Exploration 84 – Yehováh, Not Yahweh

Some people pronounce the divine name in the Bible represented by the four Hebrew letters, yud-hey-vav-hey, YHVH, יְהוָ֤ה, as “Yahweh”, but is that correct?

The following are some arguments in favor of Yehováh (accent marked on the last syllable to distinguish it from “Jehovah”) as the divine name.

  • Benjamin Andreessen in a recent post to his Hebrew Shalom MeWe group noted that Nehemia Gordon found manuscripts with full vowel pointings and cantillation marks for the divine name Yehováh. He also gives a brief history starting with the Samaritans and leading to Gesenius for why Yahweh might even be considered today as a possible ancient pronunciation suggesting there is not enough evidence to support it.
  • Navah provides an explanation favoring the Yehováh pronunciation and an explanation why the Hebrew letter vav would have been pronounced in ancient times with a “v” rather than a “w” sound as it is done by many Hebrew speakers today. He takes a different view of Gesenius than Gordon does.
  • The following video summarizes Al Garza’s argument for Yehováh.
Jewish Sources for Pronouncing YHVH, Dr. Al Garza

Here are arguments favoring “Yahweh”.

  • Justin J. Van Rensburg created fifteen video responses to Gordon (see the Hebrew Gospels). His arguments are based on “ketiv qere perpetuum” explained in video 3, that some readings of the vowel pointings are gibberish explained in video 5 and a claim that the vav had a “w” pronunciation in ancient times in video 15.
  • Brown-Driver-Briggs constructed vowel pointings for the Yahweh sound, but that assumes the vav had a “w” sound in ancient times and the visible vowel pointings in the Masoretic text were faulty. They also used the JEDP documentary hypothesis to classify the evidence. Since I maintain that Moses wrote most of the Torah, I find what they have to say suspicious.

If anyone has more information, or a strong opinion one way or the other, you are welcome to comment.

There is a third position presented by the International Alliance of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues Steering Committee (One Law, Two Sticks, 1-15-2014, page 10) : The problem with praying to God by His so-called “sacred name,” was that nobody was really quite sure what it was. Some said it was “Jehovah,” while others decided it was “Yahweh,” and there were other forms as well. This position would prefer a title such as Lord or Adonai than a specific name.

Until recently this third position was the one I followed saying “May the Lord bless you” rather than may Yahweh or Yehováh bless you. However, it raises the question: Should I be invoking a title when the Hebrew text offers an explicit name?

This issue concerns me because I have unwittingly believed things that I later wished I had not. Until I read Andreessen discuss the “Yahweh heresy” and its suspected origins in “liberal Theology” I had no problem with the ancient Yahweh pronunciation although I didn’t use it. Now I wonder whether the introduction of Yahweh a couple of centuries ago had been part of a larger deception. I don’t want to be fooled any more.

In the video below Nehemia Gordon provided evidence for the divine name being Yehováh citing 16 rabbis who explicitly stated that the correct vowels were sheva, cholam, and kamatz. He did not find anywhere in the database of historical Jewish documents the name Yahweh (about 29:00 in the video). This is the view I now favor.

Weekly Parashah Readings
Parashah: Tzav 16 Adar II, 5782 – March 19, 2022
Torah: Leviticus 6:1 – 8:36
Haftarah: Jeremiah 7:21-28; Jeremiah 9:22-23
Brit Chadashah: Hebrews 7:24 – 8:6
Resources: Chabad, Hebrew4Christians, Weekly Torah Readings, Calendar

Fallen Palm Branch

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

133 thoughts on “Exploration 84 – Yehováh, Not Yahweh”

      1. A simple Jewish response to the Trinity Truth religious propaganda.
        The Pauling doctrine of ”Original Sin”, the perversion of Adam eating the forbidden fruit, it also learns the ‘generational curse’ Exodus 34:7 . What a bunch of religious trash.

        The Torah opens with the aggadic story of Adam eating the forbidden fruits. This aggadic mussar comes to teach the concept of g’lut/exile, applicable to all generations of the bnai brit people. Reading an aggadic story —- ‘literally’ —- compares to a 2 year old teaching Calculus to adults. Torah commands mussar. Mussar defines the meaning and intent of all prophesy as codified within the Hebrew T’NaCH. The idiotic notion, that a man could ”fulfill” Torah commandments, directly returns to the brain dead stupidity of that 2 year old teaching Calculus to adults.

        Why idiotic brain dead stupid? Xtians need to get their minds out of their enclosed domesticated cages. They need to stop behaving like silly hamsters running no-where on a treadmill, while declaring to any and all who will listen,,, that they are Saved.

        The church denies the revelation of the Oral Torah. Irregardless of the FACT that all the Books of the T’NaCH prophets, as well as the much later Talmudic codifications stand upon this basic foundation!!!

        Logic stands upon this foundation — Order. The 13 attributes of mercy, Exodus 34:6,7 — the fact stands out like the Sun on a cloudless summer day, these attributes have no clear word definition. What distinguishes mercy from grace, or grace from long suffering etc etc etc. The 13 attribute pronouns of the Name revealed in the 1st Commandment @ Sinai — they exist as רוח הקודש Spirits — N O T — words. Something like trying to describe the difference between the colors of green and red to a person born blind!

        The early church fathers rejected the concept of רוח הקודש Spirits of the Divine Name – revealed in the first Sinai commandment. They favored Paul’s silly ‘Original Sin’ guilt trip. Their theology thereafter affixed “it” to the last of the 13th attribute pronouns of\or on the Name – Exodus 34:7. Their false idiotic reasoning goes like this: Adam sinned and brought death to all mankind. Jesus obeyed the Will of his father, died and rose again from the dead. Therefore the ‘good news’ of all Xtian theology preaching stands upon the ridiculous belief conclusion, that the resurrection of Jesus negated the original sin of Adam.

        So the church rejected the Torah concept of רוח הקודש. What did the church fathers do with this key Torah concept??? Their silly theology transformed the Holy Spirit into the mystery of the Triune Godhead dogma. All church going believers must believe the Holy Spirit dogma, incorporated into their infamous Nicene Creed dictate.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank you for your comments, mosckerr. Next week I plan to write on the oral Torah from Nehemia Gordon’s perspective. I have included links to some short videos by Rabbi Berel Wein on JewishHistory.org. I wonder if you have other video sources of information that favor the oral Torah?

          I am trying to distinguish between רוח הקודש and the Holy Spirit. Hopefully that will be the subject of another post, but I don’t understand the differences at the moment.


          1. To appreciate the distinction between the Hebrew term רוח הקודש and the Xtian term ‘holy spirit’, this fundamental distinction requires learning the contexts of the East\West ‘Great Schism’ in 1054 wherein the Eastern Church and the western church, both decreed each Patriarch unto damnation.

            Obviously both the East and West churches reject רוח הקודש, Rabbi Akiva’s פרדס understanding which explains 13 tohor Oral Torah middot revelation, as logic. This logic revelation and only this logic revelation HaShem revealed to Moshe as the Way to interpret the Written Torah revelation revealed earlier to all Israel at Sinai. This Oral Torah logic format defines the revelation of רוח הקודש at Horev. Both divided branches of the house of Xtianity reject the revelation of the Oral Torah to Moshe the prophet learned from the verse 6,7 in שמות לד:ו,ז. The divided church agreed among themselves that verse 7 reference’s Paul’s doctrine of Original Sin, which the divided church refers to as ‘the generational curse’. Adam’s sin of eating the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, according to church theological dogma, it introduced death to all Adam’s children. JeZeus, his resurrection from the dead “obedience”to the will of his father, contrasts with the sin of Adam. That obedience, it restores life back to the souls of all Adam’s seed. Herein defines the Xtian ‘good news’ theology doctrine established by the pre-Great Schism church.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Many scholars and what not, debate to this very day the foolish errors that that worthless corporal made, which brought eternal disgrace upon Germany and all European civilizations. But, if I might express a personal opinion, it seems to me that the greatest blessing from HaShem, blown upon all humanity in general and the Jewish people in particular, an idea spouted within the heart of that gross barbaric Hun, the theologic belief Dogma, that Germany had won the war after the fall of France.

              https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skrdyoabmgA&t=4s DARKEST HOUR
              https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eml6lxlmjY DAY OF INFAMY

              Listen to the speeches given by the leaders of the Free World, at the moment of crisis disaster and defeat. The leadership shown by these great leaders of humanity, despite their many flaws of character, utterly inspiring. Both men, prove beyond any doubt that the vain silly corporal, dressed up as a SIEG HEIL dick-tator – utterly wrong. Germany most emphatically had not won the war after the capture of Paris and the Fall of France to the Nazi Armies.

              Prior to the 1st Crusade Pogroms which completely decimated Jewish refugee populations within the German States. In many if not most cases, most of the first millennium of g’lut, Jews did not behave as brow beaten dogs who approached Xtian Goyim, with our tails tucked between our legs and peeing all over ourselves. But following the extermination of the Jews in Germany by the Catholic Church, post first Crusades g’lut Jewish refugees, cowed – we ceased to look our cruel Xtian over lords eye to eye.

              The following millennium of g’lut, after Xtians knocked the living shit out of the Jewish people, our rabbinic leaders behaved as cowed dogs before their ‘fascist’ Catholic and Protestant master\over-lords/. The Shoah, it only culminated the horrors which g’lut Jewry witnessed and experience for 2000+ years. Europe, just like Egypt in the days of Moshe the prophet, its leaders could care a less about justice. The obligation make restoration of damages inflicted upon the dignity of victims, never caused these crude brutes to lose a wink of sleep.

              Post Shoah, and the Independence of Israel – a completely different spirit burns within the hearts of Israelis who rule the Jewish homelands. Both Xtianity and Islam … like that SIEG HEIL corporal … they assumed that the Roman capture of Jerusalem and the exile of most Jews from Judea, sold as slaves, that the Jewish people had surrendered and given up the fight.

              Post Shoah, the shoe of g’lut, its now worn on the other foot. Jews rule and govern the Jewish state and Xtianity rots in exile, waiting for the 2nd coming of their silly god. Stateless Arab Balestinians, they moan over a never existed homeland nation state! Folks who have read some of my posts, they might have noticed my strong criticism of Reshonim leadership. The influence of the Reshonim Torah and Talmudic scholarship dominates the Yeshiva schools across Israel and g’lut Jewish societies to this very hour.

              But a new spirit has germinated and budded within the hearts of many Israelis like myself. The rise of the Jewish State ends the free ride enjoyed by Goyim sub-human barbarian ape-men. The Jewish people have our own Army and will not tolerate again the mass butchery of unarmed chattel. Xtianity and Islam, the War made against the Torah and the Jewish People, neither over — nor have you won that War. Make no mistake, the War Crimes perpetuated and repeated over and again, Jewish blood cries out from the ground. The blood of Abel cried unto HaShem for justice. The living spirit of the Jewish people, HaShem has revived from the dead. Just as did the Spirit of HaShem breath into clay, and that clay there after did breath the breath of life. Israel breaths with a new heart and soul, the mussar commanded by our prophets.

              צדיק צדיק תרדוף defines the faith of the Israeli Torah Constitutional Republic. The yoke of building the Beit Hamikdash, the designated mitzvah of the Moshiach, we Israelis swear an oath לשמה, to restore the 6 Cities of Refuge, meaning the cities of g’lut for bnai brit דיני נפשות criminals; the משנה תורה\legislative Review/ (the Talmud teaches, this משנה תורה expresses itself through Aggadic scholarship). All laws passed by the Knesset Parliament in Jerusalem, the Great Sanhedrin has a obligation to review their prophetic mussar k’vanna. Prophetic mussar tohor middot, this Spirit breaths the k’vanna into the ritual forms of halachah. These tohor spirits transform rabbinic rituals into positive time oriented commandments straight from the Torah.

              Passed Knesset legislation, exists as the forms of law or “דרבנן”. But the substance of prophetic mussar spirits, blown into these laws through Aggadic research — דאורייתא. Based upon the mitzva of HaShem blowing the life spirit Neshamah into Adam Ha’Reshon, which transformed clay tablets of stone into Man. The oath brit sworn לשמה, the obligation to remember the slavery of Par’o; the brit obligation to rule the oath sworn lands with righteous justice. Through the lateral common law Sanhedrin Federal court system. The constructed Beit Hamikdash, made with no tools of iron or carpenter fashioned stones. In obedience to Torat Moshe’s commandment, which instructs how to build an altar, holy to HaShem לשמה.


              1. Reeves addresses Exodus 34:7 dogma known as the ‘Generational Curse’, based upon the Pauline doctrine ‘guilt trip’, Original Sin. Such baloney. The expulsion of Adam, the story of Noach and the Ark, the decree that Avram’s future born seed would endure slavery in a foreign land … they all refer to the decree of g’lut\exile. The 6 Cities of Refuge they serve as places of exile a person goes who accidentally murders.


