Hook – Décima

With freeze and thaw of wintry woes
some fear the still-life’s gonna die.
Why spin the news so fast that I
can see the lies beneath fresh snows?

There is the Lamb that heaven shows,
the One who can unseal the book.
The losing side will try to hook
the world with sorrows. Persevere.
The sea of glass and fire comes here
with victory and praising. Look!

Ronovan Hester offers the rhyme word “hook” to be used in a C-line of a décima having rhyme pattern ABBAACCDDC for this week’s challenge. Eugenia offers the theme “still-life” as her prompt this week. A commentary on Revelation by Michael Rood was on my mind especially verse 15:2 which he kept referring to.

Autumn Park
Autumn Park

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

24 thoughts on “Hook – Décima”

  1. Oh Frank, this is knock-me-over GOOD! Ages ago I used to write the classical poetry forms…but I don’t have the energy anymore–so it’s a joy to read your work, and of course I Love the subject matter!! Have a blessed weekend!

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