Schrodinger’s Mouse

Incoming Storm

Being cats, being smart, his cats would
Run away since he’s up to no good.
“I’ll try mice! Ah! They squeak!
Now I won’t have to peek.”
Even mice ran when they understood.

Text: Linked to dVerse Meeting the Bar. Bjorn is hosting with a call for poems using onomatopeia. I think “squeak” qualifies. Maybe “peek”? Reading Silver Gardenia’s poem “New Tricks” linked to Tuesday’s dVerse Poetics gave me the idea of associating mice rather than cats with Schrodinger.

Photos: “Incoming Storm”, above, “If the Mice Don’t Work Here are Some Geese”, below.

If the Mice Don't Work Here are Some Geese

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

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