Oasis – Six Sentence Story

Des Plaines River

Jim opened the certified package from his friend, Steve, whom he had not seen in fifty years. There was a letter and a copy of The Imitation of Christ that Jim gave Steve decades ago. Steve saw the book while sorting through boxes and decided to return it after finding Jim’s address.

A few months before receiving the package Jim wondered how his life veered off course getting lost in a moral dessert. How did he get from being a teenager who could attend Mass with joy to become an old man who barely had a clue?

Jim cautiously opened the worn book and began reading smelling the fresh air of an oasis amidst its aging pages.

Linked to Six Sentence Stories where Denise offers the prompt “oasis”.

Old Bench
GirlieOnTheEdge Denise Farley's six-sentence-stories icon
GirlieOnTheEdge Denise Farley’s six-sentence-stories icon

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

37 thoughts on “Oasis – Six Sentence Story”

  1. not only do the decades come together, they fly by! Seeems just yesterday there were leaves on the trees and hair on my head…but alas, both are bare! Happy Thanksgiving and what a great six this is.

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  2. “How did he get from being. . .to become. . .?” Reflecting on one’s life can be the first step in learning from the past and beginning to get back on course. It also helps when a friend follows a prompting to do something without even knowing what an impact that action might have. Thought provoking SSS.

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