                1. For 17 years Yaacov thought that Yosef had died, killed by a wild animal. This made the sale of Josef to Egypt as case similar to accidental murder. The sons of Israel therefore moved to Egyptian “‘””exile””””!


  1. I can see where the most ancient texts were pronounced differently. It happens in many languages. The Italian C in Caesar and in pace in ancient Roman times have succumbed to more popular pronunciations in recent times. In fact, as early as Cicero, he was correcting pronunciation, grammar, and usage to homogenize the language and avoid the sprouting of dialects. Most people would prefer the original pronunciation, I would think. Here’s the thing. If you run into a person whose name you aren’t sure how to pronounce, you can do 1 of 2 things: Mispronounce his name or call him by his title. I imagine some would ASK for the correct pronunciation, but unless God talks to you audibly, you will only get interpretations from other experts.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Strictly forbidden for the mouth of Man to arrogantly presume that the Spirit of HaShem רוח הקודש exists as a word that the lips can pronounce. Attempts to pervert the רוח הקןדש Name of HaShem into some translated word – – herein defines the golden calf where Aaron translated the Name to the word אלהים.


      1. Where is it strictly forbidden “to arrogantly presume that the Spirit of HaShem רוח הקודש exists as a word that the lips can pronounce”, mosckerr?

        Aaron created an idol. He did not translate a name. The analogy is weak.


        1. No the Torah teaches through משל\נמשל דיוקים. Weak … that’s to say that after 10 plagues, the splitting of the Sea of Reeds, and the revelation of HaShem @ Sinai, that 40 days after these Great wonders that Israel would say of a calf forged by Aaron that that calf caused all the previous wonders!!! That’s weak.

          But if you understand the parable/משל of the golden calf with its נמשל of Aaron translating the Name revelation of the 1st Commandment to a word אלהים. This mussar teaches a strong rebuke against the Xtian bible translations and the koran which make the exact and identical error that Aaron made!!!!


          1. Where does the Torah say that it teaches through parables?

            Aaron’s golden calf idolatry sounds more like an excuse for the rabbinic tradition of hiding the divine name. It is not even a relevant parable justifying that rabbinic prohibition.


            1. If you reject the משל\נמשל foundation, then you must equally reject the JeZeus instruction through parables. The Torah does not “hide” the Divine Name Frank. The Xtian bible on the other hand expunges the Divine Name from its bible translations.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. I appreciate your use of the word JeZeus to represent Constantine’s transformation of Christianity. However, His name was Yeshua. If YeHoVaH (or Yeshua, His Son, the Messiah) is speaking in parables, they are to be taken seriously. If some rabbi speaks in parables, they need to be carefully examined as any opinion of man would have to be.

                If the Divine Name is visible, what is it with all vowel pointings? I would agree with Nehemia Gordon that the Divine Name is YeHoVaH. I may be wrong, but it is the best that I know of at the moment. There is no need to use “Lord” or “HaShem” except not to scandalize others.


                1. The Greek gospels called their star actor: Jesus. Sorry do as i say but not as I do, carries no weight with me. You can not apply two different scales of measurement, one for the Roman gospel forgery and the other for the Torah.

                  The vowel pointings … grammer done by Reshonim scholars of the Middle Ages. HaShem means “The Name”. When Jews da’aven from the Siddur and come to the Name, we do not pronounce it, but instead say “Adonoi”, first used in about the 12th Century. It basically means master or lord.

                  David refers to Saul as “my lord the king,” and he uses the term Adonai. Abner refers to David in the same way. Some of Elisha’s followers use the term Adonai to refer to Elisha. It would be more accurate to say that Adonai is used as a description of God or as a title of respect, rather than a name in the proper sense.

                  David would have had no problem addressing God as “Adonai” and then addressing Saul as “Adonai” as well—no one would have been confused by that, just as no one today thinks that referring to the English poet as “Lord Byron” ascribes deity to him.

                  Liked by 1 person

                    1. Good. I am glad you admit that there is a correct pronunciation. It has not been forgotten. I think Nehemia Gordon has found the correct pronunciation or at least the best pronunciation that I know at the moment.


                    2. Of course there’s a way of to accomplish the mitzva. The Torah commands that the Cohen HaGadol do this mitzvah on Yom Kippor. I “admit” that the Torah commands a commandment.


                    3. No Frank their exists no correct pronunciation of the Name. Spirit is not a word. How then did the Cohen Ha’Gadol pronounce the Name on Yom Kippor? He blew the Spirit of the Name. How he did this mitzvah – that’s a hidden kabbalah not revealed to non brit Goyim who do not recognize the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai @ Horev.

                      You oppose the codification of the Sanhedrin Case/Rule rulings made by Rabbi Yechuda ha’Nasi b/c you claim that this either Adds to or Subtracts from the Torah.

                      But you admit that the Books of the Prophets and the Books of the Holy Writings that they do not Add to the Torah or Subtract from the Torah. Why? Answer: the NaCH Books teach mussar just as does the Torah Books.

                      Your revisionist new testament on the other hand does not obey this strict criteria. Your revisionist Roman fraudulent history teaches history rather than mussar. Therefore these totally unproven texts, the earliest known manuscripts written in Greek not Hebrew, in point of fact, they both Add to the Torah and also Subtract from the Torah. Xtianity preaches a “new Israel” replacement theology.

                      You realize the fundamental flaw of the new testament fraud – that it comes from Goyim sources and qualifies as a “wolf dressed in sheep clothing”. Therefore you insist that ancient Hebrew manuscripts originally codified the new testament revisionist history.

                      But you can not prove through physical evidence that Herod murdered babies just as you can not prove with physical evidence that JeZeus ever physically lived.

                      Torah does not teach mythology … that’s a Greek faith not a Torah faith. Torah teaches mussar through Aggadah. The Talmud too teaches mussar through Aggadah. Mussar does not depend upon the discovery of ancient manuscripts. But revisionist fraudulent history DOES.


                    4. Ya think LOL that goes back to question … Who are you Frank? This question applies equally to myself and any one else who wants to make assertions based on personal preferences. Something like do you like your food spicy or just plain salt and pepper condiments.

                      Plenty folks before you recognized the Achilles’ heel new testament. Hence the church “added” (obviously the commandment not to add or subtract does not apply to the church LOL) a bit to Josephus’s Jewish War to promote their revisionist JeZeus history. The same applies to the Shroud of Turin fraud.


                    5. The Church has added all kinds of things from feasts to commandments and excommunicated and persecuted people it should not have excommunicated or persecuted. I am not denying that. My claim is that rabbinic Judaism has done pretty much the same.


                    6. Frank as a Goy who has zero education in the Torah in the original language/Hebrew, and who has never studied any of the Jewish primary sources of law based upon the Torah, your opinion that lumps the משנה תורה\דברים with the other 4 Books of the Torah does not come off as a scholarly interpretation. Again nothing personal but ya simply lack the credentials, as does Gordon, or any other karaite alien for that matter.

                      A scholar starts off by validating the research on a particular question made prior to that scholars additional research on that same topic.

                      Gordon’s failure to address the biblical calendar dispute 2000 or more years ago pretty much bankrupts what he has to say. Something like trying to re-create the wheel.


                2. Refer to the counterfeit Roman gospels and its star fictional character JeZeus b/c the Romans worshiped the ancient Greek pantheon of Gods. And the Romans commissioned the writing of the new testament forgeries.

                  Liked by 1 person

                  1. We are in agreement that at the Council of Nicaea Constantine joined paganism with Christianity.

                    However, we are not in agreement that the early Messianic believers (as distinct from Constantine Christians) did not have original Hebrew texts. They did not create “forgeries”. These are your presuppositions which I do not accept nor have you adequately argued for. My evidence in favor of them, which convinces me, are the Hebrew manuscripts I have already referenced.


                    1. OK to your claimed disagreement. But to me its all pie in the sky. Claims of hebrew manuscripts make no rational sense b/c Paul opposed such non sense. LOL


              1. I asked where in the Torah, not in the Talmud or Midrashim. It is the Talmud and Midrashim that I am questioning.

                I don’t mind people writing commentaries. I do mind that those commentaries are considered on equal authority with the Torah.


                1. My explanation of chapter 6 of Parshat צו serves as proof straight from the משנה תורה and the prophet ירמיה.


                    1. דברים
                      Its the 5th Book of the Torah LOL The Rambam named his statute code Mishnah Torah but Jews who despise this utter arrogance refer to it as the Sefer Yad ha-Hazaka, as your wikipedia source openly states. You told me that you don’t trust Wiki. How come you bring wiki and thereby confuse the name of דברים also Moshe referred to this Book within the language of דברים as the משנה תורה. The commandment addressed to the king to write this משנה תורה comes straight from the Book of דברים. Review chapter 5 of צו.


                    2. I accept דברים as part of the Torah. I do not accept Rambam’s writings as part of the Torah. What Rambam wrote may be accurate and good advice, but it is not at the level of the Torah.

                      I use Wikipedia because you seemed to trust it. I won’t use it going forward.

                      I don’t know what you are referring to by “chapter 5 of צו”. Send me a link where I can read this, perhaps from Sefaria. I do read in Deuteronomy 4:2 not to add or subtract from the Torah. Oral Torah does precisely that. It sets up an alternative Torah. “You shall not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.” NASB https://haktuvim.co.il/en/study/Deut.4


                    3. Rambam lived 7 hundred years AFTER the sages sealed the Babylonian Talmud. The latter exists as a common law legal system. The former exists as a statute law system. The latter exists as a codification of judicial rulings made prior to the destruction of the 2nd Commonwealth by the Romans written by the Nasi of the Great Sanhedrin. The former established the religion of Judaism during the early Middle Ages.


                    4. Both Ramdam’s writings and the Talmud are on the same level. They are commentaries on the Torah. I can take them or leave them, much as I can take or leave what the early Church fathers had to say or what I hear in a modern sermon. They are the writings of man. Some of their advice is worth taking but it is not an alternate Torah. It is not a separate measure. Again this is how I view the Karaite position, but I am a non-Jewish Messianic believer. I am not a Karaite since I accept Yeshua as the Messiah.


                    5. Based upon what Frank? No. The Rambam code exists as a commentary to the Talmud. The Mishnah codifies the rulings made by the Sanhedrin prior to g’lut by the Romans.

                      Neither this nor that apply to you in any way. The gospels are writings of man Frank.


                    6. LOL you confuse the Rambam code with the Book of דברים. I have never brought any halacha from the Rambam’s statute law code.


                    7. This is Deuteronomy 17:18 “Now it shall come about when he sits on the throne of his kingdom, he shall write for himself a copy of this law on a scroll in the presence of the Levitical priests.


                2. The Talmud and Midrashim function as codifications of Sanhedrin common law. A commentary does not qualify as something on par not with the משנה תורה of דברים, nor with the Case\Rule codes of Sanhedrin common law as expressed through the Mishnah and Gemarah.


                3. As a proof that Gordan’s foreign alien religion makes him no different that all other Goyim who worship avodah zarah\אלהים אחרים/, the Talmud and Midrashim function as codifications of Sanhedrin Case/Rule common law established by Moshe the prophet himself in his lifetime based upon the advice given to him by his father-in-law Yitro, to which Moshe accepted.

                  @the sin of the Golden Calf, Israel murdered all members of the Sanhedrin except for Aaron. The Book of במדבר, the 4th Book of the Torah, Moshe chose 70 other Judges.

                  Eldad and Medad, to of the promoted Sanhedrin judges appointed by Moshe, experienced a vision that gave them an insight that Moshe would die in the wilderness.

                  The Torah, its as clear as the Sun in the sky on a cloudless day, that Moshe established the Sanhedrin Court. On his last day before he died, Moshe established 3 of the small Sanhedrin Federal Courts in the 3 cities of refuge on the other side of the Jordan.

                  Gordan and his worthless ilk reject the Written Torah while all the while they claim to only accept the Written Torah. This do as I say but not as I do Bunk, totally not accepted by the sages of Israel. The Torah commands the negative commandment which forbids having two sets of scales employed to cheat others.


                  1. Moshe did set up people to judge disputes (Exodus 18). He did not authorize them to add to or substract from the Torah.

                    You are cheating others by promoting alternate torahs to supplement the Written Torah which is the only Torah. That is how I hear Gordon’s complaint against rabbinic Judaism. I would also level his complaint against Christian churches which come up with alternate feasts from those in Leviticus 23.


                4. Rejoice with me, Israeli Independence Day.  Jewish Independence from the cursed status of stateless refugee populations crushed and oppressed by our Goyim enemies.

