Kid Gloves

Tree Roots

“You see how those trees hug the shore. They didn’t wear kid gloves to do that. They grabbed on with everything they had. You’re going to have to deal with Bernard the same way.”

“How many times do I have to tell him to stop drinking? He’s like a misshapen piece of fired pottery that can no longer change.”

“Those trees look unchangeably misshapen to me as well. The problem is not every tree that grabbed the shore was able to hold on long enough for strong roots to develop. 

“If Bernard doesn’t change he’ll fall off the shore.”

Linked to Carrot Ranch’s October 8 Flash Fiction Challenge where Charli Mills offers the them of “kid gloves” for these 99-word stories.

More Tree Roots

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

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