Sunday Walk 22

Full Moon Sun Set

Last week following David Pawson’s Practicing the Principles of Prayer when I felt an emotional alarm go off I prayed for guidance. The emotion seemed rationally justified, but was it really?

Then I opened a post by Michael Wilson. Preoccupied by the emotion I wasn’t paying attention to his words until I saw the following quote which I couldn’t ignore:

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
Galatians 5:22-23 King James Version

My prayer was answered. The emotion vanished as a false alarm.

There are some who would be eager to explain prayer away or, barring that, smother it in New Age sentimentality. I’ve been deceived by both in the past. I wonder how much power they still have over me.

Light From Moon and Streetlight

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

13 thoughts on “Sunday Walk 22”

  1. Great post (and I especially love the closing photo!). I can’t imagine Not praying…even if I’m not always doing so “correctly”–I doubt God is overly concerned about the “how” or even the “what” we pray sometimes–He looks at our heart, sees our motivation to connect with Him and His will. I may get Pawson’s book on Principle of Prayer.

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    1. Although I have Pawson’s book it is also a series of lectures (or sermons) which are available on YouTube. I like being able to hold a book and move more slowing through the writing. Pawson claims there is something distinct about Christian prayer. I just realized I may have to read the book again. Thank you, Jael!


      1. I mostly use YouTube for songs I want to share on the blog–and I’m more comfortable with holding a book too 🙂 I wonder what the “something distinct” is about Christian prayer–maybe because we’re praying to the One True God, not gods of other religions? Anyway, I’m set to order the book next month (I need to make a dent in my Christmas spending!). You’re most welcome always, Frank 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. What’s distinct is that when we pray there are at least four persons involved: ourselves, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. We also do it with all the saints (we pray to our Father) and the angels. Some of those angels are demonic. They are the evil ones that we pray to be delivered from.

          That is how I see it at the moment. Other religions do not have an Other to pray to (such as Buddhism) or if so, it is one other god who may be more of a force than a person with a mind, heart and will.


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