                  Only a few times does a Parshah close in a סוגיה within a larger פרק which continues in the ensuing Parshah.  Parshat צו flows directly into Parshat שציני, which in its turn the two Parshaot thereafter תזריע and מצורע, they separate and punctuate Parshat אחרי מות – the Parshah of the Torah read on Yom Kippur.  The closing סוגיה of Parshat צו: ח:א – לו.

                  The negative commandment that forbids possession or employment of two different sets or types of measurements, used to deceive and cheat the public.  This commandment efficiently differentiates between tohor and tumah spirits within the heart of Man.  

                  The tumah spirit employs religious belief systems and separates as preferable one belief system over other belief systems.  Consequently the negative commandment that forbids employment of two different scales of judgment abhors all “I believe” belief systems as the definition of avodah zarah worship of אלהים אחרים.

                  Both Xtianity and Islam established calendars by which they determined the seasons wherein they worshipped their Gods.  Yet the Tzeddukim, and their bastard child Karaites, both perversely challenge the authority of the Sanhedrin courts, the authority of these courts established by Moshe himself, to establish a Jewish calendar by which Jews observe the seasons and the times of our Shabbot and Yom Tov seasons.

                  The fundamental flaw of all “I believe” belief systems, the proponents of this avodah zarah, they cannot persuasively argue opposing opinions, held dear by others – who challenge the values of the  “I believe” cult fanatics.   The war crimes and senseless murder, violence, and oppression – “I believe” cult fanatic guilt – it weighs upon the souls of all the descendent generations of the worshippers of these religious abominations.

                  This reality sums up both Xtianity and Islam following the Shoah.  The Shoah term does not limit itself to Jewish stateless refugee populations scattered across Europe, the Middle East and North Africa for 2000+ years.  The term ‘Shoah” describes all religious war criminal oppressions. 

                  The Turkish slaughter of the Armenians or Belgium’s king Leopold ll, his cruel torture mutilations and slaughter of Congo blacks for profit.  Both of these specific examples serve as ignoble proof by which the Torah, through the Sanhedrin Courts, denounces and condemns the spiritual tumah filth, that contaminates and rots the souls of all members of the “I believe” religions, whose sheeple worship אלהים אחרים.

                  The Sanhedrin Courts declares War against these אלהים אחרים, based upon the oath britot sworn @ Gilgal (the Order of the Rashi tefillin) and @ Sh’Cem (the Order of the Rabbeinu Tam tefillin).  Goyim rejects the mitzvah of tefillin.  This eternal war – this mitzvah of tefillin – obeys the Torah commandment to fight, uproot, and obliterate the memory of Amalek from this world, which Jews remember and dedicate on the mitzvah דאורייתא of reading the Megillah of Esther on Purim, one month before Pesach.  Herein explains the hostility of Goyim against Jews.   Goyim worship אלהים אחרים.  Goyim rejects the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai @ Horev, just as they reject the mitzvah of tefillen. 

                  Herein understand the Talmudic instruction within מנחות, which teaches that the mitzvah of tefillen compares to a Sefer Torah.  The first commandment of the revelation of HaShem @ Sinai, it commands Israel to remember the war against Egypt; specifically the conflict by which HaShem judged the Gods of Egypt “through” Par’o. 

                  The mitzvah of tefillin marches this faith and makes war against אלהים אחרים worshiped “through” Xtianity and Islam.   Just as Moshe made war against the Gods of Egypt, and Yehoshua made war against the Gods of Canaan; so too Israel makes war against the Gods worshiped “through” both Xtianity and Islam.   Monotheism violates the 2nd commandment of the Torah revelation @ Sinai.

                  This closing סוגיה of Parshat צו, instructs the eternal mussar of anointing the House of Aaron as the Moshiach of the chosen Cohen nation.  Goyim jealousy resents that HaShem chose Israel as the chosen Cohen nation, just as Cain held a grudge against his brother.  The k’vanna of anointing the Moshiach, to make war against אלהים אחרים.
                  וישם עליו אל החשן ויתן אל החשן את האורים ואת התמים.

                  What defines these war powers?  They learn from the precedent established by the prophet Bil’am.  The power to bless or curse.  Goyim who declare a curse upon Israel, those Goyim become cursed by HaShem.  Today Europe exists as but a shell of its 19th Century first world status.  The sun has set upon the British empire.  Stalin’s great empire too has totally collapsed.  Both compare to the fall of Assyria, Babylon, and Rome.

                  This commentary shows how the משנה תורה serves as a precedent by which to learn the other four Books of the Written Torah.  But this propositional logic equally applies to the other Four Books of the Written Torah.  Torah law instructs its mussar by way of logically comparing precedent Case studies.  The proponents who foisted the new testament false messiah forgery, they did not know – much less understand – the יסוד upon which Torah common law works.   As a consequence, their לשון הרע books of the gospels and other trivial books contained in their new testament attempted to prove their theology by way of taking a p’suk\verse completely out of its context סוגיה או פרק.

                  When the church sought to translate the T’NaCH, those fools ignored the basis of the Torah, its סוגיות ופרקים.  Consequently, their replacement theology inserted foreign Chapters and verses which totally perverted and corrupted their flawed bible translations.   These “illegal aliens” had not the foggiest idea of the Torah commandment to learn לשמה.  Their bible translations directly violated a negative commandment, not to erase the Name of HaShem.  The Talmud teaches מצוות לא בא על ידי עבירות.  A rough interpretation:  commandments do not walk in the path of transgressions. 

                  Rav Nemuraskii repeated again and again: if the יסוד has cracks, the building built upon such a flawed foundation must eventually collapse.  Every time he said it, a picture of the leaning Tower of Pisa entered my mind.   All biblical translations made by Goyim, who have no fear of heaven, directly comparable to the tower of Pisa.  Another example: attempts to foist Hebrew gospels and give Hebrew names to their false messiah God together with his fictional disciples. 

                  Torah Case\Law does not teach history.  The Torah commands mussar.   This most basic and fundamental distinction, neither the church nor the mosque ever grasped.   They both built their religions upon Creeds, theologies, and dogmas – none of which has anything to do with the practice of common law.

                  Following the death of the two sons of Aaron, Moshe investigated the korban goat for purification and found it consumed by the altar fires.  Perhaps Aaron’s response to Moshe serves as a precedent for the Yom Kippur fast, which would explain the choice made by the sages to affix Parshat אחרי מות within the Yom Kippur מחזור\tefillah. 

                  Recommend במדבר כב: ז – מא.  The sages compare Bil’am’s manner to rise early in the morning to saddle his ass, to Avraham’s obedience to the Akedah commandment to sacrifice Yitzak.  When Moshe traveled to Egypt with his wife and children, their encounter with a makakh, caused Moshe to do the brit milah mitzah.  Despite the danger of open travel, Moshe risked the life of his son.  The Wilderness generation by contrast did not obey the mitzvah of brit milah during the entire 40 year g’lut decree.  Bil’am strongly desired to curse Israel.

                  The משל of the talking ass, what נמשל does it come to teach?  The language of Bil’am supplies a rebuke to both Xtianity and Islam:
                  כי התעללת בי לו יש חרב בידי כי עתה הרגתיך.
                  The “daughter religions” mock the oath brit faith cut with HaShem through a Torah oath.   Goyim, they possess no knowledge of the oaths which the Avot swore to HaShem; made in response to the oath which HaShem first swore to them.  The aggadic story of the talking ass teaches a strong mussar concerning the k’vanna Israel should have on the ג’ regalim: Pesach, Shevuoth, and Sukkot.

                  The Sanhedrin courts determine the date and time when Israel observes the Chag and Yom Tov.  But Torah aggadic mussar establishes the k’vanna of doing the mitzvot of observing the Chag and Yom Tov with k’vanna.  The Torah continually separates t’rumah from chol, substance from form.

                  Precedents learned from דברים:  A distant precedent: ה: יב – ו: ג.  The commandment to keep Shabbot, contains both halachic forms and aggadic substance.  The mussar of the aggaditah determines the k’vanna of the positive time oriented mitzvah of shabbot observance.  The shabbot commandment centers upon making shalom with family and friends.  Hence Jews greet one another on Shabbot with “shabbot shalom”.

                  The common denominator learned from this משנה תורה mussar, the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai centers upon making shalom with our bnai brit allies.  Moshe accepted the demand of Israel that he receive the rest of the Torah, based upon the presumption that Israel would obligate themselves to trust Moshe.  Alas with 10 tests Israel failed to trust both HaShem and Moshe.  Shalom cannot exist without trust.

                  Another distant precedent: ו: טז – ז: יא.  Keeping commandments and halachot as a ritual but lacking in fear of heaven, the Torah does not command.  G’lut Jewry lost the wisdom of how to keep the Torah לשמה.  Obeying the Torah most essentially requires not assimilating to the cultures and customs practiced by the Goyim who never accepted the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai @ Horev.

                  Another distant precedent: יח: ט – יט: י.  The mussar which the prophet, like unto Moshe, commands, the mussar judges the k’vanna of the heart.  The heart houses the two opposing tohor vs tumah Yatzirot.

                  A slightly distant precedent: יט: א – כג: ז.  Just as HaShem does not respect a ritual show of religious piety, so too a land full of injustice, oppression, and slander; whose courts – the judges accept bribes in order to steal lands, properties, and wealth.  Courts who bribe people to testify as witnesses.  Who not only tolerate false witnesses but the court causes such men to profit from their lies.

                  The laws described in this precedent, they compare to the commandments composed to describe the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai.  These commandments instruct a mussar how to live together in peace with our bnai brit allied People.
                  An exact precise precedent: לא: יד – לב: נב.  Do the toldoth follow after the Avot?   This fundamental question defines the burden of Torah spirituality from generation to generation.  רשעים who create their own religion, they despise the Sanhedrin court system established by Moshe the prophet.  Their assimilated replacement theologies prioritize belief in Creeds, theologies and dogmatism above the obligation to establish righteous legal systems\courts of law.

                  The haters of Torat Moshe place little or no priority upon a people living together in shalom.  Their religious societies fill the world with pius oppression slander and murder.  Their religions praise theft of the property and goods of others…others who do not believe as they believe.  Herein defines the substance of avodah zarah, the worship of אלהים אחרים.

                  Compare this משנה תורה precise and exact precedent to a similar precise and exact precedent commanded by the prophet ירמיה.  His mussar: ד: ג – ה: יג.


                  1. The oral torah is a different type of measurement from the Written Torah, the only Torah, “used to deceive and cheat the public”. That seems to be Nehemia Gordon’s view and his view makes sense to me. Go back to the Written Torah, mosckerr.


                    1. This thesis statement Frank means nothing without evidence. If you can logically prove your thesis, that’s fair criticism. If you can not logically prove your thesis, that’s a blood libel on the Torah.

                      Have presented to you two complete Parshaot with דברים as the משנה תורה and have applied the exact same logic of the משנה תורה to learn the prophets.

                      Deceive and cheat? How? These accusations require evidence and specifics which prove your accusations otherwise – thrown out of court as slander.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    2. The only evidence I know comes from Nehemia Gordon or Michael Rood. I have already given it. If you add or subtract from the (Written) Torah, you trash it. That is what I see the Oral Torah doing. Don’t get me wrong. Writing commentaries on the Torah is fine. Insisting, however, that those commentaries are on the same level or higher than the Torah is not. They are simply commentaries.


                    3. The Torah commands to place “totafot”. What is “totafot”? The Torah commands not to do “Melakha”. What is “Melakha”?


                    4. I don’t see the Torah commanding one to wear phylacteries, nor does it prohibit specific actions that some could be called “work” such as walking more than a few steps. Rather, we are to keep the words of the Lord close to us and we are to refrain from work on Shabbat based on the kind of work we normally do to direct praise to the Lord.

                      You are welcome to come up with your own customs or traditions. Don’t turn them into commandments for others and claim those specific commandments are in the Torah (or in some alternative oral torah) through some sort of precedent relationship or through the self-proclaimed authority as reforms of a rabbinical group.


                    5. The 1st and 2nd paragraphs within the kre’a shma quote דברים which commands tefillen. If you carry a wallet or a set of keys on Shabbot from a private domain like your house to a public domain like the Park … is that work Yes or No?

                      The sages did not learn like your logical argument. Who determines Jewish culture and customs Frank? A non Jew or the Sanhedrin courts? The commandments do not apply to you Frank, Goyim never accepted the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai @ Horev.


                    6. In like and equal manner … Your opinions do not determine Russian laws for the exact same reasons that your opinions do not shape nor determine Jewish laws.


