Exploration 85 – Oral Torah

23 Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to his disciples,
Saying The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat:
All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not.

Matthew 23:1-3, King James Version

The oral Torah is part of the tradition of Rabbinic Judaism in addition to the written Torah of the Bible. Not all Jews accept this second Torah. Those who don’t are called Karaite Jews.

Nehemia Gordon, a Karaite Jew, described this oral Torah in the first half of the lecture below. Given Yeshua’s (Jesus’s) objections to the Pharisees he suspected Yeshua was an early Karaite Jew (although Christian and Messianic believers know He is much, much more).

Being also a Hebrew scholar who studied the Shem Tov Hebrew manuscript of Matthew as well as one who found other manuscript copies of it Gordon attempted to answer a question about Matthew 23:3 that has puzzled some. In spite of Yeshua’s objection to the oral Torah of the Pharisees why did He tell His disciples to do whatever “they bid you observe”?

Gordon observed that in the Hebrew manuscript of Matthew Yeshua told his disciples to do whatever “he” bid you observe where the “he” referred to Moses, not the Pharisees. If this section of the manuscript is more authentic, the puzzlement can be explained by a scribal error.

His explanation is in the second half of his talk starting about 1:15:50 in the video. For more details see his book, The Hebrew Yeshua vs. the Greek Jesus.

I am grateful to Benjamin Andreessen’s very detailed posts on this and similar topics in his MeWe group Hebrew Shalom.

To hear a positive view of the oral Torah see Rabbi Berel Wein’s informative and short presentation of Jewish history especially episodes Rebellion Against Rome and Exile, What Is the Talmud, and Writing of the Talmud.

Weekly Parashah Readings
Parashah: Shemini 23 Adar II, 5782 – March 26, 2022
Torah: Leviticus 9:1 – 11:47
Haftarah: 2 Samuel 6:1-7:17
Brit Chadashah: Hebrews 7:1-19; Hebrews 8:1-6
Resources: Chabad, Hebrew4Christians, Weekly Torah Readings, Calendar

Shapes and Colors, Light and Shade

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

193 thoughts on “Exploration 85 – Oral Torah”

    1. What I post on these exploration pages are just initial thoughts. I am trying to find my way around these new ideas (new, for me, at any rate). Thank you, Michael, and blessings!

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      1. The perversion of the Torah to statute law codifications made famous by Reshonim scholars during the Middle Ages has profoundly changed the purpose and k’vanna of the whole of the Torah — far worse than the criminal post Ghetto travesty of law, made by the Reform rabbis during the 19th and 20th Centuries.

        Common Law does not exist as legal codifications of positive & negative commandments. Common Law does not exist as Halachic codifications as exemplified in the Rambam’s statutory law books commonly known as the יד החזקה. The son of Asher rejected the kabbalah of Common Law taught by his father the Rosh. Karo sniffed the butt of Baal Ha’Turim and produced his Shulchan Aruch abomination.

        Why “abomination”? This perversion of Yiddishkeit, it compares in magnitude to the damage caused by the Jesus false messiah movement, commonly known today as Xtianity. The Gemarah does not contain majority and minority opinions. This false presentation of Jewish Common Law, perverted by the conversion of Yiddishkeit by assimilated rabbis into Statute Law, it fails to acknowledge and validate the codification of valid source precedents! Source precedents requires further research as to other source precedents. The scholarship of the Gemarah, it makes a study which searches for source precedents based upon the majority and minority opinions codified within the pages of the Mishna.

        Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz gives an interview, the subject – the Talmud. The man bumbles and stumbles, he has absolutely no clarity what so ever. The Mishna functions through a Common Law format. The Gemarah learns by means of precedents. All common law legal formats equally employ as a basic requirement, they demand valid precedents.

        The Mishna employs a Case/Rule style format. The Gemarah continually contrasts and compares the decisions applicable to the conclusion of a Case\Rule Mishna,,, compared to the decision made upon the opening Case, of this exact same Mishna; what distinguishes the rulings on this & that Case study? Steinsaltz jabbers over and again about “Jewish Oral Law”, yet never once does he address Oral Law as logic, a huge fundamental error … a gigantic hole in his Titanic of learning Sha’s. This pathetic rabbi fails to address the distinction between Torts and Capital Crimes Common Law Courtrooms. He fails to address the Gemarah style of ‘Difficulty\Answer’ as Prosecutor/Defense justices within a common law court room.

        He fails to address the most essential Warp + Weft relationship within the Gemarah touching Halachah + Aggaditah. The Talmud + T’NaCH weaves a fabric of Jewish faith. Steinsaltz fails to point out that the תרי”ג commandments of Torat Moshe exists as a Common Law format. In equal fashion he fails to address the NaCH Books of the Prophets,,, too organized as a Common Law codification, based upon the Written Torah precedent!

        Steinsaltz fails to teach that the prophets commanded mussar. This prophetic mussar defines the יסוד of the 5th Book of דברים otherwise known as the משנה תורה. He perverts the sealing of the Primary texts of the Jewish faith by the false-metaphor of “freezing the water”. What complete and utter narishkeit.

        The sealing of the Primary Masoret traditions, this decision taken by the Sages of Israel, throughout our history as a people on this Earth, centers upon maintaining an inheritance, so to speak, a DNA code, which unites all Jews, irregardless of their original national “Race”, as sharing an identical tradition upon which all generations of Jews build their faith, commonly known by the collective term — Judaism.

        If you freeze the heart of a person, that person dies. Steinsaltz “freezing the water” complete and utter narishkeit merits nothing short of absolute and total contempt. His translation of the Talmud into simple Hebrew compares with the colossal numb-skull gross criminal error made by both the Rambam and that brain-dead silly copycat Jacov ben Asher, author of the Tur statute Halakhah codification. The perversion of Talmudic common law to statute law, made early in the Middle Ages, this accursed perversion of the k’vanna of both T’NaCH and Talmud merits nothing short of the ejection of rabbinic authorities, from their glorified perch, as the teachers of Jewish cultural inheritance and Traditions – authorities upon Jewish Law.

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        1. Thank you for the links to the videos. From what you wrote, I suspect you do not approve of these videos. Do you have links to videos presenting the Oral Torah in ways that you find acceptable?


          1. Oral Torah logic its taught one on one a Rabbi versed in the subject of Oral Torah logic and a student. You will never see a You Tube clip on how to learn Talmud. Worlds separate talking “about” a given subject. From making measured comparisons which learn a given subject by learning “through” one Court Case by comparing it to other similar Court Cases.

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  1. As always I take the parts I can understand, that is enough for downloading in new units of my brain. 😀 Frank, I so appreciate your regular visits to my place and for your wisdom in comments. Hope this first day of Spring has been blessed to you.

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    1. The 5th Book of the Written Torah דברים, Moshe taught this Book entire to Israel on the last day he lived on this earth. This 5th Book goes by the reference: Oral Torah. HaHaHa Goyim have eyes yet cannot see.


  2. I listened to him. Interesting but I won’t remember it all. I am happy that salvation is by grace and does not depend on how much I understand. I did learn something about the Samaritan woman this morning in my personal prayer and study so I am glad he mentioned the Samaritans. Thanks Frank. Praise YHWH! I learned in Sept. Yokheved, Moses mother, means YWHW is glory. She was the first person in the Bible to have a name with the divine element yah, a shortened form of YHWH. YHWH used women so many times in The Bible. He made her a help-mate which means it is men who need help!! Hahaha!

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    1. I didn’t even realize what her name was before. She was the mother of Moses, Aaron and Miriam. Beautiful name, Yokheved, YHWH is glory. The Lord did use women so many times in the Bible and they came through for Him. Thank you, Mary!


      1. Referring to the Name of HaShem by YHWH = the sin of the golden calf. Aaron translated the Name unto אלהים a word. YHWH like אלהים exists as a word. The רוח הקודש Name of HaShem (translated as ‘the Name’) lives as Spirit N O T a word.

