Endless Whining

Fly Away From Me
Endless whining - what a bore,
Unforgiven - evermore,
Not one whit better than before,
Grumbling, grumbling - such a chore.

Linked to Sammi Cox’s Weekend Writing Prompt. The challenge this week is to use some form of the word “endless” and exactly 18 words.


Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

20 thoughts on “Endless Whining”

  1. Ooooh, convicted again! It’s not like I enjoy “murmuring”…things just catch up with me, and when I’m overwhelmed I try to stay clear of others 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. 33 Percent Against the Devil
    33 Support Percent For the Devil
    33 Percent of Apathy Keeps ‘The Devil’
    Still Breathing
    Light is Dark
    Dark Is Light
    Most Damage
    If Only ‘They’ Would
    Get Out And Vote Now..;)

    Liked by 1 person

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