                    7. totafot the language of the Torah … Rabbi Akiva says the word comes from an African language. Yehoshuah the talmid of Moshe understood the language “totafot between your eyes” as tefillen.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    8. Here is an article on tefillen that makes sense to me: https://www.thetorah.com/article/the-origins-of-tefillin

                      I view totafot metaphorically. One could wear amulets of one sort or another, but it is not obligatory. The tefillen remind me of St Christopher medals which some Catholics wear or crosses which others wear around their necks. I only wear a wedding ring.

                      Perhaps the best remembrance is to memorize passages of Scripture so they will easily come to mind.


                    9. Not based upon the language of that p’suk. Neither based upon Jewish culture custom halachah or traditions.

                      As a non Jew you can take a view point any way ya want. But if you want to present a persuasive argument, especially since you are not Jewish, then interpreting the משנה תורה with out of the blue interpretations … who do you seek to impress? Amulets something completely different than tefillen. The Talmud does however address this distinction.

                      The alien God YeHoVaH avodah zarah addresses Xtian audiences. The mitzvah of tefillen has nothing what so ever to do with alien practices and everything to do with the brit faith expressed by means of swearing an oath.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    10. I am not trying to convince you, mosckerr. Sometimes what you mention prompts me to look further. I want to understand it better and then fit it into my own presuppositions. What I showed you was the way I fit tefillin into my presuppositions. I see them as amulets.

                      You are welcome to wear whatever you want, but I do not see any of these things as obligatory, that is, I don’t see the Torah commanding anyone to wear tefillin.

                      What is needed for all of us is to have YeHoVaH’s words so close to us that they are in our minds, on our hearts and ready to serve on our hands. Bottom line: That won’t happen by hiding sacred texts inside amulets.


                    11. amulets have nothing what so ever to do with swearing oaths. Tefillen their sole purpose to swear oaths sworn by Israeli forefathers upon the generations.

                      Naturally, your opinion 100% correct, tefillen are non binding to Goyim. Goyim never accepted the oath brit sworn @ Sinai @Horev.

                      Know nothing of this avodah zarah YeHoVaH. My forefathers never new this alien God.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    12. I agree that the Israelites sworn an oath to keep the Torah at Mount Sinai. I also agree that the Torah is the instruction given to them that Moshe recorded.

                      Where we differ is that tefillin are part of the written Torah. I see the references justifying tefillin as being metaphorical. Rabbinic tradition adds to the Torah. They call it the “oral Torah”, but there is only the written Torah. What these sages and rabbis wrote are recommendations, not commandments.

                      I am thinking I might go through all 613 of those oral Torah commandments to see how many of them are really in the written Torah.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    13. We do not differ. The 5th Book of the Torah represents the revelation of the Oral Torah within the Books of the Written Torah. LOL.

                      Frank you can make your own religion as you see fit. Your personal opinions, just that … the opinions of a non Jew.

                      You claim that rabbinic tradition adds\subtracts to the Torah just as you claim that tefillen exist only as healing amulets\magic. LOL The Written Torah teaches common law based upon the logic format as expressed by learning the משנה תורה the Book of דברים, together with the Books of the Prophets and Holy Writings – these you do not feel “add/subtract” to the Torah LOL.

                      Why does your humor make me laugh? Because clearly ya don’t feel that the new testament does not add\subtract from the Torah but do feel that the Common Law codification of Sanhedrin courtroom rulings does add\subtract from the Torah LOL. Make up your mind Frank. Ya cannot have your cake and eat it too. Ya cannot say that the new testament does not add\subtract from the Torah and then turn around as say that a compilation of Sanhedrin courtroom rulings does Add\Subtract from the Torah. This do as I say but not as I do just does not fly.

                      The 613 commandment codes compiled by later Reshon commentators exist as statute rather than common law. LOL

                      Liked by 1 person

                    14. Yeshua is the prophet Moshe said YeHoVaH would send: Deuteronomy 18:14-22.

                      Yeshua fulfills, but does not add to or subtract from the Torah. As a prophet he leads the people back to the Torah through his teaching such as His sermons in Matthew. He rejects the rabbinic oral torah because it is an addition to the Torah.


                    15. This Parshah opens with the 2nd sugia and therefore continues the subject of the concluding sugia of Parshat צו, the k’vanna of the anointing of the House of Aaron as Moshiach.  This second sugia begins ט:א – י: ז.  This Parshah contains 4 chapters.   When the prophet Shmuel anointed Shaul as king, rain fell during the dry season – not a good sign.  

                      The reason, farmers leave their cut hay out in the fields.  Unexpected rainfall causes this baled hay to rot.  Consequently rainfall during the dry season qualifies as a curse, similar to locusts which consume the crops growing in the fields.   Hence ט:ו states: וירא אליכם כבוד.  Targum Uziel interprets this to mean that HaShem shall אעברו ית יצרא בישא מן לבכון… diminish the Evil Inclination within your heart. 

                      An action has an equal and opposite reaction.   The language וירא implies fear.   Nothing corrupts the Good Name of a Man more than a lack of fear of heaven.   To what does a lack of fear of heaven compare?   To irresponsible children who can not see the consequences of their actions.  The opposing Yatzirot within the human heart compares to the action of a piston within an internal combustion engine.   The movement of the piston produces horsepower and heat, in a similar vein so too does the conflict between the opposing Yatzirot within the heart.

                      Practically speaking, the anointing of the House of Aaron as Moshiach arouses an equal and opposite חילול השם within the Yatzir Ha’Rah.  The two eldest sons of Aaron dedicated a strange fire … avodah zarah … and died when fire (ברית אש) descended from heaven.  These sons of Aaron, according to Midrashim, felt ambitious jealousy against both Moshe and Aaron.   The sages refer to this tumah nature as “evil eye”.   The revelation of the Torah in the presence of an “evil eye” results in death.   Goyim throughout history have imposed their “evil eye” upon stateless refugee Jewish populations and brought murder rape theft and oppression, which has defined the whole of church history, as exemplified through the specific Shoah war crimes, just in the last Century alone.

                      The korban of purification/tohorah from tumah initiated the opening korban of the House of Aaron as Moshiach.   Thereafter Moshe offered the burnt offering, in the dedication of the House of Aaron as the Cohen Moshiach.  Then followed the korban of tohorah for the Nation of Cohonim, the House of Israel, together with their blessing\curse korban Oleh.

                      Then followed the shalom korban.  Moshe and Aaron blessed the chosen Cohen nation and fire came and consumed the korbanot, and fear consumed their hearts like the fire burned the korbanot upon the altar.  Aaron’s two sons offered strange fire and died.  The anointing of the House of Aaron as the Moshiach, this event qualifies as a Yom Tov.  Hence Moshe commanded that Aaron and his house could not mourn during the 7 days of the Yom Tov Moshiach dedication.   Herein the sages learn that a person cannot mix mourning with joy during the Yom Tov seasons.  Let’s learn  יג יג ו

                      A slightly distant precedent דברים ה: יב – ו: ט.  As HaShem set shabbot distinct and apart from the days of chol, so too HaShem has chosen the Cohen nation as t’rumah from the Goyim chol.   As shabbot stands apart from the days of chol, so too HaShem took Israel out of Egypt.

                      The רמז of ברית אש contained within בראשית, clearly compares to the precedent of דברים ה: כג.  Moshe alone made aliyah upon the mount and received the revelation of the משנה תורה, the Oral Torah lives within the Written Torah.  Herein defines the k’vanna of the opening p’suk of the kre’a shma.

                      Monotheism violates the 2nd Sinai revelation commandment.  HaShem judges between the two Yatzirot within our hearts, do we possess the fear of heaven to unify the Written and Oral Torah as ONE.   Israel demanded that Moshe receive the rest of the Torah.   Moshe commands all generations of Israel to learn the Written Torah based upon the logic of the Oral Torah system of precedents.   The Oral Torah logic sh’itta separates Israel from Goyim like Shabbot from chol.

                      Compare that slightly distant precedent with this precise precedent: דברים ו: טז – ז: יא.  Consider the mussar which the p’suk ו: כד commands:  לעשות את כל החקים האלה ליראה etc.  חוקים require Oral Torah to grasp their k’vanna.  The chosen Cohen nation has a Torah oath brit obligation to obey דברים ז: יא.

                      Compare the kabbalah of the Books of שמואל, the prophet who anointed David Moshiach.  An exact precise precedent ז: ג – ח: כב.  When Israel stood in dread and terror before the Pelishtim, HaShem judged the Gods of these Goyim just as in the days of Moshe before Par’o and Yehoshua before the 33 kings of Canaan.

                      The sons of the prophet Shmuel corrupted justice by accepting bribes.   Alas all comes from heaven except fear of heaven.  Therefore Israel broke faith that HaShem as KING brought Israel out of Egypt and HaShem as KING delivered Israel from the Pelishtim oppression.  Israel broke the oath brit tefillen faith cut with HaShem, and requested that the prophet anoint a Moshiach king.  Shmuel warned the nation that just as his sons lacked fear of heaven, this curse too would plague all the kings of Israel.

                      A slightly distant precedent שמואל א יד: יט – טו: יט.  King Shaul when he defeated the Pelishtim forbade the people from eating.  This curse his son and heir profaned.   Upon this cracked יסוד built the House of Shaul the Moshiach mitzva.  The first altar king Shaul, the anointed Moshiach built, stood on the cracked יסוד of the people eating living blood – כרת!

                      King Shaul, the Moshiach, made a vow.   Had he trusted the sages they could have annulled his vow.  But this fear of heaven king Shaul lacked, he thereafter violated his vow unto HaShem.  The oath brit faith cut at Gilgal, expressed through the Order of the Rashi tefillen, king Shaul broke faith with this oath brit, due to his fear of the People and their anger.

                      King Shaul, the anointed Moshiach by the hand of Shmuel the prophet, next received a direct commandment to make total war against Amaleq.  This commandment the king failed to obey.  The result of king Shaul’s lack of fear of heaven – HaShem rejected his House as the king Moshiach.

                      Compare the slightly distant precedent יז: לז – כ: יז with the precise precedent: כ: א – כג: ג.  David understood the oath brit cut at Gilgal, expressed through the Order of the Rashi tefillin; David revealed the dominance of the fear of heaven within his heart.  David fought the battle לשמה.  Contrast king Shaul and his “Evil Eye”. 

                      Lust and jealousy define each and every false messiah from Shaul to JeZeus; from 8th Century Yudghanites who believed in reincarnation based primarily upon Jewish assimilation to the doctrines preached by Sufis.  From the 12th Century false messiah David Alroy (Menahem ben Solomon) who spawned the Menahemist movement to the post Ari mysticism which spawned Shabbetai Zevi.

                      Mystic kabbalah developed since publication of the Zohar after the public burning of the Talmud in Paris, France in 1242 has plagued Yiddishkeit.  Perhaps the most notorious false messiah Shabbetai Zevi, followed up by the 18th Century false messiah who claimed himself as the reincarnation of Zevi – Jacov Joseph Frank.  The bane of Zohar inspired mysticism has infected the minds of Jewry to this day.  Many followers of the Lubavitch Rebbe proclaim him as the moshiach; they say the Rebbe never died.

                      The anointing of the moshiach mitzvah centers upon leadership during times of war.  None of the false messiahs, including Bar Kochba succeeded to defeat the enemy in war like as did David.

                      Another slightly distant precedent כג: טז – כה: לא.  David with his “Good Eye” spared the life of Shaul in the cave.  Many of the false messiahs, together with their followers, have an ‘evil eye’, comparable to Doeg the Edomite,  by which they strive to destroy the Jewish people.  David the anointed Moshiach fought a conflict with Shaul expressed through a ‘Good Eye’ always toward the king.  Yet David rebuked the king with a strong mussar: 
                      כד: יג.  יאמר משל הקדמני: מרשעים יצא רשע.

                      The ‘evil eye’ of Naval, נבל שמו ונבלה עמו, serves as a precedent which defines all false messiahs.  All false messiahs, together with their followers lack fear of heaven.  All false messiahs, who conduct a conflict, seek to avenge themselves upon their enemies.  JeZeus slandered the P’rushim.  The Amidah tefillah comes from a straight kabbalah learned from the prophets.  Yet JeZeus praised the kneeling prayer made by a tax collecting thief. (Luke 18:10 – 14). 

                      That false messiah acknowledged the P’rushim sat in the seat of Moshe. (Matt. 23:2).   He commanded his followers to do and keep the P’rushim Oral Torah.  Yet he refers to the forerunners of rabbinic Judaism as a ‘brood of vipers’.   The judges of the Great Sanhedrin qualify as leaders of the Cohen nation, as exemplified in the authority the Mishnah has upon the Jewish people to this very day.  The Torah commands a negative commandment not to curse the rulers of your people.

