
There's symmetry as night greets day
And day greets evening’s light.
The virus flushed our breaths away.
It’s time to win that fight.
If I’m around when years go by
Remembering this time,
I’ll inhale breathing if I may
And offer one more rhyme.

Linked to Cosmic Photo Challenge where Dale offers the prompt “symmetrical”.

This past week I also read Kim M. Russell’s Joe and Nelly and wrote an Amazon review. I highly recommend this story about two children and their families during World War Two in London.

Also linked to dVerse Quadrille. Mish is hosting with the word “flush”.

I am also linking to Trent P. McDonald’s The Weekly Smile. Below are two more or less symmetrical versions of me wearing a T-shirt mask. These masks don’t take a lot of skill or materials to make (even I can do it). The broccoli sprouts that failed last week now sprout without molding. And so with two successful projects to brag about I have no reason not to smile.

Same Mask Different T-Shirts

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

51 thoughts on “Symmetrical”

  1. I’ve always admired your brevity, Frank , but this one shines. All the pieces fit, and the rhymes meld into the fabric of your message.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Can you imagine the tales today’s children will be telling their children one day?! We’ll all be remembering it in rhyme, no doubt!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wonderful, Frank. What a skylight! And if we didn’t write, we might have a harder time getting through this… You’ll b rhyming for a good while.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I enjoyed your poem, Frank. Such strange times we are living in. Well done on the T-shirt mask innovation. We have been told we have to wear masks all day when the office is re-opened. I am glad I can’t go back yet as I have a immuno-deficient child. I have heard you get rashes and other unpleasant side effects from wearing these masks all the time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The T-shirt mask may not work in the office, but maybe. I am not sure if one gets a rash or not with those other masks. I understand they can be reused. One can certainly reuse the T-shirt.

      Liked by 1 person

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