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      2. YHWH LOL what a joke. This translating the Name to different English letters, its no different than Aaron doing the exact same error in Hebrew letters. He translated the Name revealed in the 1st Sinai commandment to אלהים. Herein defines the k’vanna of the sin of the golden calf. The golden calf, the Torah speaks in the language of Man, teaches a strong mussar which defines the 2nd Sinai commandment: not to worship avodah zarah. This form of instruction goes by משל\נמשל. The literal reading of the words of the Torah produces idiotic conclusions. If you think that ancient Israelites experienced the 10 plagues which judged the Gods of Egypt, the splitting of the Sea of Reeds which judged the desire felt by Par’o for revenge, then the revelation of Sinai, where HaShem spoke to the entire nation gathered at the base of Sinai and after the 2nd commandment Israel approached Moshe and demanded that he go up Sinai and receive the rest of the Torah lest Israel die if they hear a 3rd commandment … Yet Goyim literalists, they “believe brother” that Jews 40 days after Sinai said a golden calf brought them out of Egyptian bondage. LOL the brain dead stupidity of this idiotic belief only matched by Xtians who translate the Name into other words or letters.

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        1. Today is the 8th day of the Omer, One week and one day. Jews search within our hearts to remove all tumah avodah zarah from within our lives. Same thing with the removal of חמץ prior to Pesach. Yaacov in his turn would command his house to remove all foreign gods from their midsts … after the death of Rachel who hid a foreign god worshiped by her father!

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          1. When Lavaan, Yaacov’s father in law searched all of Yaacov’s property for his God, some say that Rachel concealed this God by putting it up her vagina. This explanation teaches that this act sealed the decree that Rachel would die in child birth.

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            1. Its the 9th day of the Omer tonight 1 week and 2 days in the Omer. The counting of the Omer begins immediately after the 1st day of the Yom Tov, seder night, ends. The seder night – 10 days previous.

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                1. 10th day of the Omer 1 wk and 3 days. Jews count the Omer with a blessing building up to accepting the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai on Chag Shevuoth.

                  Just as all Israel came out of the assimilation and avodah zarah of Egypt so too all Israel annually struggles to remove avodah zarah from our midsts\hearts and accept the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai on Chag Shevuoth.

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                2. Parshat צו has 6 1/3 chapters. The last chapter serves as the opening פרק of שמיני.  The opening פרק contains two סוגיות.

                  The first sugia ו: א – ו; the 2nd סוגיה learns from ו: ז – יא.  The Torah returns upon the subjects addressed in the previous Parshah – the comparison between burnt and shalom dedications upon the altar.  The opening word of the Torah contains within its 6 letters אש ברית.  The Torah commands that the altar of HaShem should burn continuously.  What mussar does this Torah command the generations of bnai brit Israel?

                  A slightly distant precedent דברים ה: יא.  Do not swear the Name of HaShem falsely.  All korbanot stand upon the יסוד of oaths.   Unlike the religions which worship their Gods of avodah zarah, the faith of the Torah stands upon the oaths which the Avot caused their chosen Cohen seed to inherit.  Goyim have no inheritance in the oath brit faith.  Avraham excluded Yishmael from this oath inheritance.  Yitzak excluded Esau from this oath inheritance.  Yaacov commanded his sons to bless our people.  Tefillah – the wisdom of blessing – shares no common ground with what the Goyim refer to as “prayer”.
                  The wisdom of blessing arises, by means of the dedication of tohor middot unto HaShem — Torah blessings day and night different from Goyim prayers.  Goyim do not know how to learn the mussar of tohor middot, which the Torah commands all generations of Israel to keep and embrace.   The avodat HaShem as expressed through korbanot dedications absolutely requires it as the basic medium of faith tohor middot.   This standard the so-called ‘sister religions’ have replaced tohor middot with Creeds and Dogmas telling their “faithful” what they must believe.

                  Another distant precedent כד:א – ד.  The sacred nature of oaths learns from the mitzvah of קידושין.  This marriage mitzvah does not apply to Goyim.   The avodah zarah worship of Goyim faiths centers upon what a man personally believes.  Irregardless what a man personally feels against his ex-wife, that man has a Torah obligation, learned from the mitzvah of קידושין to return the nefesh O’lam Ha’bah soul of his ex-wife acquired through the mitzvah of קידושין.  This mitzvah in its turn learns from the precedent set at the sworn oaths cut at the brit between the pieces wherein Avram cut an eternal brit based upon his future born seed comparing to the stars in the heavens for multitude.
                  G’lut disasters have throughout Jewish history threatened all Jewry with Shoah, comparable to the Nazi abomination.   Yet Hitler and his inferior sub-human apes rot, and Israel as a nation rules the oath sworn lands today.   Both of the so-called ‘daughter religions’ compare to empty balloons; neither this nor that command much respect by the vast majority of secular Goyim.

                  Another distant precedent כו: יב – טו.  The confession of the first born, our commitments to respect the dignity of the widow and orphans among our kin bnai brit Cohen people, most essentially defines the k’vanna of Chag Shevuoth.  On this the 10th day of the Omer, the struggle to remove all tumah avodah zarah from within our hearts, most essentially defined by respecting the dignity of the weak and poor among our People.   Investing our wealth among our family and the larger society of our People as a whole, defines the Torah concept of “strength”.

                  Another slightly distant precedent: כז: ט – יד.   We as a People bear responsibility to guard the backs of our people.   Specifically we keep and observe mitzvot as a “sign” that we embrace the yoke of ‘brothers’ keepers’.   A Yiddishkeit of ‘holier than thou’ represents the abomination of Cain based upon jealousy murdering his brother.  The korban burnt offering stands upon the יסוד of blessings and curses our people inherit from our own people.   Who has not verbally denounced a bad driver on a street road or highway?

                  The משנה תורה does not have a precise precedent by which to learn the mussar k’vanna of Moshe the prophet, and how this mussar defines the mitzvot of the korban Olah and korban Shalomim, together with the commandment that the fire of the altar for ever burn.   The kabbalah taught by the sages of Israel affixes the Book of ירמיה as the mussar יסודי which understands this Parshah.

                  ירמיה יא: טו – יז instructs a precise mussar precedent to learn and understand the k’vanna of the opening sugia of Parshat צו.   When Israel worships avodah zarah, we curse our own people.  Moshe the prophet, his Torah commands life and death.  As the Shemone Esrei lacks שם ומלכות and therefore requires k’vanna to raise a praise unto the level of an oath.  Actions speak louder than words.   Tohor vs tumah actions/behavior of Jews to other Jews shapes and determines if the armies of Israel stomp upon the heads of our enemies in war or run like beaten dogs with our tails between our legs peeing as we flee from the wrath of the enemy.

                  Another precise precedent of mussar: לז: ט – יא.  The discipline of learning precedents through tohor middot in order to understand and define the k’vanna of all the Torah commandments sums up the revelation of the Oral Torah @ Horev.   We Jews, our actions and behavior, how we conduct our internal domestic affairs with our own People — this behavior and conduct determines whether HaShem judges the Gods whom the Goyim worship and consequently brings victory upon the armies of Israel — as in the days of both Moshe and Yehoshuah; or that the armies of Israel suffer total defeat and our nation descends into g’lut.

                  The religions of avodah zarah preach that Man should believe this Creed or that Dogma.  Torat Moshe commands Israel to remember how Par’o oppressed our enslaved people and not to follow that tumah behavior.   Belief in the Gods does not define avodah zarah; crushing the poor, weak, the orphan and widows among our people causes the curses of the Torah to rain down upon the generations of Israel as an eternal fire – the opposite of the eternal fire which the Torah commands the House of Aaron vis a vis the bronze altar.

