Snappers’ Choice


When Alice saw the rabbit hole,
she wondered: “Do I dare to go?”
She went. Praise God. Raise gratitude.
She found her winding way back home.

Linked to Cosmic Photo Challenge where Dale offers the theme of “snappers’ choice”, or photos of my own choosing. These are pictures taken about a week ago near the beach.

Also linked to Trent P. McDonald’s The Weekly Smile. I was thinking this past week of Matthew 6:13, And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. (NIV)

I smiled when I thought the temptation from the evil one might be for me to get my own way (or its way) when instead I should be rejecting it. When I do get my own way, that is, when my own will was done, I wondered if that were also His will for me? And that made me suspicious of the lyrics in the song, I Did It My Way.

Ahh! Going down that rabbit hole made me smile all the more with gratitude as things started to make sense from that context. Now to find my way back home.

Post and Rope

Crystal Grimes is hosting a Holiday Blogging Party to which I am linking this post. May all of you have a blessed Hanukkah and a merry Christmas.

Cosmic Photo Challenge

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

12 thoughts on “Snappers’ Choice”

  1. Very much love the photo–to me, a beach is restful and the green is HOPE; also love your poem, as I’m a great “Alice” fan. Thy will vs. my will is ever a question with variables: did I pray? have an ‘agenda’? was it about me, or on behalf of someone else? There’s a popular phrase: “not all of our ‘great ideas’ are GOD Ideas”. And finally, I was never a Sinatra fan, and didn’t care for the song–though it could be argued that doing it ‘my’ way might be about following the Holy Spirit’s leading, rather than the world’s. Is this too long a comment? 🙂 Blessings on your week, Frank–it’s beginning to sound a lot like Christmas!

    Oh, PS: Dr Tony Evans has a new book out that sounds really good: GOD HIMSELF. I heard him speak on TBN’s “Praise” program last night, and was “amen-ing” everything he said. Essentially–God is Sovereign and if we follow His rules things will go better for us–individually, and as a Church, and nation.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good point about the Sinatra song. “My way” could be the Holy Spirit’s way done in opposition to the world. Thinking of it like that, I would rather do it my way. Then the song takes on a positive meaning.

      Thank you for the recommendation for Tony Evan’s book. I will keep him in mind and look for his videos or posts.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. An engaging & thought-provoking reflection, Frank. I appreciate how you’ve taken us on a ride from Alice to Frank (Sinatra) as you consider a weighty subject – all familiar, yet fresh considerations through your lenses; extremely appropriate ruminations in this 3rd week of Advent – thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

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