Games Night

Icy Pond
Diablo, you old God of War,
How we quake when you want more.
Militantly ignorant,
Losing all you’re looking for.

Linked to dVerse Poetics where SarahSouthWest is hosting with the theme to use three names of video games from a list somehow in a poem. I picked Diablo, God of War and Quake although I haven’t played any of them. The “militantly ignorant” comes from M. Scott Peck’s description of evil in Further Along the Road Less Traveled, which I found in a used collection of books a few days ago.

Winter Oak

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

29 thoughts on “Games Night”

  1. Ah Yes Militantly
    Ignorant and from
    my View this Reminds
    me of the Propensity
    To Erase Empathy
    Are Required
    to Destroy
    That Other Wise
    Might Comes as
    Friends instead of Enemies..
    Places of ScarCity Lend this
    Direction it Seems Versus
    Abundance when Social
    Roles are Full Force
    too and mostly
    From Birth as Well..:)

    Liked by 1 person

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