Surreal Rhyming Nonsense

All Tangled Together
Today what rhymes may seem surreal
With culture preaching, “People, Kneel.
Meter’s there to mess your mind.
You dared to look? Then dare to find."

Linked to dVerse Poetics where Linda Lee Lyberg is hosting with the theme ‘surreal’. I don’t know if this poem is surreal or not but it makes significantly less sense now than it did when I wrote it a few minutes ago so perhaps it is.

Yellow Umbrellas

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

29 thoughts on “Surreal Rhyming Nonsense”

  1. After I completely lost my mind
    it was no longer there for me to find.
    I prayed to God my mind to recover,
    and was told only for a lover.

    Liked by 2 people

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