Waiting From a New Perspective

Lake Michigan in Late November

I’ve been to Gillson Park many times. It is on Lake Michigan and there is plenty of parking. It is a little far for me to bicycle, but it would not be impossible. What’s impossible is not what’s important. What’s important is that there is a park here at all and there is a beautiful lake that waits on it like a servant.

There's a haiku here
somewhere waiting for me
to try to find it.

Linked to K’lee and Dale’s Cosmic Photo Challenge with the theme “from an unusual angle”. Also linked to dVerse Haibun Monday where Imelda is hosting.

Lake Michigan in Late November

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

72 thoughts on “Waiting From a New Perspective”

  1. My gosh, Frank. This is one of the most profound things I believe you’ve ever written.

    “What’s impossible is not what’s important. What’s important is that there is a park here at all and there is a beautiful lake that waits on it like a servant.”

    That is INCREDIBLE!!!

    This helps me on a personal level, repositioning my perspective on a particular situation. I’m thinking of the fact that I’m overwhelmed by my mother’s decline and suffering. But she has a facility to live in (the park), and people lovingly caring for her (the lake). And that is what I must focus on. How much worse would things be otherwise?

    I also love your haiku and find so much wisdom in it, in how we must live and see our world.

    Thank you for touching me with this piece, Frank.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. I love that feeling of going to a beautiful and familiar place in nature and feeling a haiku growing not but not quite emerging. You capture it very well here.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Clever play on waiting! Poetry is so often a gestation for me. It’s why I like the fast pace of these prompts – I’m forced into a different mode – absolutely the love the dversity of poetry and poets and the way it all make me more diverse inside.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I really like this one Frank. I especially love these lines, “What’s impossible is not what’s important. What’s important is that there is a park here at all and there is a beautiful lake that waits on it like a servant.” Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 2 people

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