Tears To Leave Behind

Growing in the Window Well
They're growing in a window well
where light is rarely seen.
Live on, persist, be bright and green,
or yellow hued for just a spell.

They offer us some hope and tell
us though pigheaded, willful, blind
there's grace abounding, sure and kind.
With thankful blessings everywhere
repent, reform, reach up and there
we'll leave our every tear behind.

Linked to Ronovan Writes Décima Poetry Challenge where the word “blind” is a rhyme word in the C lines of a décima with rhyme pattern ABBAACCDDC.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Plants in a Basement Window Well
Ronovan's Decima Poetry Challenge Image
Ronovan’s Decima Poetry Challenge Image

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

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