Sunday Walk 23

Leaves Against White Wall

David Pawson claimed (Book of Revelation, Part 1, about 8:30) that there are two books of the Bible that Satan particularly doesn’t like: Genesis and Revelation. In Genesis Satan’s deceptive practices are exposed. In Revelation his downfall is prophesied – Jesus wins; Satan loses. In particular the first few chapters of Genesis and the last ones of Revelation cause Satan the most grief.

Pawson also suggested that we read Scripture aloud. I have noticed that when I hear myself reading something aloud, it becomes clearer. At the very least reading something aloud makes it difficult for me to skim over the words.  I don’t want to skim over those parts of Genesis and Revelation that annoy Satan the most.


Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

9 thoughts on “Sunday Walk 23”

  1. Yes, Satan knows that in the end he will be defeated. There’s nothing he can do about it. I agree with you about reading aloud, it forces you to concentrate more on the words. Have a blessed Sunday, Frank.

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  2. Great post! And I agree that reading the Bible aloud is very helpful–since I visualize God being beside me as I read, we talk in between passages 🙂 Satan is a fierce adversary–doesn’t matter that his defeat is a done-deal, he enjoys taking as many with him as possible. Which reminds me…I need prayer, thanks in advance 🙂 God bless your week, Brother (yes, I pray for you too!).

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