                  The second sugia of this פרק, this commentary shall now learn.  The eternal Cohen inheritance – the dedication of the Torah Way – to shine a fire of light unto this path – walk – or halachah.  יג – ב

                  A precise משנה תורה precedent, דברים ב:ב – ח.   A strong tumah desire which dominates nations throughout history, the desire to establish an international empire.  The mussar of Torat Moshe teaches a negative commandment against this avodah zarah.  What defines the kingdom of the Hasmonean dynasty?   That kingdom made continuous wars of imperialism abroad, as does the United States today.   Israel exists as a tiny nation, while America stretches from Sea to Sea.   Yet both the kings of the Hasmonean dynasty and the Presidents of the United States continuously fight foreign wars of imperialism.

                  Avodah zarah does not exist as merely the worship of idols.   Rather it worships power and wealth.  It prioritizes power and wealth over respecting the dignity of widows and orphans among the people of any given society.   Hence Goyim worship avodah zarah unto this very minute.   The flames of avodah zarah, they burn continuously until this very day.

                  The Creeds and Dogmas taught by the tumah faiths, they know nothing about avodah zarah.   Therefore these false religions of death, they know nothing about avodat HaShem.   Both church & mosque confuse the empty ritualisms of belief Creed and Dogma for the substance of faith – respecting the honor and dignity of the bnai brit Cohen nation.   

                  Both church and mosque compare to a man who leans upon a brittle reed, which breaks and pierces his side, wounding his liver, lungs, & heart.   Murder and oppression characterize the history of the peoples who worship this tumah avodah zarah.

                  A slightly distant precedent ה: יב – טו.   The commandment to keep shalom among our people defines the mitzvah of Shabbot with its 3 rabbinic meals.   A man does not invite hated strangers to sup within his house together with his family and friends.  Shalom requires trust.   No commandment exists to trust an enemy.  Just the opposite, the Torah commands to hate and detest worshippers of avodah zarah Gods.   Lest Israel should assimilate and copy their tumah Ways and customs.

                  A distant precedent: כג: ד – ז.  The Torah commands to remember the abominable treatment which the House of Lot treated Israel.   This commandment extends to the so-called ‘daughter religions’ who likewise worship avodah zarah.   The prophet Bil’am called upon the Name of HaShem in order to curse Israel!

                  Another slightly distant precedent:  כד: א -טו.   Tohorah faith learns from divorce wherein a man gives to his ex-wife her ‘Get’, and sends the woman out of his home-life.   If this woman marries another man, regardless if that 2nd husband dies or divorces her; an abomination to remarry that woman again.   Actions speak louder than words, theologies, creeds or dogmas.   Neither church nor mosque share any portion in the Torah oath brit faith; any more than does the House of Lot after that king hired Bil’am to curse Israel.

                  Another slightly distant precedent כו: טז – יט.   The chosen Cohen brit nation, if we respect, protect and honor the dignity of our own people; and do not lust to conquer foreign countries like as do the Goyim empires; then the chosen Cohen nation lives as the apple of the eye of HaShem.

                  The book of ירמיה commands a precise mussar precedent to understand the 2nd סוגיה of the first פרק of the Parshah of צו.  Learning the Torah by means of tohor Prophetic precedents proves that the Prophets learned the Written Torah based upon the Oral Torah logic system of the 13 middot Horev revelation.  ירמיה ד: ג -ח.

                  The worship of HaShem with the forms of ritualisms while oppressing the orphans and widows; when the prophets and judges receive bribes to enrich the rich and deprive the poor.  Such ‘holier than thou’ faith accounts only for contempt in the eyes of HaShem.

                  Another precise precedent:  ה: י – יג.  Creeds and dogmas do not determine faith.  Humility and protecting the backs of the chosen Cohen nation — ruling the land with tohor righteous justice defines Torah faith.

                  Another precise precedent:  ט: יא – טו.  Confusing the ritual forms of faith with the obligation to rule the oath sworn lands with righteous justice through the lateral common law courts, brings the death of Torah curses which culminate in g’lut of the entire nations from off the oath sworn lands.

                  A slightly removed precedent: יא: יח – כא.  Woe to the fools who trust in their wealth, pride and arrogance; their fancy apparel, fine shoes, and gold cufflinks – over the Torah obligation to respect the dignity of the weak and exhausted among people.   Whose behavior resembles the hardened hearts and manners of both Par’o and Amalek in the days of Moshe the prophet. 

                  Another slightly distant precedent: טז: ט – יג.   A strong mussar rebuke of utter contempt for the crimes of worshipping rituals, making animal barbecues unto heaven, and other such total nonsense as worshipping Creeds and Dogmas over the oath brit faith.

                  Another slightly distant precedent: יז: ז – יג.  Another strong mussar rebuke of fools whose weak and trivial loving hearts pursue vanity.  A slightly distant precedent: לב: ו – יד.  The mussar instruction given hear, a משל to the oath sworn brit which the Avot cut upon their chosen Cohen seed having an oath brit inheritance unto the Promised land.   G’lut, a major theme in the faith of the Torah – starting with the expulsion of Adam from the Garden of Eden.

                  The decree of g’lut means nothing without the דיוק\inference of geulah/redemption from g’lut.  As classically remembered by Israel’s redemption from Egyptian slavery… part of the opening commandment of the Sinai revelation of HaShem as the G-d of Israel.

                  An exact and precise precedent from the prophet, לז: יב – לח: יג.  G’lut of a nation represents the most bitter times of anarchy, chaos, and Civil War.   The first rule of government: to prevent the outbreak of Civil War among the bnai brit people.   How?   The burden on the lateral courtrooms to hear the bitter disputes which threaten to divide our people and make righteous judicial rulings.   When justice rules within the oath sworn lands, Civil War has no power to raise its ugly head.

                  Herein concludes the first פרק of the Parshah of צו.

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        2. Would you consider the Hebrew language to be the “language of Man”. I suspect it was the language YeHoVaH gave to Adam and Eve. YeHoVaH split that language into others at Babel.

          How much of that description of the origins would you agree with?


          1. Hebrew, the spoken language of the chosen Cohen nation. The struggle who would receive the inheritance of the chosen first born Cohen status began with Cain and Hevel … am I my brother’s keeper? Cain means “acquire” whereas Hevel means “breath”. Who “acquires” the “Spirit” of HaShem to dwell within their hearts? Answer: the chosen Cohen nation.

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          2. The Torah does not teach history. The stories of Adam and Avraham Yitzak and Yaacov together with the story of Yosef and his brothers all qualify as Aggaditah. Aggaditah teaches mussar based upon how the פרדס logic format understands the Oral and Written Torah. Hence the Talmud has 2 branches — halachah based upon the Torah commandments. Halachah defines mitzvot.

            Mitzvot understand the Torah commandments by learning and comparing other Torah commandments to understand the k’vanna of any given Torah commandment. — aggaditah based upon Torah and NaCH mussar commandments. Aggaditah stands upon the foundation of how the Oral Torah interprets the Written Torah. Mussar defines all Torah prophesy. Prophesy from the Torah does not exist as a historical event but rather a mussar lesson. Learning how to discern like from like ie understanding … its what separates Aggaditah from history.

            Hence no debate if HaShem created the world in 6 days at a certain date in history. The Oral Torah does not interpret the Written Torah as a historical document, despite that it dates back to thousands years past. The Book of Kings, clearly dressed as a history of the kings of Yechuda and Israel. But that Book its part of the Books of the Prophets, and not the Holy Writings as the Books of Chronicles. The latter depicts history whereas the former instructs mussar. Goyim there logic lacks the ability to discern between like and like… the Books of Kings from the Books of Chronicles….Prophetic mussar from history.

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            1. History argues way back when this and that event occurred. The new testament falsely claims a history of that false messiah JeZeus. Mussar by sharp contrasts instructs a prophetic rebuke that inspires a person, regardless of what ever generation he/she lives, to do t’shuvah and obey the k’vanna of the Torah commandments originally commanded by Moshe our Teacher. Mussar means “to instruct”. Hence Jews refer to Moshe as Moshe our Teacher, rather than Moshe the prophet. The koran continuously rants and refers to Mohammad as the prophet. Yet the koran does not “understand” that prophets command mussar. LOL Hence the koran encourages people to worship avodah zarah – Allah.

