49 thoughts on “Dream”

  1. LOVE these images! For me they illustrate the haziness of a dream after we awaken…and sometimes they don’t come back to us for several hours and they are hazy recollections….real? Not real? Dreamed? Imagined? Seen some other time? The mist in the illustrations is perfect for that hazy recollection we have! Well done!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Your words, succinct, condensed truth and essential question. Your images haunting and evocative. Absolutely gorgeous. How can you so effectively transport me in four short lines?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Smiles Frank Your Last Poem so
    inspiring the Dream that is Real
    in deed Finding out in Life in
    Hell That Yes Heaven
    is Real i was always
    there from
    Beginning of Life..
    Just didn’t know what
    the other place was fully like..:)

    Liked by 1 person

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