Songs One Can’t Forget – Flash Fiction

September Wild Flowers

“I hope the kids don’t remember that song you used to sing to them about the bird and the word.”

“I didn’t sing it for long. When they got older, I pretended to be the voice of their doll, Sweetie Baby.”

“You know, we still have that doll in case they ever want it.”

“It’s good to keep stuff like that. Actually some of those old songs aren’t any goofier than the ones they sing today. No wonder we’re all messed up.”

“At least the grand kids don’t know the song.”

“Unfortunately I sang it to them as well.”

Linked to Carrot Ranch’s September 10th Flash Fiction Challenge. Charli Mills offers the prompt to use something heard on the radio now or in the past.

September’s Yellow

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

26 thoughts on “Songs One Can’t Forget – Flash Fiction”

  1. Fun reminds me of some of the jokes my Dad (he should rest) liked to play on us when we were younger… like “Pull my finger” or that if you cut a PB&J sandwich in half – half the flavor was lost.

    I was surprised though that some of my home made lullabies were (at one point anyway) remembered by my own offspring.

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