Art From Nature

Leaf and Water Drop

Linked to Cosmic Photo Challenge where Dale offers the theme of “art from nature”. The art here is the hook, trellis poles and grape arbor. Nature framed it.

Also linked to Trent P. McDonald’s The Weekly Smile. We moved back to Miami Beach, but could not get our internet re-connected for a couple of days. Everything seemed to go bananas and the excuse was always “covid”. Then the problems vanished after going to the cable provider’s offices personally, covid or no covid. I look at it as divine blessing. I did realize we need to prepare for extended periods without the internet. That realization was the source of my smile this week along with every opportunity to offer gratitude for blessings.

Art From Nature
Cosmic Photo Challenge

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

14 thoughts on “Art From Nature”

  1. I think everyone needs to practice being without the internet as much as possible – we rely too much on new technology. I never walk with a phone on me…. Of course we all need to look at the world with gratitude, and this last week being named after giving thanks, well…. 🙂 Enjoy Miami Beach – is it for the winter or forever?

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  2. It’s peculiar how deeply entrenched we are in tech (especially for those of us who are not particularly inclined in the first place). And it is experiences like yours that are poignant reminders of what we rely on.
    Hope you enjoy your time in Miami Beach.

    Liked by 1 person

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