Long Ago

Bue and Green

My first job was in data processing. The night shift gave me the day to enjoy the city. I mounted magnetic tape onto drives as tall I was. It was a job that begged to be automated. That was long ago. Like Sisyphus, I can still see myself mounting those tapes only to take them down again.

My walk to work led past the Art Institute. I spent an hour each afternoon wandering through the exhibits. I can still see some of them.

One of the benefits of membership, at least in those days, long ago, in what I would even call the mysterious dark ages of my life, was the free coffee that the Institute offered in the afternoon. I became a regular around four in the afternoon with a dozen retirees who were always there and a few strangers who might wander in some afternoon and whom we would never see again. I can still taste that coffee.

Through daydreams blow the breeze of memory.
When shadows break I look and sometimes see.

Text: Linked to dVerse Haibun Monday.  Jilly is hosted with the challenge to the traditional form.

Photos: “Blue and Green”, above, and “Red and Green”, below.

Red and Green

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

69 thoughts on “Long Ago”

  1. It is wonderful when your memories are so sweetly shared. A terrific slice of your life, and a haibun to cheer about.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I was told by an old techie once about going through the university in Computer Science — boxes of perforated cards. He dropped more than one project on the floor and had to collate them by hand. The good old days!

    I, too, miss the Institute. One time I walked from MBI on LaSalle over to Michigan and down to the Institute — spent several hours going through the exhibits — then walked back again. Never had the coffee, though. Pity.

    Your end couplet is wonderful!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I remember using those punch cards when in college. Programs were kept in boxes rather than in the cloud. And they did next to nothing. I haven’t been to the Art Institute in many years. Thinking about it makes me want to take the day off and see it again. The coffee was very good as I remember. Nothing like the instant I was drinking at home. I am glad you liked the couplet, Charley!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m glad I never did the punch cards. A friend asked me if I wanted to one time. It did look mind-numbing. I was a plate maker instead.. The verse was wonderful. I hope I can remember it long enough, “Through daydreams blow the breeze of memory. When shadows break I look and sometimes see.” Need those breezes!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. ‘the mysterious dark ages of my life’… I fully relate to that image or feeling…sounds like a satisfying routine you had taking in art and hanging out for coffee.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. kaykuala

    with a dozen retirees
    who were always there

    It can be dubbed a retirees’ retreat especially when it supports those numbers og retirees


    Liked by 2 people

  6. It was so pleasant, and delightful, I feel content at heart from reading this. What a great way to spend time, hanging around art exhibits. I must say living in a neighborhood as such is a blessing!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I really enjoyed this haibun. It took me back to the jobs I had when I was young. Reel to reel tape recordings were something I used quite often.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. I remember those tapes, but glad I didn’t have your job, although your routine sounds great. Amazing you can still taste that coffee, so great.

    Liked by 2 people

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