                      Rabban Gamaliel (Acts 5:33 -39) counseled tolerance in the Sanhedrin when Peter and other apostles stood before the Court.  In (Acts 23: 6 – 9) A P’rushim judge argued for the defense of Paul against the Tzeddukim during a Sanhedrin court trial.

                      Avot א:ג: Antigonus of Socho, a 2nd Century BCE tanna, his mussar instructs:  “Do not behave like slaves who serve their master in order to receive a reward.  Rather respect the slaves who do not serve their master in order to receive a reward.”  Derech Eretz Rabbah, one of the minor tractates of the Talmud, ב: יג understands the mussar taught by Socho as: עושין מאהבה, do good deed out of love.  Contrast the tumah ‘evil eye’ of (Matt. 23: 3) “They preach, but they do not practice.”

                      The P’rushim focused upon tithes to Levi, charity to orphans, poor, and widows, tefillah, and fasting.  The so called sermon on the mount too praised similar middot.  Compare Acts 10:2,4, 22, 30.  The followers of that false messiah fraud refer to their new testament as: the word of God.  Their ‘evil eye’ refers to the Talmud as: words of Men.  Who in fact qualifies as hypocrites?  “By their fruits you shall know them”.

                      Another precise precedent כו: ח – כח: יד.  The hypocrisy of the false messiah Shaul.  A slightly distant precedent שמואל ב יב: יג – טז: יג compared to the precise exact precedent of טו: כה – כא: ו.  The moshiach contrasts with the ‘evil eye’ practiced by רשעים.  David fasted while his son still lived.  Amnon lusted for the ערוה Tamar the sister of Avshalom, a brother from another mother.  The mussar of the prophet clear, the distinction between a ‘good’ vs. ‘evil’ eye separates the moshiach from all false messiahs.

                      The mussar aggaddah concerning the story of Yoav and Ahitofel, again instructs a lesson touching an ‘evil eye’.  The matter of Mefivoshet too touches the distinction between a ‘good’ and ‘evil’ eye.  So too this identical mussar applies to the conflict between the men of Yechudah and the men of Israel.  In like manner Sheva, the son of Bikhri, of Benyamin.  In like manner the revenge ‘evil eye’ of the Giv’onim.
                      Herein concludes the Oral Torah and prophetic mussar instruction wherein the generations learn the k’vanna of the Moshiach anointing of the house of Aaron and the death of his two sons.


                    16. You write this about Matthew 23:2 –

                      That false messiah acknowledged the P’rushim sat in the seat of Moshe. (Matt. 23:2). He commanded his followers to do and keep the P’rushim Oral Torah.

                      That is what the Greek text says, but not the George Howard Hebrew Shem Tob version. Yeshua commanded them to follow Moses, not the Pharisees.


                    17. Rav Nemuraskii sh’itta of learning taught me a kabballah of the Name. First step learning the 42 letter Divine Name. Counting the Omer lasts but 23 days before the Brit Cohen nation accepts the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai. Chag Yom Kippur the sealing of the faith that the chosen Brit Cohen nation accepts the revelation of the Torah @ Horev.


                    18. None sense and utter narishkeit. You cannot fulfill the mussar commanded by the prophets. Rather a person obeys and accepts within his\her heart the mussar which the prophets command. HaHaHaHa Frank you have a wonderful sense of humor. HaHaHaHa ya really got me rolling with that joke.

                      Torah stands on a simple choice Life or Death/Blessing or Curse. Rabban Gamliel, a Nasi of the Great Sanhedrin Court teaches in the Gemarah of ברכות that all blessings require שם ומלכות. Blessing of Life therefore depends upon knowing what defines שם ומלכות. LOL You do not know the Name of HaShem. You rely upon silly grammatical rules developed by Reshonim scholars during the Middle Ages. HaHaHa really funny. The Name of HaShem — not a word and therefore grammatical rules do not apply to the Name.

                      You do not know what מלכות means either. Ya can not translate a word with another word like the Xtians did with their joke ברית translated into their absurd word covenant. You can not define a word using the same word either. King does not mean king. This nonsense Greek rhetoric simply does not work with the Torah.

                      Ignorance of what שם ומלכות means therefore results in the choice of death and not life. A Goy approaches (metaphor) “the pearly gates” and the keeper of the Gate asks the dead Goy as simple compound question. How does שם ומלכות raise a simple praise unto a blessing Torah oath?

                      Goyim who for over 2000+ years with their belief in Creeds dogmas, doctrines and other such “word of God” narishkeit, they lives choose death. Herein explains the cruel injustice and murderous violence wherewith Goyim fill the Earth.

                      Tumah, Frank, it defiles both man and the earth. All spirituality which does not strive to atone for tumah qualifies as avodah zarah. Your false messiah new nothing of tohor and tumah … the יסוד by which שם ומלכות stands upon … knowledge of the distinctions between tohor vs tumah spirits within the heart … also known as the Yatzir HaTov vs the Yatzir HaRah.


                    19. An incredibly weak argument. To say that Sanhedrin courtroom rulings “add” to the Torah yet new testament which has no Name of HaShem does not “add” to the Torah. The latter Jews have emphatically denounced as a Roman fraud and forgery. Whereas Moshe himself established the Sanhedrin common law courts.


                    20. The Reshonim 613 commandment statute law codifications bring a Torah source for every commandment. Yet they fail to grasp that the Written Torah exists as common law established by the Sanhedrin courtrooms judicial rulings. I laugh at the Reshonim statute law 613 commandment codes like your Xtian humor gives me a belly roll. 🙂


                    21. Sorry Frank finished my latest research at about 2 am last night. Here’s an edited cleaned up version.

                      The third Parshah of ויקרא, Parshat שמיני 

                      This Parshah opens with the 2nd sugia and therefore continues the subject of the concluding sugia of Parshat צו, the k’vanna of the anointing of the House of Aaron as Moshiach.  This second sugia begins ט:א – י: ז.  This Parshah contains 4 chapters.   When the prophet Shmuel anointed Shaul as king, rain fell during the dry season – not a good sign.  

                      The reason, farmers leave their cut hay out in the fields.  Unexpected rainfall causes this baled hay to rot.  Consequently rainfall during the dry season qualifies as a curse, similar to locusts which consume the crops growing in the fields.   Hence ט:ו states: וירא אליכם כבוד.  Targum Uziel interprets this to mean that HaShem shall אעברו ית יצרא בישא מן לבכון… diminish the Evil Inclination within your heart. 

                      An action has an equal and opposite reaction.   The language וירא implies fear.   Nothing corrupts the Good Name of a Man more than a lack of fear of heaven.   To what does a lack of fear of heaven compare?   To irresponsible children who can not see the consequences of their actions.  The opposing Yatzirot within the human heart compares to the action of a piston within an internal combustion engine.   The movement of the piston produces horsepower and heat, in a similar vein so too does the conflict between the opposing Yatzirot within the heart.

                      Practically speaking, the anointing of the House of Aaron as Moshiach arouses an equal and opposite חילול השם within the Yatzir Ha’Rah.  The two eldest sons of Aaron dedicated a strange fire … avodah zarah … and died when fire (ברית אש) descended from heaven.  These sons of Aaron, according to Midrashim, felt ambitious jealousy against both Moshe and Aaron.   The sages refer to this tumah nature as “evil eye”.   The revelation of the Torah in the presence of an “evil eye” results in death.   Goyim throughout history have imposed their “evil eye” upon stateless refugee Jewish populations and brought murder rape theft and oppression, which has defined the whole of church history, as exemplified through the specific Shoah war crimes, just in the last Century alone.

                      The korban of purification/tohorah from tumah initiated the opening korban of the House of Aaron as Moshiach.   Thereafter Moshe offered the burnt offering, in the dedication of the House of Aaron as the Cohen Moshiach.  Then followed the korban of tohorah for the Nation of Cohonim, the House of Israel, together with their blessing\curse korban Oleh.

                      Then followed the shalom korban.  Moshe and Aaron blessed the chosen Cohen nation and fire came and consumed the korbanot, and fear consumed their hearts like the fire burned the korbanot upon the altar.  Aaron’s two sons offered strange fire and died.  The anointing of the House of Aaron as the Moshiach, this event qualifies as a Yom Tov.  Hence Moshe commanded that Aaron and his house could not mourn during the 7 days of the Yom Tov Moshiach dedication.   Herein the sages learn that a person cannot mix mourning with joy during the Yom Tov seasons.  Let’s learn  

                      A slightly distant precedent דברים ה: יב – ו: ט.  As HaShem set shabbot distinct and apart from the days of chol, so too HaShem has chosen the Cohen nation as t’rumah from the Goyim chol.   As shabbot stands apart from the days of chol, so too HaShem took Israel out of Egypt.

                      The רמז of ברית אש contained within בראשית, clearly compares to the precedent of דברים ה: כג.  Moshe alone made aliyah upon the mount and received the revelation of the משנה תורה, the Oral Torah lives within the Written Torah.  Herein defines the k’vanna of the opening p’suk of the kre’a shma.

                      Monotheism violates the 2nd Sinai revelation commandment.  HaShem judges between the two Yatzirot within our hearts, do we possess the fear of heaven to unify the Written and Oral Torah as ONE.   Israel demanded that Moshe receive the rest of the Torah.   Moshe commands all generations of Israel to learn the Written Torah based upon the logic of the Oral Torah system of precedents.   The Oral Torah logic sh’itta separates Israel from Goyim like Shabbot from chol.

                      Compare that slightly distant precedent with this precise precedent: דברים ו: טז – ז: יא.  Consider the mussar which the p’suk ו: כד commands:  לעשות את כל החקים האלה ליראה etc.  חוקים require Oral Torah to grasp their mussar k’vanna.  The chosen Cohen nation has a Torah oath brit obligation to obey דברים ז: יא.

                      Compare the kabbalah of the Books of שמואל, the prophet who anointed David Moshiach.  An exact precise precedent ז: ג – ח: כב.  When Israel stood in dread and terror before the Pelishtim, HaShem judged the Gods of these Goyim just as in the days of Moshe before Par’o and Yehoshua before the 33 kings of Canaan.

                      The sons of the prophet Shmuel corrupted justice by accepting bribes.   Alas all comes from heaven except fear of heaven.  Therefore Israel broke faith that HaShem as the KING who brought Israel out of Egypt and HaShem as the KING who delivered Israel from the Pelishtim oppression.  Israel broke the oath brit tefillen faith cut with HaShem, and requested that the prophet anoint a Moshiach king.  Shmuel warned the nation that just as his sons lacked fear of heaven, this curse too would plague all the kings of Israel.

                      A slightly distant precedent שמואל א יד: יט – טו: יט.  King Shaul when he defeated the Pelishtim forbade the people from eating.  This curse his son and heir profaned.   Upon this cracked יסוד built the House of Shaul the Moshiach mitzva.  The first altar king Shaul, the anointed Moshiach built, stood on the cracked יסוד of the people eating living blood – כרת!

                      King Shaul, the Moshiach, made a vow.   Had he trusted the sages they could have annulled his vow.  But this fear of heaven king Shaul lacked, he thereafter violated his vow unto HaShem.  The oath brit faith cut at Gilgal, expressed through the Order of the Rashi tefillen, king Shaul broke faith with this oath brit, due to his fear of the People and their anger.

                      King Shaul, the anointed Moshiach by the hand of Shmuel the prophet, next received a direct commandment to make total war against Amaleq.  This commandment the king failed to obey.  The result of king Shaul’s lack of fear of heaven – HaShem rejected his House as the king Moshiach.

                      Compare the slightly distant precedent יז: לז – כ: יז with the precise precedent: כ: א – כג: ג.  David understood the oath brit cut at Gilgal, expressed through the Order of the Rashi tefillin; David revealed the dominance of the fear of heaven within his heart.  David fought the battle לשמה.  Contrast king Shaul and his “Evil Eye”. 

                      Lust and jealousy define each and every false messiah from Shaul to JeZeus; from 8th Century Yudghanites who believed in reincarnation based primarily upon Jewish assimilation to the doctrines preached by Sufis.  From the 12th Century false messiah David Alroy (Menahem ben Solomon) who spawned the Menahemist movement to the post Ari mysticism which spawned Shabbetai Zevi.

                      Mystic kabbalah developed since publication of the Zohar after the public burning of the Talmud in Paris, France in 1242 has plagued Yiddishkeit.  Perhaps the most notorious false messiah Shabbetai Zevi, followed up by the 18th Century false messiah who claimed himself as the reincarnation of Zevi – Jacov Joseph Frank.  The bane of the Zohar inspired mysticism, it has infected the minds of Jewry to this day.  Many followers of the Lubavitch Rebbe proclaim him as the moshiach; they say the Rebbe never died.

                      The anointing of the moshiach mitzvah centers upon leadership during times of war.  None of the false messiahs, including Bar Kochba succeeded to defeat the enemy in war like as did David.

