Changing Clouds

Cloud Reality
I meet a crowded, free-board bus
Fantasizing all of us
As travelers taken by the hand
Unaware of where we’ll land.

Does no death bring me to my knees
Except my own? Delusion sees,
Sipping clouds that wander by,
Wonder neither how nor why.

Linked to K’lee and Dale’s Cosmic Photo Challenge with theme “Moving clouds, a heavenly perspective”. Also linked to dVerse Quadrille where Mish is hosting with the keyword “sip”.

Wavy Clouds

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

67 thoughts on “Changing Clouds”

  1. This quadrille could be the beginning of a science fiction tale, in which the travellers on a bus are abducted into the sky. I love those ‘sipping clouds’, Frank.

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  2. This brought up the song,”oh death” by bluegrass founder Bill Monroe. But then the closing lines sounded like something form an English poet! Well done! Perhaps we should be more like clouds!?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lovely form and rhymes; the feel of classical verse. I dig the metaphor, but I would like to think that any death could weaken our knees.

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  4. Intriguing! Reading the comments, this piece has created such a variety of interpretations, which are so interesting to read. Mine is rather dark. Poor souls taken away to a deadly destination while the voice in the poem ponders how much we truly care. I’m sure I am way off. I would love if you elaborated on your intentions of the poem.

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    1. It is a tad dark, I suppose. I may have been thinking how pain and death help us heal, keep us on the right path, without our realizing it. The deaths that bring us to our knees are the best opportunities for healing. Thank you, Mish!


  5. There is so much of import and beauty here. Dostoyevsky has said something to the effect that it is easy to love humanity in general, but messy and difficult to love humanity in particular, the idea that no death brings us to our knees except our own… this really touched me. Life and death are around us like the air, like the clouds, and it touches us usually impassively or briefly usually as if we were the clouds or the atmosphere, passing and surrounding silently and without regard. Empathy is part of what humanizes us, perhaps the essential feature. It is though a lot to take in, but we are all on that bus together, and we often just stare out at the clouds on the journey rather that at our fellow travelers. The clouds are beautiful and powerful however. Loved this Frank, thank you.

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