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              1. The Written Torah, Books completely closed to Goyim. Reading the T’NaCH does not learn much. And what reading the T’NaCH says – utterly wrong without the revelation of the Oral Torah logic system which Israel accepted @ Horev. Hence the new testament encourages people to worship avodah zarah – JeZeus.


                1. Now contrast this Oral Torah interpretation of k’vanna of the Written Torah with the protestant minister Chris Hedges who basely condemns Israel of Apartheid and his theologies.

                  The conversation between a Muslim and Chris Hedges.

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                  1. Tohor middot

                    The post WWll philosopher, Isaiah Berlin, his distinction between “negative” and “positive” concepts of liberty and its valuation of “self mastery”, in its own unique way separates the dedication of tohor defined middot from the demonic 7 deadly sins. 

                    The Torah teaches the bnai brit folk how to da’aven to HaShem.  Specifically how to affix a “substance” k’vanna unto Torah commandments and halachot forms of faith.  This positive design of Oral Torah logic sharply contrasts with the Goyim religions of avodah zarah which focus and condemn external demonic forces which dominate man kind unto violence oppression, slander and injustice.  The comedian Flip Wilson played a skit where his character justified “herself” by declaring “the devil made me do it.”

                    Tefillah, defined as the k’vannah of dedicating defined tohor mussar middot affixed to a specific blessing within the very language of the Shemone Esrei standing prayer.   ‘Standing’, alludes to swearing an oath before a Sefer Torah, whereby a Jewish man dedicates his behavior in future social interaction with and among his own people.

                    The contrast with the tumah worship excuse concerning the power of the devil over mankind truly defines avodah zarah.


                    1. The Oral Torah is Rabbinic Judaism’s religious tradition. Karaite Jews, a position that I would favor, have different traditions as can be seen by Nehemia Gordon’s criticism of the Oral Torah. Neither you nor Gordon (nor I) “condemn Israel”.


                    2. Frank (smiling) the Talmud as exists today comes from Rabbi Akiva a Tanna who predated your JeZeus. Today is the 12th day of the Omer. The impact of the inheritors of the P’rushim\Pharisees/ surpasses the influence the new testament has upon Goyim.

                      So yes viewed from your perspective the Oral Torah represents a tradition. The religion of Judaism did not pop onto the scene until the Rambam Civil War where that רשע, compares to the new testament forgers, and changed Common law of pre-exile Judea ie P’rushim traditions of Jewish law based upon the 1st Temple prophets who too interpreted the mussar of the Written Torah commandments upon the identical Oral Torah logic.

                      My commentary on the Torah which I have share 13 chapters with you shows the relationship based upon precedents which proves that the P’rushim legal traditions continued the Prophetic legal tradition ie common law.

                      The Rambam Civil War (A) established the religion of Judaism as it exists today. (B) switched the scholarship on the Torah from common law logic to statute law Greek logic.

                      I can not comment on Karaite religion other than say that the Gaonim and Reshonim authorities placed the leaders of that alien religion into נידוי/excommunication. Karaitism compares to the avodah zarah of Xtianity and Islam.


              2. Do you consider that Moshe was a real person who wrote most of the five books of the Torah? How much of that was history. Was the parting of the Red Sea an actual event?

                There is a theory called the documentary hypothesis (that I don’t agree with) that claims some imaginary authors (J, E, D, P) wrote the Torah. How much of this does Rabbinic Judaism accept?


                1. Moshe as real or imaginary makes no difference b/c the Torah does not teach history. The Torah teaches mussar commandments through the medium of Aggadic stories which depict the lives of the Avot, the sons of Yaacov, and Moshe. Its a subtle but distinct distinction.

                  The late 19th Century Protestant school of Higher Criticism proposed this bull shit. That school collapsed early in the 20th Century. The fundamental flaw of that bull shit … it attempts to interpret ancient texts totally divorced from Jewish culture and customs as depicted in the Talmud, Midrashim, Siddur. This error defines the scholarship (a very loose and liberal definition) of all Xtian scholarship for 2000+ years.

                  The church denies the Oral Torah. A fundamental error. My rav taught me … “if the יסוד is cracked, everything built upon that foundation both unstable and must later requires builder to tear down and reconstruct the structure on a firm solid יסוד.

                  Mussar applies to all generations living. Torah prophesy lives through its mussar instruction. B/c the church denies Oral Torah mussar, it misinterprets prophesy as foretelling of future events – complete and total narishkeit/bull shit.

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                  1. If you don’t affirm the historical existence of Moshe as the one who received these revelations and wrote the Torah you have no justification for the Oral Torah.


                    1. That question I must admit goes beyond my ability to know. What happened thousands of years before my birth in this world, really does not distress me in the least.

                      My teachers taught me a sh’itta\methodology of how to learn the sealed masoret\traditions of T’NaCH, Talmud, Midrashim, and Siddur. Beyond this masoret i must admit: “I do not know.”


                    2. Xtianity by stark contrast pretends that it knows this or that God and understands those Gods created by human theology, creeds and dogmas. LOL what a total joke.


                    3. I listened to a few minutes of the video. It assumes that missing links have been found between humans and australopithecines. I differ based on the critique of these fossils in Contested Bones by Rupe and Sanford: https://www.contestedbones.org/

                      The measured rate of mutations in DNA show degradation. Sanford called this genetic entropy: https://www.geneticentropy.org/ Also Y-Chromosome Adam and Mitochondrial Eve provide evidence the human species is very young.


                    4. I do not claim to know one way or the other. Its outside of my limited scope of knowledge. I simply acknowledge differing sets of theories, b/c frankly neither has any affect or impact upon prophetic mussar.

                      For the avodah zarah of historical Xtianity on the other hand clearly that narishkeit claims to “know” and prefer one theory over others lacking all expertise on the subject. LOL

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                    5. The difference between a scholar and a promotion advocate … the latter has fixed and firm conclusions and lacks the patience to give opposing opinions the time of day b/c they fall outside of the dogmatic belief system which the promotion advocate favors.

                      Scholarship requires patience and objectivity and a willingness to say: “I do not know.”

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                    6. From my perspective, mosckerr, you do not have a scholar’s patience and objectivity. It is important to take Genesis seriously as historical evidence. You do not seem to care. You should care.

                      Also, no one approaches evidence outside of some worldview. Make sure your worldview includes Genesis. Take Genesis seriously. It is not just about mussar. There is ontological reality backing up what is in the Torah.


                    7. Have listed my credentials. Happy to let time determine the measure of my Torah scholarship. Refer to myself as an atheist praise HaShem. LOL It seems to me that a person should never take himself toooo seriously. Genesis – this Latin translation I do not respect. בראשית the 1st word of the Torah contains within its 6 letters: ברית אש, ראש בית, ב’ ראשית. The Genesis translation fails to take this into account – a fundamental error.

                      Mussar defines all prophesy. The Torah commands prophesy. I do not understand the fancy term “ontological reality”. Torah has meaning based upon how the Oral Torah interprets the Written Torah. 🙂

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                    8. Torah has no meaning without the ontological reality of HaShem. You know what the word means. Stop wasting my time and yours with such denials.

                      If you deny the ontological reality of HaShem you reject YeHoVaH, yod-hey-vav-hey.


                    9. Your comedy now with this fancy term “ontological reality” … did not realize your profession as a stand up comedian. LOL. But most emphatically abhor the avodah zarah of Yehovah. All translations of the Name = tumah avoadah zarah.


                    10. An area where I think you are mistaken is your not accepting the Torah as history. If you did, you would have an enhanced understanding of your own position. If you have doubts about Genesis 1-11 see https://answersingenesis.org/ or https://creation.com/ . Put your question in the search engines to find a scientific response that takes Genesis seriously.

                      However, for Genesis 12 onwards you would need to be careful when consulting Christian sources to avoid hints of replacement theology.