                      Another slightly distant precedent כג: טז – כה: לא.  David with his “Good Eye” spared the life of Shaul in the cave.  Many of the false messiahs, together with their followers, have an ‘evil eye’, comparable to Doeg the Edomite,  by which they strive to destroy the Jewish people.  David the anointed Moshiach fought a conflict with Shaul expressed through a ‘Good Eye’ always toward the king.  Yet David rebuked the king with a strong mussar: 
                      כד: יד.  יאמר משל הקדמני: מרשעים יצא רשע.

                      The ‘evil eye’ of Naval, נבל שמו ונבלה עמו, serves as a precedent which defines all false messiahs.  All false messiahs, together with their followers lack fear of heaven.  All false messiahs, who conduct a conflict, seek to avenge themselves upon their enemies.  JeZeus slandered the P’rushim.  The Amidah tefillah comes from a straight kabbalah learned from the prophets.  Yet JeZeus praised the kneeling prayer made by a tax collecting thief. (Luke 18:10 – 14). 

                      That false messiah acknowledged the P’rushim sat in the seat of Moshe. (Matt. 23:2).   He commanded his followers to do and keep the P’rushim Oral Torah.  Yet he refers to the forerunners of rabbinic Judaism as a ‘brood of vipers’.   The judges of the Great Sanhedrin qualify as leaders of the Cohen nation, as exemplified in the authority the Mishnah has upon the Jewish people to this very day.  The Torah commands a negative commandment not to curse the rulers of your people.

                      Rabban Gamaliel (Acts 5:33 -39) counseled tolerance in the Sanhedrin when Peter and other apostles stood before the Court.  In (Acts 23: 6 – 9) A P’rushim judge argued for the defense of Paul against the Tzeddukim during a Sanhedrin court trial.

                      Avot א:ג: Antigonus of Socho, a 2nd Century BCE tanna, his mussar instructs:  “Do not behave like slaves who serve their master in order to receive a reward.  Rather respect the slaves who do not serve their master in order to receive a reward.”  Derech Eretz Rabbah, one of the minor tractates of the Talmud, ב: יג understands the mussar taught by Socho as: עושין מאהבה, do good deed out of love.  Contrast the tumah ‘evil eye’ of (Matt. 23: 3) “They preach, but they do not practice.”

                      The P’rushim focused upon tithes to Levi, charity to orphans, poor, and widows, tefillah, and fasting.  The so called sermon on the mount too praised similar middot.  Compare Acts 10:2,4, 22, 30.  The followers of that false messiah fraud refer to their new testament as: the word of God.  Their ‘evil eye’ refers to the Talmud as: words of Men.  Who in fact qualifies as hypocrites?  “By their fruits you shall know them”.

                      Another precise precedent כו: ח – כח: יד.  The hypocrisy of the false messiah Shaul.  A slightly distant precedent שמואל ב יב: יג – טז: יג compared to the precise exact precedent of טו: כה – כא: ו.  The moshiach contrasts with the ‘evil eye’ practiced by רשעים.  David fasted while his son still lived.  Amnon lusted for the ערוה Tamar the sister of Avshalom, a brother from another mother.  The mussar of the prophet shines clear, the distinction between a ‘good’ vs. ‘evil’ eye separates the moshiach from all false messiahs.

                      The mussar aggaddah concerning the story of Yoav and Ahitofel, again instructs a lesson touching an ‘evil eye’.  The matter of Mefivoshet too touches the distinction between a ‘good’ and ‘evil’ eye.  So too this identical mussar applies to the conflict between the men of Yechudah and the men of Israel.  In like manner Sheva, the son of Bikhri, of Benyamin.  In like manner the revenge ‘evil eye’ of the Giv’onim, who made public display and who refused to bury the 7 men from the house of Shaul whom they judged as guilty.
                      Herein concludes the Oral Torah and prophetic mussar instruction wherein the generations learn the k’vanna of the Moshiach anointing of the house of Aaron and the death of his two sons.


                    22. Are you posting your research on your own blog as well? I thought I was following your blog but I haven’t seen any announcement of new posts. Which blog are you posting to?


                    23. The Yerushalmi Talmud preceded the Bavli by about 150 years. The sh’itta of the Ramban, and my Rav, to learn the Bavli together with the Yerushalmi, using the latter as precedents to learn the former. Common law. The Midrashim primarily came from the Gaonim scholars prior to the rediscovery of the Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle. The Reshonim scholars struggled with Greek logic just as did the P’rushim\Tzeddukim Civil War remembered through the chag of Channukah.


                    24. Of the Reshonim scholars the French school Rashi\Tosafot hands down my favorite. But the B’had, last generation of Gaonim and Rif first generation of Reshonim – totally uninfluenced by Greek philosophy and the Rosh, the post Rambam reshon who denounced the Rambam’s statute law perversion of Talmudic NaCH and Torah common law.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    25. Common Law learns through precedents. You cannot superimpose a Torah law on 2 separate and distinct cases which come before a Court.


                    26. Don’t confuse common law with the Torah. Society needs rules and regulations. These are man-made. Each society makes its own.
                      Don’t add them to the Torah. This is my view of the Karaite position which I think respects the Torah and makes common sense.


                    27. The 613 commandments learn through common law Frank. The karaites rebel against the establishment and mandate of the Sanhedrin. Your non Jewish opinions carry about as much weight as they do in Russia. Your not a citizen of Russia and your not Jewish. Xtianity does not determine Jewish law.


        2. The arrogance confuses, as did the gospel of John, that Spirit and Word interchange and are one. No. Spirits do not exist as words.


        3. @ Sinai, Israel heard the voice of the Name, the 1st Commandment. The arrogance of any man who assumes that he possesses the ability to duplicate the sound of the Name expressed @ Sinai, the arrogance of this stupidity compares to the assumption that a new born, one day old baby, might compose music equal to that produced by Mozart or Beethoven etc. in their lifetimes.

          Liked by 1 person

            1. Just as a one day old baby could not possibly compose genius works of art like that produced by Mozart or Beethoven … how much more so silly Man can not duplicate the Name of HaShem which Israel heard from the Creator @ Sinai and Moshe particularly heard @ Horev.


    1. Nehemia Gordon is a Karaite Jew, but formerly a Rabbinic Jew. He does not believe in Yeshua (Jesus). His is, however, closely associated with Keith Johnson, a Christian pastor, and Michael Rood, a Messianic believer. They do videos together.

      Next Sunday I will focus on the “oral Torah” which I didn’t understand until I listened to Gordon’s lecture on it and read more details in his book The Hebrew Yeshua vs. the Greek Jesus.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. What succinctly defines ירידות הדורות? During the Middle Ages, but in reality throughout Jewish history, assimilation to copy and embrace the foreign alien notions that emphasize Patristic authority. During the Middle Ages, Patristic authority became the dominant ideology embraced by the church and assimilated rabbis.
        The Xtian theologian Bernard of Chartres of the 1100s C.E., he described himself, together with all his peers as: “We are like dwarfs perched on the shoulders of giants. We can see more and farther than our predecessors, not indeed because of the acuteness of our own vision or bodily size, but because we are lifted up and raised on high by their gigantic stature”. (https://www.jstor.org/stable/45019613 )

        Alas this idea, it undermines and negates the Torah and Talmudic classification of law into Capital Crimes Cases, Torts: Monetary damage cases. Common Law, Statutory law, Bureaucratic Administrative law, and Constitutional law. The Torah, NaCH, and Talmud strive to imposes Court accomplished justice through lateral Common law courtrooms, based upon משלי כז:יז – ברזל בברזל יחד, ואיש יחד פני רעהו.

        Opposed to this type of legal system: Statutory Law. The latter functions as laws established by legislatures, Congresses, and Parliaments. Customary law or Minchagim, they run parallel with halachic Common Law rulings. None the less, customary law while authoritative in many instances, for example the custom of Jews wearing a kippa, its authority does not equal to the authority of Talmudic halachah. Customary laws, they tend to support prior court rulings and case common law.

        Patristic authority tends to resemble to cults which “worship” the authority of specific personalities, as occurred in Stalinist Russia and Maoist China. If foists the absurd illogic that later authorities cannot challenge opinions expressed by these earlier, more knowledgeable opinions. Reliance upon ‘Patristic authority’, confuses Common law reliance upon earlier legal precedents, with individuals who expressed those earlier legal opinions. Common law legalism centers upon Case Law rather than the persons who express the accepted Case Law opinions.

        Yet a strong case argues that the Sages, in fact did base their halachic opinions upon specific individual rabbinic opinions; Hillel vs Shammai perhaps one of the most famous examples. The delusional error made through shallow organization of the definitive Talmudic common law code, that the majority opinion authority of Hillel and all others like him, that the Talmud qualifies their opinions as a kind of Patristic authority. Torah, NaCH, Talmudic common law most emphatically does not rest upon the shoulders of giants, but rather accepted legal precedents, which stand upon the logic of the Oral Torah revelation to Moshe the prophet @ Horev. No Man qualifies as a giant vis a vis the revelation of Oral Torah logic @ Horev.

        All the sages within the Talmud qualify as talmidim of Rabbi Akiva’s פרדס logic format, which understands how to learn and understand how to use, the Oral Torah logic format revealed to Moshe the prophet. The NaCH common law codification, it defines משנה תורה as Aggaditah. Meaning, the study of prophetic mussar which defines the k’vanna of all halachic legal rulings. This scholarship culminated in the organization of a warp\weft Halachic/Aggadic common law Talmud codifications. Oral Torah logic always trumps any specific rabbinic personality because HaShem did not reveal the latter @ the revelation of the Oral Torah @ Horev.

        The משנה תורה separates Court room law, from law imposed by Legislatures. The latter imposition of laws upon society serves, so to speak, as the external shells of Torah law, by which the Ari’s mysticism classified fallen sparks – the shattered klipot. This mystic kabbalah attempts to explain evil as metaphysical barriers between ourselves and the Light of the Creator. Talmudic aggadic research, which makes a דרוש to prophetic mussar commandments, this Midrashic type of scholarship by contrast, it makes a study of the דרוש\פשט axis of פרדס in order to grasp the meaning of intent behind the משנה תורה fifth Book – understood as legislative review. Prophetic mussar, it breathes Aggadic, דרוש tohor middot of ‘life’ into the ”’shells\forms//husks”’. Daniel’s kabbalah vision – ‘feet of clay’ mysticism – makes reference to Nebuchadnezzar’s ‘law & order’ rule over his doomed empire.

        Shortly after Napoleon freed illegally imprisoned Jewry from the Ghetto walls within European society, Reform rabbis correctly denounced the halachah codified within the Shulchan Aruch, as antiquated and irrelevant for Jews living during the modern Era. The Rambam code, upon which Karo based his later code of law, it turned Jewish law away from common law base precedent to understand the intent of a specific Case\Rule Mishna. The codes of halachah written by the B’Hag, Rif, and Rosh, for this precise reason, they always open with an explicit Case\Rule Mishna.

        The halachic rulings within their codes, they serve as precedents to understand the k’vanna of intent of that specific Case\Rule Mishna; contrast them with the statute law perversions. The Yad HaChazakah & Tur Shulchan Aruch codes of halachah. Yet these common law based codes, they require a most discerning eye. To separate like from like defines understanding. The resemblance of Common Law to statute law, hold many similarities. Both this and that minimized the names of the rabbis, who authored accepted legal opinions. But Talmudic common law stands upon the rule of precedents NOT Patristic authority which fundamentally shapes statutory law. Statutory law imposed by a specific government, later governments might continue. The criminal ‘Patriot Act’, passed by the Bush Administration; Congress, to this day, has failed to repeal.

        Common law stands and works upon a simple rule, it recognizes rabbinic modesty as the chief quality of all Torah scholarship. All the Torah common law codifications, from Torat Moshe to the Talmud – prioritize logic over law. Oral Torah logic shines, comparable to the rays of the Sun upon the earth, which gives life to all generations of bnai brit.

        The Torah, only the chosen bnai brit Cohen nation accept this Sinai\Horev revelation. It therefore does not teach a ‘Universal Faith’. It makes no attempt to convert humanity to unto this logic format, wherein the Oral Torah interprets the Written Torah. Jewish common law does not compare to the common law systems employed by foreign governments. Specifically because the latter reject the Oral Torah logic methods and formats as the basis of their respective common law legal systems. The Torah simply commands, through the 2nd Sinai revelation, that the chosen Cohen nation, that we not assimilate and embrace the culture, customs and laws established by all peoples, in all generations, who never accepted the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai\Horev.

