a book on the deeper meaning of the major cards. It’s heavy going but fascinating. I too prefer alternative remedies where possible. Diet and exercise are very important too but I am finding they can be difficult to put into practice.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I know little about the tarot, but I have looked into it over the years since getting that reading. There is more to it than I originally thought perhaps even more than using the cards as prompts for intuition. They can be used for that, but I wonder how much more there is. Thank you, Suzanne!

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      1. I’m reading a strange book I found at a 2nd hand store called “Jung and the Tarot”. In the book the Trump cards are seen as archetypes. It’s very deep and I can only dip into it in small bites. : )

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        1. I haven’t seen that book, but then I haven’t read many books on the tarot. I downloaded an app for my phone some years ago that presents a card or a spread and provides some interpretation of the cards. I don’t know that I am any good at using it, but looking at Pamela Colman Smith’s illustrations have been comforting in a strange way. The app is call “Galaxy Tarot”.

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