                    11. Xtianity reminds me of the Vietnam war whereby Truman, Ike, Kennedy, LBJ and Nixon lied to the American People. Starting with Truman using US naval ships to return the French imperialists back to Southern Vietnam, to Ike’s decision to achieve success where the French croaked. The communist bug under the blanket served as an excuse for US imperialism from the Bay of Pigs to sending “military advisors” to impose US approved dictators over the South Vietnam banana republic. The lie of the Gulf of Tonkin non attack (perhaps whales according to LBJ), Johnson employed his own version of Bush’s 9\11 false flag attack, to justify the illegal invasion of SOUTH not NORTH Vietnam. Again Washington imposed dictators over South Vietnam, who oppressed and impoverished the South Vietnamese people! And then ya have tricky dick Nixon who reminds me of Pope Pius XII’s collusion with the Nazis.

                      Xtianity has nothing to do with faith and everything to do with power. Vietnam had nothing to do with “democracy” and everything to do with US imperialism and power politics.

                      Goyim need to learn humility and ask the Jewish people how the Torah shapes our culture customs and societies. Most Goyim “scholars” do not know the difference between א from ב, yet they “know” the Torah. What a complete lie and utter arrogance.

                      Ken Ham, the author of more than 25 books and an in-demand Xtian speaker. By his own admission he interprets the Book of Genesis as “literal history”. His theology qualifies as a biblical inerrantist, a belief that the Bible “has has no errors or faults in all its teaching” (Geisler, NL. and Roach, B., Defending Inerrancy: Affirming the Accuracy of Scripture for a New Generation, Baker Books, 2012.), irregardless of the obvious errors of all its many translations.

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                    12. Pay attention to what Ken Ham and others at Answers in Genesis (or those at other sites like this) have to say.

                      Right now you are following the worldviews of goyim atheists and Christians who think Genesis contains only mythological tales with some ethical mussar that (as far as they are concerned) one can ignore as well. You are undermining your own Jewish tradition when you compromise with them.


                    13. Why should Ken Ham’s opinion impress me? Please this question merits an answer since you seem so taken by this dude who worships avodah zarah.

                      Aggaditah does not embrace Greek mythology. The Greek new testament – that’s mythology. Torah does not mix mythological tales with “some ethical” narishkeit LOL Frank that’s really quite funny. I luv your sense of humor. HaHaHaHa.

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                    14. The reason you should pay attention to people like Ken Ham is because he is one way for you to recover an appreciation for Genesis as history. If you have a Jewish resource that does something similar please let me know.

                      I am not interested in mussar without history. It has no value.


                    15. Hi Frank hope my getting your goat did not make you tooo angry. 🙂

                      It should now have become clear that Jews and Goyim worship entirely different Gods. Need to preface the above statement with “some Jews”. Religious Orthodox Jews in many ways they more resemble your semblance of faith … they say that the Moshiach will build the 3rd Temple LOL HaHaHaHa in Hebrew its חחחחחחחחח LOL.

                      Whenever a frum Yid comes in contact with me, especially CHadadniks laughingly the question placed before them which truly shames their Moshiach belief system: “Ya mean that the Jewish people wait for some Moshiach that builds a building constructed of wood and stone? חחחחחחח why that’s no different than believing in a idol carved from wood and placed upon a golden plinth pedestal. חחחחחחח ו usually the Moshiach crazy Yidden storm off angry. Must admit getting their goats and pissing them off gives me a lot of pleasure.


                    16. So, if I understand you correctly, the reason you are posting so much on my blog, mosckerr, is because you enjoy pissing me off. Is that right?

                      I have been wondering why you write so much here rather than on your own blog. Still I think there is more going on. You wouldn’t go into the Oral Torah in such detail if all you wanted to do was piss me off.

                      But now I’m curious. Why do you post so much here?


                    17. Religious Goyim, it seems to me, that their really into their God. Yidden like myself, do not claim to speak for all my people – 2 Jews 3 opinions. LOL, faith for my ilk centers upon living a tohor life. Tohor an incredibly abstract and difficult subject to master. But then so too emotional maturity which separates a mature human being from an emotion driven child. Adults, directly compare to the maturity of children in terms of their emotional development.

                      Things which I cannot possibly know, like when did the world come into existence, simply do not interest me and my ilk because such brain dead questions mean nothing in my efforts to live my life with dedicated tohor middot.


                    18. Now here’s a YouTube link which shows how translations change the original texts. To say that the English translation of the bible is flawless, the stupidity of Ken Ham its really a joke.


                    19. Noth considered that the book of דברים had a far closer related to the books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings. This theory, widely accepted among Goyim even unto the present day, The notions of late 19th Century higher criticism had a strong influence upon the writings of Martin Noth (3 August 1902 – 30 May 1968), a German scholar of the Hebrew T’NaCH.

                      A better definition for the term Torah, it means instruction or Mussar. Source criticism\higher criticism scholars observed a distinct separation between דברים and the other 4 Books of the Torah. Duh. The משנה תורה exists as the Oral Torah which Moshe gave over on the last day of his life. None of the higher criticism theories ventured to say that the Book of דברים exists as the Oral Torah in the midst of the Written Torah. Instead these German protestant scholars attempted to link דברים to what they termed “historical Books of the Prophets” – Joshua – Kings.

                      What Book of the Torah did king Josiah discover that so shocked him? Answer דברים. As a person limited to English might i suggest a protestant theologian Dennis Bratcher. Like Martin Noth he too examined the credentials of higher criticism.

                      Martin Noth in 1930 published “Das System der zwölf Stämme Israels”. There according to his theory of history, not till Joshua cut the oath Brit @ Sh’Cem did the 12 Tribes come into being. What about the oath brit sworn at Gilgal? Noth’s history does not to my knowledge address.

                      The Order of the Rashi tefillen – based upon the oath brit sworn @ Gilgal. The Order of the Rabbeinu Tam tefillen, Rashi’s most famous grand son, based upon the sworn oath brit cut @ Sh’Cem. Frank do you know what tefillen represent as a Torah mitzvah? Tefillen compare to a Sefer Torah. A person can either stand before a Sefer Torah in order to swear a Torah oath OR that same person can sit while wearing tefillen and swear a Torah oath in order to cut a brit alliance. The dispute between the Order of Rashi and Order of Rabenu Tam tefillen represents a dispute between two of the greatest Amoraim scholars during the last generations before Rav Ashi And Rav Ravinah seal the Sha’s Bavli — Rabbis Yochanon & Rabbah, disputed whether a person should say 1 or 2 blessings. Rabbi Yochanon said one whereas Rabbah argued 2 blessings required. Rabbi Yochanon understood the mitzvah of tefillen, as did Rashi, based upon the oath brit sworn at Gilgal. Rabbah understood the mitzvah of tefillen, as did Rabenu Tam, to include the oath brit cut @ Sh’Cem.

                      Noth totally ignored the earlier oath brit cut at Gilgal following the brit melah and observance of Pesach who the whole new generations of the 12 Tribes of Israel that crossed over the Jordan river!

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                    20. Everything has its time and place. Brit means alliance. To build an alliance requires trust. Yosef, for example, after being thrown into the pit, never trusted his brothers. No trust No shalom.

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                    21. The reason behind the distinction between the Order of the 4 parchments that go into tefillen between Rashi and Rabbeinu Tam … surprised, honestly thought would interest you.

                      It requires a People to generate Aggaddic stories. Jews as a People, we have a long history. None the less, the Talmud common law systems, it stands upon the precedents of the NaCH & Torah common law system … all employ Aggaddah as a chief medium by which they all learn & teach mussar.

                      This Israeli who talks to a evangelical Xtian, notice this gentleman never addresses the subject of the Oral Torah! This disastrous problem in Israeli society today, these secular Jews feel that Jewish religious society have divorced themselves from secular Jews like this gentleman represents!!!!!