        The crux of this single Sinai 2nd commandment, it defines the eternal struggle between the Yatzir Ha’Tov and the Yatzir Ha’Rah. Herein this author attempts to explain how the B’hag ruled the reading of Megillat Esther as a mitzva דאורייתא. Specifically it attempts to answer why the Book of Esther excludes the Name of HaShem, when all other NaCH Books – organized לשמה around the Name. Based upon the assumption that the Books of the Holy Writings, the T’NaCH framers subsumed them to the Books of the Prophets by way of Tannaic later logic developments, which amplify the instruction of how to rationally compare different precedent rulings. Obeying the 1st Sinai commandment לשמה or לא לשמה – really just that simple. The famous daughter religions which preach their ‘Universal Faith’, they read the T’NaCH לא לשמה.


      2. The sages debated over the status of a particular species of bird, whether that bird qualified as a tohor bird, or as a tumah bird. The issue directly concerns matters of diety kashrut. How did the sages resolve their doubts over the status of this species of bird? They asked, which birds does this bird associate with as “friends”? Because the associates of that questioned species of bird, they all came from tumah species of birds. Therefore the sages ruled that that questionable species of bird, that it too exists together with the legal status of its “associates” … tumah, forbidden for Jews to consume.

        Sa’adiah ben Yosef Gaon placed the Karaite communities into charem in the 900s. Jews therefore ceased to marry into Karaite families. Nehemia Gordon … a Karaite non Jewish person.


          1. Its a fundamental error to off the cuff assume the “expertise” of others. Charlatans practice their quackery based upon a gullible audience who believes them for what they say they are. LOL


              1. As a karaite Goy, simply do not respect this man. But your rebuke merits respect. Please bring an opinion(s) expressed by this alien karaite Goy learned in context of a opinion paper and I shall commit to reading it in your honor.


                1. Could you stop calling Nehemia Gordon names such as “Goy”? You may think he’s a heretic, but he could just as easily call you a heretic. I am not Jewish. You have no authority over me. The only way you can argue against Gordon is to make a rational argument, not one base on ad hominem. As soon as you attack him personally, you lose the argument.

                  I was recently listening to this presentation of Matthew 23:2-3 by Nehemia Gordon which also uses Hebrew manuscripts of that Gospel. I am convinced by his argument. Do you have a counter to it?


                  1. Sorry Frank. The sages of Israel over 1000 years ago placed the karaite followers into the ban of excommunication.

                    Michael Rood refers to Gordon as an “orthodox pharisee” … what an utterly ridiculous mixed metaphor. The Pharisee rule prevailed during the time of the Independent Hasmonean dynasty, even according to the false time line of the Roman new testament forgery Rabbis and not Pharisees dominated and shaped the Jewish cultural traditions under Roman rule. Why?

                    After Rome conquered the Independent 2nd Common wealth Hasmonean dynasty only thereafter did the new testament forgery pop on to the scene. After the fall of the dynasty, the Pharisees ceased to function b/c Judea Rome ruled. In like and similar fashion, the instant that Rome destroyed the Temple, the power to influence Jewish customs and culture likewise ceased to exist among the Tzeddukim Cohen party.

                    “man made religious systems used today” Again complete narishkeit. The Trinity creed of the church – all man made. The creed of son of God – man made. “crucifies anyone who opposes their hypocrisy”. Again complete and total bs. What hypocrisy? To condemn with no specifics, like JeZeus did – a Torah abomination.

                    Peter whom Rood labels by the translation of Shimon Kefa, he refers to him as a “prophet”. Based upon what language in the false new testament? None. This silly clip starts with false hood and then builds on false hood. Rood declares that: “Both Jews and Christians have forsaken the Creator’s calendar for an invented reckoning of time.” Complete nonsense. Why? Because disputes over dating times constitutes a huge dispute among Jews during the times of the 2nd Commonwealth, especially under Roman occupation. Rood knows zip about Yiddishkeit and has no mandate to speak on the behalf of the Jewish people. OK the originator of this clip just a looney tune.

                    Lets now look @ the non Jew Gordon. He quotes: [(Prominent Messianic Teacher) “…until Messiah comes back, who exactly has been given power over the remnant of Yisrael? …” ] The question utter non sense. Why? Prominent Messianic Teacher? What Xtian authority expressed this question? If its Gordon why does he cloak his opinion behind a hidden authority? No simply cannot accept hearsay evidence and this prop of his opening thesis .

                    Next argument: “Why don’t we go back to following the biblical calendar”, the opening question of Gordon. What commandment in the Torah ever refers to any “biblical calendar”? Let’s start with Lev. 23: 24, the establishment of the mitzvah of keeping the Jewish new year, that Gordon mentions. Gordon attacks sightings by witnesses of the New Moon. A calendar did not exist during the times of the Roman occupation of Judea! The rabbis of the Sanhedrin relied upon eye witness testimony. A fundamental foundation of Jewish legal jurisprudence straight from Torah commandments. This foundation of the Torah commandment to rely upon witnesses has nothing what so ever to do with the P’rushim vs Tzeddukim conflict. The karaite non Jews base their traditions upon the assimilated Tzeddukim traditions which rejected the revelation of the Oral Torah @ Horev as defined by the Great Sanhedrin courts. These courts base themselves upon Yitro’s council given to Moshe prior to the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai. That Moshe alone could not govern the nation. Moshe agreed with his father-in-law and established the Great Sanhedrin courts.

                    “This rabbinic tradition which changes the biblical calendar” …Gordon addresses his question which rejects eye witness testimony for sighting the New Moon.

                    But before the development of the calendar we know today, sectarian debates and geographical separations created calendrical calculations disputes that deeply divided Jewish communities.

                    The Jewish calendar today, a lunar-solar calendar, which means that the months are based on the moon’s cycles, but the years are adjusted to the annual seasons based on the earth’s rotation around the sun. In certain years, a leap month is added so that the years stay coordinated with the seasons. That’s different from the Muslim calendar, which functions as a lunar calendar, and from the Xtian calendar, which is a solar calendar.

                    In the Second Temple period, however, there prevailed dramatic disputes among different sects about what shape the calendar should take.

                    These disputes capture Gordan’s arguments on the biblical calendar. A apocalyptic sect living in Qumran, mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls, for example, advocated for a solar calendar of 52 weeks, with seven days for each week, while other groups favored a lunar or a lunar-solar calendar. The stakes of that disagreement challenged which group would become “top dog” and determine Jewish custom and culture.

                    During the early days of the French revolution the revolutionaries rejected the authority of the Catholic church and replaced it with the Church of Reason. They based their calendar on a 10 day rotation.

                    The Talmud brings a famous dispute between Rabban Gamaliel and Rabbi Joshua. What so turns me completely off Gordan, he condemns the Talmud without ever bringing the least bit of evidence to support his condemnation. That’s slander. Slander learns from Miriam the sister of Moshe, and the 10 spies. Rabbi Akiva teaches that the 10 spies have no portion in the world to come. Slander therefore qualifies as a serious charge. Xtianity exists as a false religion based upon the “man made” Easter blood libel progroms alone. JeZeus taught: “By their fruits you shall know them”.

                    Why did these disputes between Rabban Gamaliel and Rabbi Joshua become famous? One found in ברכות of the opening Mishnah of the 4th chapter addressed the subject whether the evening prayers qualify as a obligation or optional. Rabbi Gamaliel publicly humiliated rabbi Joshua on this issue and the Great Sanhedrin deposed him as the Nasi of the Court.

                    The other famous dispute ראש השנה כה. That Mishnah in the 2nd chapter address false witness testimony of the New Moon. As stated above, prior to the charban\destruction of the Temple by Titus, no Jewish calendar existed. Rabbi Joshua developed a calendar which Rabban Gamaliel disfavored. The Nasi commanded that Rabbi Joshua come to him on his mathematically calculated date of Yom Kippur carrying his staff.

                    Going from domain to a different domain, specifically a private domain to a public domain while carrying an object, like a walking staff, profanes both Shabbot and Yom Tov. Rabbi Yoshua obeyed the command of the Nasi. This public humiliation of Rabbi Yoshua did not go over well with the other sages of the Sanhedrin.

                    None the less, the precedent Rabban Gamaliel established. In great matters of dispute the Torah commands that such disputes the court of Moshe must judge. What defines the court of Moshe? Answer: The Great Sanhedrin.

                    In the Mishnah, there is a story of witnesses coming to Rabban Gamliel and telling him that they observed the moon. The rabbi accepts their testimony and declares a new month.

                    But the next day two other witnesses come and contradict the original testimony. Rabban Gamliel basically responded by saying: “Already declared the new month, and we’re not going to change it.”

                    Scholars point to this text and others like it as examples of how rabbinic figures approached the calendar. Rather than regarding the calendar as something that God controlled and people needed to make sure they got right – a non Jewish tradition; the Sages of the Sanhedrin held that the calendar calculations exist within the purview of Human determination.

                    The Tzeddukim and the karaites rejected the authority of the Sanhedrin to establish precedent based Courtroom common law. In the days of the Gaonim scholars, who like all rabbis thereafter rejected the Tzeddukim/karaite attempts to usurp Jewish culture and custom away from rabbinic Case\Law courts, Saadia Gaon, in the early 900s CE placed the too imposed a ban of excommunication upon the karaites sect. Meaning, a karaite like any other Goy, must convert if he wants to be Jewish.

                    I realize this does not find favor with you Frank, but we Jews, we and not Goyim determine Jewish culture and traditions.

                    Over the course of the rabbinic period, the calendar goes from being an observed calendar based on witnesses to a calculated calendar. A Torah כלל, specifically halachah changes when the times and conditions change. Dinosaurs failure to adapt lead to their extinction. Gordon who wants a return to the ”biblical calendar” demands that Jewish society should make itself fixed and incapable of adjusting to the changing times.

                    Gordon argues that “returning to the biblical calendar” — it assumes that such a calendar even existed in biblical times. A historically false assumption.

                    Liked by 1 person

                    1. Thank you for listening to the video and presenting a response. I will keep your final comment in mind that a biblical calendar may not have existed. I think it did, but I hadn’t considered that possibility before given Leviticus 23.

                      The heart of the disagreement between you and Gordon seem to be the following claim as you described it:

                      the Sages of the Sanhedrin held that the calendar calculations exist within the purview of Human determination.

                      It is an assumption (a presupposition) that the Sages of the Sanhedrin even have the authority to make such claims and determinations.


                    2. The chapter 6 of Parshat צו there I bring evidence of the משנה תורה which mandates the authority of the Sanhedrin lateral Federal common law courts – established by Moshe the prophet himself.


                    3. No assumption or presupposition @ all. Moshe in his lifetime the prophet mandated the Sanhedrin to set and determine all disputed cultural and customs of the Jewish people.

                      The worthless karaites who claim to strictly follow only the Written Torah fall flat upon their faces on this accord.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    4. There are courts for disputes: Exodus 18:21-22. However, Deuteronomy 4:2 and Deuteronomy 12:32 (or דברים יג) prohibits one from adding to or subtracting from the Torah (Written Torah).


                    5. We have discussed this previously, perhaps you forgot. Torah common law stands upon precedents. This has nothing to do with adding or subtracting from the Torah.


                    6. The last Book Moshe taught it in its entirety on the last day of his life. He did not write that Book. The other 4 Books compiled in Moshe’s name. The Books of the Prophets, did they add or subtract from the Torah Frank? Did the Psalms add or subtract from the Torah Frank?


                    7. Where would you say the Psalms and Prophets are violating Deuteronomy 4:2? What commands are they adding or removing from the Torah? Does Talmud use them as precedents?

                      I see them as a Messianic believer to be divinely inspired as I do the Brit Chadashah. So I must take them seriously. By contrast, I do not see the Talmud as any more inspired than, say, the writings of C.S. Lewis or J.R.R. Tolkien. Some of what they say is interesting and worth reading. That is where it ends.


                    8. I wouldn’t. This equally applies to the Mishnah Gemarah and Midrashim. Of course the Talmud learns precedents from T’NaCH sources. I do not know what you are asking. This obvious question compares to asking: is the sky above the land?

                      CS Lewish is a Goy just like you Frank. JRR Tolkien is a Goy just like you Frank.


                    9. The imposition of the LunaSolar – does not exist nor does it fall within avodah zarah belief systems Frank. Just as Muslim society chose to base their calendar solely upon the Moon whereas the Romans based their calendar upon the rotation of the Sun around the Earth – based upon the erroneous calculations of Aristotle and other Greek philosophers, so too Jews of the Sanhedrin courts chose to establish a luna solar Jewish calendar.

                      This absurd argument “return to the biblical calendar”, makes about as much sense as pigs fly.


                  2. Howdy Frank, please accept my apologies for offending you by my reference to the karaite as a Goy. The כרת din of נדוי/excommunication upon what Torah mitzva precedent does it stand?

