Verve – Décima

The foolish ones presume to know
but they’ve no grounds to say what’s true
denying Truth, an odd worldview.
Consistency’s the first to go.
Coherence fails to save their show.
Unfortunately filled with nerve
they preach their faithless thoughts with verve.
Then demons sugarcoat their grim
conceptions as their minds grow dim
forgetting Whom they’re here to serve.

Ronovan Hester offers the rhyme word “verve” to be used in the C-line of a décima having rhyme pattern ABBAACCDDC for this week’s challenge. I am thinking of Psalm 14.

Ronovan's Decima Poetry Challenge Image
Ronovan’s Decima Poetry Challenge Image
Rocks, Dirt and Darkness
Rocks, Dirt and Darkness

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

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