                      As a rabbi my scholarship seeks to take down rabbinic Judaism down about 10 notches, over its failure to discern the many and multiple distinctions between masoret common law from the classic statute law codes developed during the Middle Ages which effectively established the religion of Judaism. Honestly thought my explanation which explains the basis of differing Orders of the 4 parchments between the Rashi Order of tefillen and the Rabbeinu Tam Order of tefillen, tied to the two different sets of sworn oaths as a permanent Jewish inheritance @ Gilgal/Rashi and Sh’Cem/Rabbeinu Tam tefillen. The explanation given qualifies as a huge chiddush\novel/fresh interpretation of the Gemara of מנחות which includes the famous dispute on this very subject between Rabbis Yochanon and Rabbah. The purpose of my Torah scholarship, it seeks to permanently destroy the narishkeit arrogance of Charedim (religious Jews) that they possess a monopoly over the Torah. That Chilloni (secular Jews) have an equal portion in the Torah inheritance of Jewish culture and customs which have expressed Jewish identity throughout the “history” of my People throughout the generations.

                      Chilloni Jews lead the push, through political Zionism, which lead to the restoration of the Jewish State in Israel. This fact, it galls Charedi no end. The vast majority of modern Charedi Judaism rabbinic leadership actively opposed the Chilloni secular Jewish leadership in the 20th Century which culminated in the Shoah and Israeli political independence in our wars fought against the Arabs and their European allies. Israeli national Independence … the greatest accomplishment of the Jewish people since the Romans destroyed the 2nd Jewish commonwealth following the Bar Kokhba revolt (a key leader in this revolt – Rabbi Akiva) military defeat disaster.

                      For 2000+ years all Jews have lived in the shadow of that horrible total war defeat. Jews lived as stateless refugees which had no country of their own till the Chilloni Zionist leadership, lead by David Ben-Gurion and Menachem Begin won Israeli political Independence on 12 May 1948. Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooop! A huge celebration on par with the Chag of Pass Over.

                      Religious Jewry they despise the tremendous accomplishments of secular Jewry – they do not say Hallel with a blessing on Israeli Independence day!!!! They slander the great achievement and success of my People by declaring that Jews remain in g’lut till the Messiah builds the 3rd Temple. I personally mock these religious fools by asking them: “”What the geulah of Israel depends upon building a building of wood and stone?!!!”” This question usually shuts their traps. Feel tremendous hostility toward Charedi Jews, and their arrogant belief system which caused them to proclaim a religious monopoly over the inheritance of the Torah. My scholarship seeks to re-establish the Written Torah as the Constitution of the Jewish Republic of States, based upon the brit alliance cut between the 12 Tribes who forged the 1st Jewish commonwealth in the days of Yehoshua the talmid of Moshe. During the 2nd commonwealth my people failed to make this accomplishment! They failed to firmly establish משנה תורה – which means “Legislative Review” wherein the lateral common law Sanhedrin Federal Court system determines the aggaddic k’vanna of intent of all laws passed by the Knesset Parliament! Herein defines the chief goals my Torah scholarship seeks to achieve, irregardless whether I live to see it or not. My Torah scholarship embraces Chilloni Jewry as equal partners in the Torah cultural traditions which has shaped Jewish identity throughout the Ages.

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                    22. A very well written summery of Ultra Orthodox Yidden. My Rav, even though he fought in the 1948 war, and his Rav Rabbi Eliashiv, most definitely fit into the Ultra Orthodox category. As a baali t’shuva religion does not have a very strong appeal to me. But all my Torah learning comes from these Ultra Orthodox rabbis.

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                    23. My wife, she’s very Torah observant and she most definitely qualifies as Ultra Orthodox. My influence upon my daughter and Karen’s 4 children born prior to our marriage. Have a far greater influence upon my daughter than on the 4 teen age children with whom we, both them and myself grew up together. Raising teenage children from a prior marriage – difficult at best. My horror to discover that my emotional maturity hardly differed in development than their emotional maturity … most definitely one of the biggest shocks in my entire life.

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                    24. The 2nd pew research seeks to pigeon hole Jewish types. This idea am familiar with and it has some merit. But it does not appeal to me. I relate with all 4 groups. Was prior to learning in the Yeshiva a strong Meretz supporter. The far left, even intermarries with Arab refugees. That’s to far for my tastes. It also agrees with the European imperialist propaganda which promotes a 2 state solution. This too my soul abhors. PM Sharon’s unilateral withdrawal from Gaza totally discredited the Left. Alas that pig Olmert took over following Sharon’s stroke. That incompetent moron, if its not obvious i utterly detest that convicted criminal to this day… that fool brought the nation to the verge of Civil War…comparable to the Rabin assassination.

                      The 1st rule of Government. To prevent Jewish society from making Civil War against our own people. That moron Olmert took the nation to the edge of Civil War. It will take 100 years before the dust settles in the Lebanese Civil War. The same hold true with Syria. Russian assistance prevented the Assad collapse. But that Civil War, its very bad for Israel. The king of Jordan prevented a Civil War in the early 1970s when his army expelled Arafat’s Balestinian refugee PLO from Jordan. This action triggered the Lebanese Civil War.

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                    25. Of all the the Pew research, even though 2 of Karen’s sisters embrace modern orthodoxy, this branch differs from the neo-orthodox movement lead by R. Hirsch in the late 19th Century. Really did not develop a favorable impression of R. Hirsch’s commentary to the Torah. I share with you the beginning of my own Torah commentary. Compare the 2 texts side by side and the differences become immediately obvious. Modern Orthodox claim R. Hirsch as their own. Personally, I like the statement at the end of the movie Gone with the Wind: Clark Gables’ line: “”Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn””.

                      The post Rambam Civil War Judaism does not impress me in the least.

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                    26. Except for the Rosh super commentary upon the Rif halachic code. The Rosh participated in the debates with the church which resulted in the 1242 disaster in Paris France. The Rosh wrote a commentary called “The Tosafot Ha’Rosh” which really helped me to grasp and understand the Baali Tosafot common law commentary upon the Talmud. The Rosh detested the Rambam. Alas following the Paris disaster, his son abandoned the common law sh’itta of learning and embraced the Rambam perversion of statute law. The Rambam’s statute law code of Halachah, it pulled the rabbit out of the hat and established Orthodox Judaism which has since branched off into many branches which includes Conservative and Reform Judaisms, R. Hirshch’s neo-Orthodox movement etc etc etc. The Pew Report did not even consider the many other fractured movements which come under the General Heading of Judaism.

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                    27. And the Ramban, whose cousin placed the נדוי\excommunication upon the רשע the Rambam. The Ramban commentary to the Torah highly influenced the development of my sh’itta of learning. The Paris disaster of 1242 caused Rabbeinu Yona surrendered and renounced his cherem excommunication against the Rambam. The public burning of all the Talmudic manuscripts in France, clearly a water-shed moment that initiated Centuries of Jewish tragedy there after.

                      But perhaps just as the cherem against Baruch Spinoza remains in force … hopefully my Torah & Talmudic commentaries will renew the cherem against the Rambam. Why would such an event like that so please me? As mentioned to you previously, religious Jewry thinks that they hold a monopoly upon the Torah. Bunk upon their arrogance. Secular Jewry equally inherits the cultural traditions established by the T’NaCH, Talmud, Midrashim, and Siddur. The faith of the Torah, at least to me, that HaShem shapes and determines the impact of Oral Torah logic upon Jewish societies within the Jewish state.

                      G’lut Jewry really does not concern me, other than that their horrific assimilation to Goyim cultures and customs promotes avodah zarah among Israeli Jews living in Israel. Hence despite that g’lut Jewry represents the target audience of my Torah commentary, the re-introduction of Oral Torah logic & common law, it seeks to destroy the religion of Judaism in the US and Europe.

                      Revolutionary theory which as a student @ Texas A&M developed there … it goes like this … If a person or movement etc can, so to speak, pop the ethical containment force balloon of a people within a given target society, this will result in an explosion of Civil War. Civil War invites foreign intervention, meaning violent Anti-Semitism. American Jewry its so assimilated right now. The intermarriage utterly horrific. Anti-semites they do not care, assimilated Jewry they do not recognize. This forces the Jews of America to either, so to speak, convert or flee the country. Israel has the Law of Return for this exact purpose.