                    How does this question compare to Gordan’s returning back to a biblical calendar? The karaites reject the authority of the Sanhedrin lateral common law courtrooms. The karaite alien religion rejects the authority of the Torah ordained courts system, established by Moshe himself.

                    In America, a person who despises the authority of the Courts, that person held in contempt of court and thrown into jail. The American courts can hold that person judged in contempt by a judge indefinitely in jail. Contempt of court defines the Tzeddukim rebellion.

                    Both the Tzeddukim and the karaites Jewish courts placed them in excommunication. Your clip posted by Rood, it fails completely to address the root cause/reason Rabbi Saadia Gaon imposed a contempt of court ban upon the karaites early in the 900’s CE.

                    Liked by 1 person

                    1. As I see it the root cause for the excommunication was a Karaite rejection of rabbinic authority over the Torah. Since that authority was a usurpation by the Pharisees, the Karaites were in the right to reject it.


                    2. Your claim that the P’rushim “usurped” their the authority of the Great Sanhedrin Federal common law courts does not obey the Torah.

                      Parshat צו, Chapter Six: ז: כח – לח.   The disciplined research of each and every Parshah of the first four Books of the Written Torah by bringing דברים  Oral Torah precedents which command & teach mussar, this scholarship defines the relationship which the Written Torah shares with the Oral Torah.   No other system of logic can duplicate Oral Torah common law.   The Case\Rule system of Oral Torah common law, it shapes and determines the Jewish cultural inheritance we Jews share as a people.

                      Cults and minority groups have challenged this rule of law, from the new testament false messiah forgeries, tthe Tzeddukim/karaite assimilated נדוי Goyim, to the Rambam statute law Civil War.  The latter abomination has experienced the most profound impact and challenge to the dominance of Talmudic common law, because it denies that statute law exists as a rebellion against courtroom Case\Rule common law.   

                      The Rambam Civil War forged modern day Judaism as a standardized religion.  That fossilized religion witnessed its own revolt by Reform Jewish leaders after Napoleon freed Western European Jewry from the criminal Ghettos imposed by inhuman Apartheid church barbarians upon the Western European stateless refugee Jewish populations for over 300 years.  After the defeat of Napoleon, the Roman church criminally forced Jews back into illegal ghetto imprisonment.

                      The 19th Century term ‘Antisemitism’ originally centered upon the integration of Jews into European society as equal citizens.   Nazi racism added a ‘color’ of satanism to antisemitism which never existed in the 19th Century Dryfus Affair and Russian Pogroms.  None the less, 2000+ years of racial discrimination and slavery of the Jewish people had successfully conditioned the minds of Europeans to actively or passively accept the genocide of the Christ killer Jews.  The words of the gospels, (MATTHEW 7:20 KJV) condemns the church: “by their fruits you shall know them”.

                      Let’s learn.  This פרק returns to the subject of a shalom korban.  The korban shalom portions – dedicated to the House of Aaron – serve as part of the eternal Moshiach dedication of the House of Aaron by Israel, the Cohen nation.

                      Torah and Prophetic common law flows into Mishnaic and Gemarah common law.  The harmony which connects the two earlier 1st Commonwealth legal system with the later 2nd Commonwealth legal system – almost seamless.   The Aggaditah of the latter truly defines and gives insight to the k’vanna of the earlier courts system which prevailed during the reign of kings over Judah.   King David’s kingdom established the Written Torah as the Constitution of his monarchic rule over the states\Tribes of the Republic.

                      A slightly distant precedent: דברים יב: כ – יג: א.  The Gemarahs of חולין and זבחים, they pretty much summarize the halachot of kashrut in modern day Yiddishkeit.  Ritual slaughter of animals learns from the slaughter of korbanot, living blood dedicated upon the altar upon Mt. Zion.

                      Moshe would die shortly following the successful war against Midian and Bil’am.  The Torah addresses the subject of the Moshiach for war of Pinchas.  במדבר לא:ט – יב, instructs a mussar how to deal with captured spoils of war.  Specifically the laws of kashrut concerning pots and pans made by Goyim.  The Sages of the Gemarah imposed rabbinic restrictions on non-Jews, in order to distance Jews from assimilation, the first face of avodah zarah to the cultures and customs practiced by Goyim in g’lut.

                      Eating pat (bread) and tavshelei Goyim (food cooked by Goyim) defines the kosher laws of kashrut to this day.   The war with Median caused Israel to establish strict rules in matters of non Jewish wine.  Uncooked wine made or even touched by a Goy became forbidden to drink.  Goyim worship other Gods, therefore the sages imposed a fence around the Torah to prevent Jews from having casual relations with any oved avodah zarah.  

                      The Amoraim of the Talmud added further restrictions to prevent assimilation.  They prohibited the drinking of alcohol in the homes, stores, coffee shop, or any place owned by Goyim,  This fence around the Torah even extends to include a prohibition of drinking Goyim made whiskey, arak, vodka, liqueur, beer etc in a Jewish home – lest the Jews start to feel comfortable and assimilate to the customs and customs practiced by Goyim societies.

                      This later fence around the Torah requires clarification.  The point of the halachot learned from the war with Median, to prevent assimilation to the customs practices and manners practiced by Goyim.   If a Goy prepared alcoholic beverages which contained no non kosher ingredients, the sages permit this beverage, the prohibition of tavshelie Goyim (food cooked by a Goy), applies only to foods.  This prohibition restricts the drinking of alcoholic beverages in the homes of Goyim, based upon the event which led up to the war with Midian.

                      Another slightly distant precedent: טז: יח – יז: יג.  The obligation to establish common law courts together with their police to enforce court rulings.   The primary duty of the Capital Crimes Courts, to judge cases of avodah zarah.  Where did the Great Sanhedrin Court sit?   Within the Temple walls.   The Temple served as the Central seat of government of the Sanhedrin legislative review of all laws established by Kings or any other forms of Jewish governance.  Legislative review teaches the Aggadic prophetic mussar k’vanna of all statute laws imposed by any Jewish government.  

                      Hence the weaving of the “fabric” of the Talmud; just as a loom has a warp and weft, so too the Talmud contains halachah and aggadic portions which defines the whole of the Talmud.  The aggadah functions as the legislative review\משנה תורה/ of the whole of the Sha’s Bavli and Yerushalmi, just as does the Book of דברים makes a משנה תורה upon the 4 Books of the Written Torah.

                      The comparison of Case\Law to other Case/Law requires logic.  The Oral Torah revelation @ Horev defines this logic by which the משנה תורה defines the mussar affixed to Written Torah commandments.  In like as similar fashion the Aggadah of the Talmud determines the k’vanna of all the halachot which serve, in their own right, as precedent which gauge the depth of the language of any given Mishnah.   The Oral Torah functions as a seamless union which defines the k’vanna of Torah, NaCH, and Talmudic common law.

                      A distant precedent: כו: טז – כז: יד.  The altar established upon Mt Ebal and the boulders plastered with the Torah blessings and curses, that altar dedicates the obligation to establish the Sanhedrin lateral common law court system to determine Jewish culture and customs.  The Tzeddukim and later worthless karaites, they both abandoned faith to keep the Torah oath brit dedicated upon the altar built upon Mt. Ebal.

                      The closing Parshah of the Torah וזאת הכרכה predicates all the blessings by which Moshe blessed the Tribes of Israel upon the commitment of the bnai brit civilization to shape and determine all Jewish customs, cultures, and practices based upon the Case/Rule rulings of the lateral common law Sanhedrin Federal Courts.

                      The Prophet ימיה instructs a similar mussar precedent: ט: טז – י: י.  Here the prophets mussar condemns assimilation to the customs manners practices and way of non bnai brit Goyim.  Why?  Because the Great Sanhedrin Federal Court system has collapsed in the kingdom of Yechuda.

                      A similar mussar rebuke: יא: כא – יב: יג.  This mussar asks: Why does injustice – anarchy and chaos – dominate the oath sworn lands?  People like the Tzeddukim and the worthless karaites deny the Oral Torah rule of Case\Rule common law, established by the lateral Federal Sanhedrin courts.

                      Another similar mussar rebuke by the prophet: כג: ז – יח.  The prophet denounces false prophets.  This mussar directly applies to courts whose judges accept bribes.

                      An exact and precise duplicate of the mussar instructed by our משנה תורה … the mussar of מג: ח – מד: כג.   The curse of g’lut comes and condemns Israel because in the stubbornness of our hearts, like Par’o in the days of Moshe, we have abandoned and broken faith with the holy dedication to rule the oath sworn land by righteous justice established by the Federal lateral common law courtrooms.

                      The mussar of ירמיה has succinctly defined the משנה תורה instruction which defines the k’vanna of the 6th chapter of Parshat צו.


      3. Once the sages of the Gemarah had a doubt concerning the kashrut of a certain species of bird. How did they determine the bird as a trief bird? They looked to whom the bird most closely associated with … other species of trief birds.


  2. The fundamental distinction between Chag Purim and Chag Chanukah.
    The subject of tohor vs. tumah middot, understood as meaning the struggle between the Yatzir Ha’Tov vs. the Yatzir Ha’Rah within the bnai brit heart. No man can grasp the sublime without validating the strengths held by its base-opposite social behavior expressions. Torah absolutely rejects as death-tumah the avodah zarah parameters: Word of God vs Word of Man narishkeit.

    The Jewish people authored all the literature within the T’NaCH based upon the revelation of the 13 tohor middot רוח הקודש Oral Torah logic. The sages of the Talmud do not validate as authoritative any Bat Kol from Heaven. Torah lives within our hearts, Torah does not exist in Heavens, anymore than the dead can do mitzvot. Hence g’lut, a form of death, Jews cannot do mitzvot. G’lut Jewry has lost the skill and wisdom to do mitzvot לשמה. Tefillah for g’lut Jewry, ceases to function as tefillah; assimilated g’lut Jewry worships avodah zarah and therefore tefillah exists only as profane prayer.

    Foreign logic formats, especially philosophies taught by the Ancient Greeks, all fail to validate the power of the irrational emotional mind, and its ability to distort and subordinate rational intellectual thoughts, warped, distorted, even perverted by powerful emotional feelings and long held prejudices. Justice: courts can never truly address, without validation of the power and influence exerted by mob, high pitched emotional domination and/or intimidation. This high pitched authority, not limited to the anarchy of hysterical lynching mobs, but even Heads of State or other powerful Government officials – who dominate and terrify vertical Court Justices; “bribed” to reach judicial decisions which reflect their skewed interest oriented dictates.

    The latter reality has expressed itself throughout the horrible church corruption. Luther condemned the church over the issue of its total and absolute corruption. Hence the attempts by famous church theologians like Albert the Great and his student Thomas Aquinas, their verbose “scholarship” on the merits of that disgusting religion. Their “scholarship”, it compares to: the usefulness of wrapping paper, which dolls up a birthday present — not even fit thereafter for use as toilet paper.

    The Dominican scholastic priests “worshiped” ancient Greek philosophy, a subject which they placed effectively on par with the authority of their new testament. Chag Purim by stark contrast, validates the mitzvah דאורייתא to war against the influence of Amalek upon our tumah Yatzir Ha’Rah. While the mitzvah דאורייתא of Chag Chanukah, the dedication of these lights, Israel sanctifies holy to HaShem the Will of our people to restrict learning and interpreting the Written Torah to רוח הקודש tohor Oral Torah middot of logic. The victory of the Chanukah lights, they sanctify the Will of Israel to learn the Written Torah only through the visions of Oral Torah logical middot. Learning the Torah לשמה permits reliance upon the רוח הקודש tohor middot alone. On this score Chag Chanukah, sanctified within the oath sworn lands contrasts with Chag Purim, dedicated in cursed g’lut.

    The hypocrisy of the Dominican Order, it ignored the fact that Innocent III in 1210 condemned Aristotle’s scientific writings as heretical ideas. Innocent III made his ruling even before the hypocrite Dominicans became an established Order! The distinction between substance and form, ancient Greek philosophers delved to understand. The forms of rhetoric usage, which their philosophers developed, it strove to dominate and control the ignorant mobs. This contempt for the Common Man, it sharply contrasts with משנה תורה aggadic research, employed to define the k’vanna of halachic ritual law. The Torah does not despise the Common Man as did Greek philosophy.

    Torah common law stands upon the empiricism of learning through precedents. Witnesses and physical evidence, weighed against the opposing power of tohor vs tumah spirits within the human heart. Hence the Prosecuting and Defense judges, their briefs had to delve into Aggadic research to explain prophetic mussar and how it applies and interprets the current Case heard before the Court. The abomination of church theology stands upon the dictate decree of cult authority, the most famous examples of this absolute narishkeit – the abomination of avodah zarah golden calf, the Nicene & Apostles Creeds.


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