Sunday Walk 46 – Salt and Light

I am grateful to Cassa Bassa for a reference to a lecture by David Pawson on salt and light as mentioned in Matthew 5:13-16. I found a version of it which I am linking below.

As Pawson says, we live in “a world of dirt and disease and darkness” without salt and without light (about 21:20).

We are the salt that fertilizes the dirt. We are the salt that prevents disease from spreading. We are the light showing the way through the darkness. We are the light pointing out the ways of the world to avoid.

If the salt becomes contaminated with the ways of the world, of what use is it? If the lamp refuses to shine for those who have lost their way, why light it?

Weekly Bible Reading: Exodus (Audio: King James Version read by Alexander Scourby) Leviticus (Audio: King James Version read by Alexander Scourby)
Commentary: David Pawson, Exodus, Part 2 of 2Leviticus, Part 1 of 2, Unlocking the Bible

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

11 thoughts on “Sunday Walk 46 – Salt and Light”

  1. Let us be the salt of the earth … different and not conforming to the patterns of this world but being the light so God’s standards are raised. Thanks for blessings us today!

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