                      Examples of popping the “ethical containment force” balloon … the French, Russian, Nazi, and Iranian revolutions. Where the Heads of State get killed, and the dominant religion of those society gets rejected by the new revolutionary Order. My common law Torah commentary dreams of popping the ethical containment force of Judaism in America and Europe. A radical foreign policy, but the idea so brings a smile to my face.

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                    28. Frank it really gives me a lot of pleasure to communicate with a Goy and show the stark contrast between who myself as a Jewish example so completely differs with how Goyim perceive their bibles.

                      Goyim and Jews compare to black and white up and down left and right. LOL Jewish tradition its so completely different from Xtian belief systems, theologies, and dogmatism.

                      In magnets – opposites attract. I pleases me to share with you the Jewish perspective of classic Yiddishkeit. Goyim cannot and can never be close with Jews b/c us Jew boys like myself reject everything that Goyim believe and hold dear.


                    29. This theory of mitochondrial Eve makes no sense to me. The mitochondria exists within the cells of all major internal organs of all mammals. It converts low energy ADP unto high energy ATP. Usage of a mixed metaphor “mitochondrial eve” as returning back to the so called Eve of the garden of Eden, makes me laugh… as if the Torah teaches history HaHaHaHa.

                      Y-chromosome Adam too makes no sense to me. The male species has a Y chromosome. Shall we say the “rib” that HaShem took from Adam in the Aggaditah story of creation refers to the denuded Y chromosome compared to the full X chromosome? LOL such speculation … really makes for good comedy.

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                    30. You owe it to yourself and to the people you serve as a rabbi to pay attention to these matters. Saying “LOL” is not an argument. Claiming ignorance is not an argument for continuing to believe atheistic science.

                      Again, put your questions in the search engines of Answers In Genesis or Creation Ministries International to get better information.


                    31. Saying LOL attempts to communicate what strikes me as humor. We lack this important component in these communications between us. Science, specifically the scientific method which limits reality to empirical evidence – another face of avodah zarah which limits the Gods to 3 physical dimensions. LOL I realize you don’t like that term but its important to laugh when life offers up the opportunity.

                      The sages of my people have sealed the masoret\traditions to T’NaCH, Talmud, Midrashim, and Siddur. All Jews inherit this identical masoret which defines the Jewish faith. Mr. Google – that business monopoly does not interest me. I rely on Go Go Duck to consciously avoid the Google monopoly.

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                    32. The sirens sounded for Holocaust Remembrance Day. I am watching a documentary on the American invasion of Nazi Germany. The bitterness of 75% of European Jewry murdered in less than 4 years — their crime: christ killers. This slander bull shit has justified the barbarian peoples of Europe to murder Jews for 2000+ years of our exile from the oath sworn lands.

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                    33. Being “christ killers” was an excuse. There is something demonic underlying the hatred of anti-Judaism.

                      I don’t think most Jewish people at the time wanted Yeshua to be crucified except for those in the Sanhedrin. They were fulfilling prophecy.


                    34. The imaginary man JeZeus\Yeshua or what ever label ya want to apply to this mythical person has nothing to do with mussar and therefore “it” has no connection with prophecy which commands mussar.

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                    35. Never proclaimed myself as an atheist Frank. Atheist praise HaShem. B’ruch HaShem on the 13th day of the Omer that the avodah zarah of Xtianity and its worship of other Gods my soul abhors.


                    36. Demonic its a Xtian bug a boo. The Torah centers upon teaching the mussar distinction between tohor social behavior from tumah social behavior. Demons and the devil metaphors, really totally not relevant to this central issue of Torah faith.


                    37. You have no Torah faith, mosckerr. You have admitted it. You’ve called yourself an atheist. You think what is in the Torah is mythology because some atheist goyim at the university said it was.


                    38. Frank, my faith … that’s for HaShem to determine. LOL your humor its really really funny. Torah instructs aggadic mussar. Ya want Greek mythology read the new testament fraud forgery.


                    39. Now here’s a YouTube link, briefly it addresses: “Today I spoke with Dr. Dennis MacDonald, who has done groundbreaking work demonstrating that the Gospels and Acts are imitating and rewriting Greek and Roman epics such as Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, Euripides’ Bacchae, and Virgil’s Aeneid, among others.

                      We discussed many topics, including:
                      • How people in the ancient world would often write stories that compared their superheroes using extraordinary tales, like having supernatural births, walking on water, flying, turning water into wine, clearing bad men out of their house, keeping their identity secret at times, visiting the land of the dead, possessing incredible powers of healing, has feasts for thousands, dying because their god has abandoned them, rising from the dead, and living forever, etc.
                      • Acknowledging that Christianity is an elaborate and toxic “con”.
                      • How Christianity is psychologically abusive to children.
                      • Seeing Christianity is about separating the in-group versus the out-group, and then pushing the polarization and demonizing the outsider.
                      • How Christians refuse to admit many inconvenient truths that undermine the claims of their worldview.
                      • How to talk — or not talk — to Christians who refuse to acknowledge the origins of their religion.
                      • And many more topics.”


                    40. Don’t forget, mosckerr, you have been fooled by the goyim’s atheistic evolution to the point that you don’t take seriously Genesis as history. Some Christians have also been fooled, so this is an area where you and those Christians are in agreement.


                    41. As previously communicated, the Latin translation of בראשית does not interest me in the least. ברית אש – the fire of the alliance – a Torah oath. ראש בית – Israel the chosen Cohen People. ב’ ראשית two beginnings which Rabbi Yechudah the Prince taught the mussar of the Yatzir Ha’Tov and the Yatzir Ha’Rah in the Mishnah of ברכות. These words within words, they serve as the יסוד by which Jewish scholarship interprets the meaning of the word בראשית.

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                    42. I have only read English translations of Genesis.

                      Since you don’t believe any of this happened historically, what difference does it make what ברית אש (or any other phrase) means? What difference does it make what Rabbi Yechudah had to say, if you are an atheist?

                      If there is no ontological reality (according to you) backing any of it up, why preach it? Denying the ontological reality of HaShem sounds like a violation of Exodus 20:2-4. You are serving the goyim idols of atheism. You need to repent (tshuvah).


                    43. Torah instructs mussar, it does not teach history lessons. Big smile B’ruch HaShem. ברית אש the fire of the brit faith – swearing a Torah oath. Rabbi Yechudah the Nasi of the Great Sanhedrin court. Frank never declared myself an atheist. Atheist praise HaShem means i do not believe in the idols of avodah zarah B’ruch HaShem.

                      Ontological reality = empty rhetoric. Preaching that an Xtian avodah zarah narishkeit. Onto etc = !@#$%^&, in other words … utter non sense … noise. Onto etc not in the 1st commandment of the Sinai revelation.

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                    44. Euclid’s 5th axiom of geometry — it too limits reality to 3 physical dimensions. Late in the 19th Century hyperbolic geometry refuted the 5th axiom of Euclid’s geometry. LOL the Greek gods and JeZeus limited to a physical history. That’s really funny Frank ya ought to laugh together with me over that one.

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                2. The mussar which distinguishes between (like and like) the 10 plagues from the splitting of the Red Sea. HaShem judged the Gods worshiped by Par’o and the Egyptians in the 10 plagues. Whereas in the Red Sea mussar HaShem judged the lust within the heart of Par’o to get revenge. The mussar in both this and that applies equally to all generations of the bnai brit chosen Cohen nation. The latter perhaps serves as a precedent for the Torah negative commandment not to seek to take revenge upon our bnai brit people.

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                3. Propaganda rhetoric regardless of the new testament propaganda or the current conflict in the Ukraine merits comparison.

