Thirteen Demons Sitting on the Wall

Fenced Trail
Lucky this or lucky that,
Luck as bad as that black cat
Cuddling, purring by my side,
Unlikely place for luck to hide.

Thirteen demons looking mean
Pretending that I haven't seen
Them cackling when they watch me frown.
Too bored to laugh, I stare them down.

It's not bad luck that made them fall.
They jumped like Humpty from the wall
And then they cracked.  Oops.  Breakfast time!
You're lucky. That's my final rhyme.

Linked to Chel Owens’ A Mused Poetry Contest where the theme is “bad luck” used humorously.

Allison Woods

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

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