Silent Sound


While walking through a garden what I see, and what I miss, is filtered through words sounding through my mind. I don’t talk out-loud to myself.  I make sure these words stays quiet: silent words, silent sounds.  I don’t mind my mind doing this. I enjoy the company unless it’s noisy, offering a wintry mood to a spring day.

There are times when I look about and my mind goes silent on its own. I assume, like me, that it is also stunned, as if to say, but not saying anything, staying really silent this time, “Isn’t that beautiful!”


Text: Linked to dVerse Haibun Monday. I am hosting this week with the theme “silent sound”, whatever that means to you.

Photos: “Ivy”, above, and “Oak Beauty”, below.

Oak Beauty


Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

51 thoughts on “Silent Sound”

  1. I love those moments that stay really silent in awe of what we see, when we go “Isn’t that beautiful!”, those moments when we can hear ourselves smile :o)

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  2. Sometimes I wonder if we are capable of hearing nothing. Our minds are always active even in sleep. I wonder if anesthesia ushers us into silence? Anyway, I can relate to your lovely haibun except like “Peter’s pondering” I also talk… esp to the trees and tell them how beautiful they are.

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  3. kaykuala

    While one is silently musing on the goodness of the trees around, it seemed these trees have a way of hearing our minds! Wonder if that is true!


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  4. I often walk with my brain chattering along to itself, making plans, trying to impose order. Your haibun brought me up short, just as the your silent mind does you when it is stunned by beauty. A wonderful and affecting hiabun, and a reminder sometimes to just let everything go and just feel.

    Liked by 1 person

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