
Clothed with Leaves

Poppies all have lost their bloom.
Summer heat is here.
With such brightness even gloom
Is smiling through its fear.

Text: Linked to dVerse Open Link Night.  Grace is hosting.

Photos: “Clothed with Leaves”, above, and “In the Distance Brightness”, below.

In the Distance Brightness

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

38 thoughts on “Poppies”

  1. “With such brightness even gloom/is smiling through its fear.” Love this lines. They evoke summer’s atmosphere – beautiful and frightful at the same time.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. WHat BriGht Lit
    Electronic Devices
    And Longest Days
    of the Year have
    iN CoMMoN
    For Creativity
    Out of DarKNeSS
    Too as SeaSons Correlate
    WitH WHaT LivES WiTHIN As ReaL..
    BuT oN CouRSE CReaTiViTY itsELf as Joyous
    Act BRinGS Sunshine MoRE aT EssencE ReaL too..
    some folks
    think we should
    Be Paid for Sunshine now..
    NoW sort of like Biting the
    Sunshine Hand ThaT Feeds US..:)

    Liked by 1 person

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