                  Here’s a clip that represents something very very close to my opinion

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            2. I understand that according to Rabbinic Judaism we are in year 5782 from the creation. Is that number arbitrary if the Torah is not history?

              I also wonder why the beginning of the year is in the autumn rather than the first day of aviv?


              1. That year reflects the Jewish calendar. But you do not learn the k’vanna of the Torah from a calendar.


                Prof. Tamar Ross, a professor Emeritus of the Department of Jewish philosophy summerizes her understanding of Yeshayahu Leibowitz in: Torah from Sinai as a Normative Statement … “[he] was famous for his thundering pronouncements in public lectures that ‘the Torah is not a HISTORY book, nor is it a textbook in PHYSICS!”


                1. According to Tamar Ross, Leibowitz would claim that “religion has no ontological grounding”. That is all I need to know to ignore what he has to say.


                  1. When someone says something has no “ontological ground”, they’re just saying that something has no basis in reality, but saying so in a way as to try to sound sophisticated.

                    Sorry this too goes over my head.

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              2. Two of the main teachers of Rabbi Akiva in the Gemarah of Rosh HaShanna dof :י if my memory recalls correctly debated your last question. One said the world was created in Nisson (Passover) and the other said in Tishri (Rosh HaShannah). Its a powerful Aggaditah which teaches mussar which explains the k’vanna of the Mishnah that teaches the Case: Rabbis אלעזר ושמעון teach that the New Year occurs on the 1st of Tishri which determines the Sh’mittah and planting etc.

                My chuvrussa\learning partner/ based his marriage drosh on that very piece of Aggaditah. He too learned under Rabbi Nemuraskii as did myself. Rav Nemuraskii emphasized that a person could never truly grasp the halachic portions of the Talmud without making an in-depth study of the Aggadic sister portions linked and affixed to those halachot, which in their turn function as precedents by which to understand the depths of the language of the Mishnah.

                To learn Talmud oblivious of common law directly compares to learning T’NaCH without the Oral Torah common law format. LOL Hence the bible remains a sealed, closed book to all Xtians & Muslims.


                1. Learning without Oral Torah logic goes by the description: טפש פשט. The word פשט has the meaning of simple understanding of terms. The Biblical commentator Ezra based his commentary which explains the פשט of Hebrew grammar. The term טפש means bird brain idiot. Hence those who attempt to learn Torah without the Oral Torah logic format, these folk come under the category of טפש פשט. Just a bit of Torah humor.


                2. The prophet Isaiah says precisely this — that a man brings the Torah to a learned scholar and asks him to teach him. And the scholars says: “I can not b/c the Book is sealed”. Then that man brings that book to an unlearned person and asks him to teach, and that man says: “I can not for I am not trained”.


      1. פרק ג of the Book of ויקרא. This chapter its rather small ג:א – ה. Rather interesting, it more compares to a סוגיא rather than a פרק. An immediate observation, the sharp contrast to the Order of organization of the Safer Torah to that of the Chapter/verse Order of the Xtian bible. How a person “organizes” thought, radically influences the perspective and conclusions reached, as a result of that Ordered organization.

        The basic order of a US squad, its divided into two fire teams. This atomic organization of US military tactics, duplicated by all Armies across the world with slight variations. Current news\noise/ jabbers about the Russian invasion of the Ukraine. As previously mentioned the Napoleonic and Nazi invasions of Russia produced a huge – long enduring – national trauma which has permanently scared the Russian psyche. In similar vein as did the Mongol invasion of the 13th and 14th Centuries.

        Napoleon’s main invasion thrust came through Estonia Latvia and Lithuania. Whereas the Nazi invasion focused upon the Ukraine, consequent to Stalin’s Collective farming – war – waged against the agrarian Kulaks, peasants who owned over 8 acres of land towards the end of the Russian Empire. The latter three countries have already joined the hostile Nato alliance. Hence the Russian outright refusal of the Ukraine likewise joining the Nato alliance. The threat of a 2 pronged double envelopment, which by-passes Belarus, similar to the Pacific tactics of Island hopping during WWII, this threat Russia has emphatically proven that it will not tolerate.

        The winter campaign in the Ukraine, it compares to the war fought against Finland prior to the Nazi invasion. Russian’s winters play heavy in its strategic planning. Both France and Germany opened their invasions during the Spring and Summer months. A Nato invasion, if it happened would most probably begin in the Winter season, in hopes to achieve both surprise and the realization that any war with Russia would include winter fighting. Better to begin a war under the harsh constraints of winter while the supply lines remain within Nato’s sphere of domain than risk a Stalingrad entrapment.

        In the French invasion, Tzar Alexander refused to engage the French army. The Russian army made an organized retreat. It forced Napoleon to enter into the bowls of Russian territory, and through a scorched earth policy – it robbed him of his expected ‘glorious victory’. The Nazi invasion, by sharp contrast Stalin actually enticed the Nazis to invade.

        Stalin needed to fight the coming “long drawn out war” while Britain remained holding the dreaded, according to Hitler, second front. Stalin absolutely depended upon Nazi brutality; he needed that idiot Corporal to bleed his People white! Stalin’s barbaric policies during the decade of the ’30s, it forced him to actually desperately depend upon Hitler’s cruel SS stupidity; to scrub the dreadful memories of Stalin’s horrible and incompetent revolutionary policies — from the collective consciousness of his USSR peasants. Stalin, to some degree, he weighed FDR’s own collectivization policies, which transferred unto corporate monopolies, almost all the privately owned farmlands, which made up most of rural America — prior to the Depression.

        Stalin also based his Great conflict strategies upon the model – a “long stalemate war”. This strategic model, he attributed as the primary cause which brought about the total collapse of the Tzar empire; consequent to the 1905 Japanese military achievements, and their destruction of the Russian fleet. The coming Great War with Germany already surpassed WWI – with the French surrender to Germany. WWI not only permitted, it actually caused the Bolshevik revolution. Stalin’s problem … why should WWII not produce similar results? In short, Stalin’s throne, it sat on a very shaky foundation. The political realities which threatened Tzar Alexander, they share little or no comparison to those – Stalin confronted.

        Let’s learn. This third פרק of ויקרא addresses Shalom korban dedications. Shalom rests upon a יסוד\foundation of trust. The shabbos meals, clearly teaches that shalom, made with family and friends – but not with non bnai brit aliens. Consequently, a shalom korban dedication, this sanctification, it formally renews the oath brit alliance among our People, after the conclusion of a Court room judicial ruling, which resolves a legal dispute among conflicting parties within our Jewish civilization. Red ants never invite Black ants, or any other species of ant, into their colonies. The Talmud differentiates a korban oleh from a korban shalom. The former, even Goyim can dedicate an oath alliance to HaShem. Not so a shalom korban. Only an Israel can sanctify such an oath dedication, sworn to HaShem – upon the altar in Jerusalem. Goyim have never accepted the oath brit revelation of the Written & Oral Torah @ Sinai\Horev.

        A slightly distant precedent, דברים ב: לא – לז. Based upon this משנה תורה, a shalom korban first and foremost our people dedicate unto HaShem following war victory over our enemies. Clearly a shalom korban predicates itself upon shalom among our own people. Soldiers fight like lions when we fight the enemy as a ‘band of brothers’.

        Another slightly distant precedent: יד:א – כא. Only the chosen Cohen nation has the obligation to respect and observe states of tohor & tumah. The dietary laws which differentiate tohor from tumah animals, birds, fish and insects, these dietary obligations, they separate the Jewish “ant colony” from all other “ant colonies” on the face of this Earth throughout history. Just as Goyim do not observe the dietary laws, so too Goyim forbidden to dedicate shalom offerings upon the altar in Jerusalem.

        A distant precedent: יז:ח – יג. Justice among our people absolutely relies and depends upon the lateral common law court rooms. Any bnai brit person who despises the judicial ruling issued by the Courts, that person has committed a Capital Crime against our nation.

        Another distant precedent: כג: ד -ז. The eternal ban placed upon the male descendants of Lot for their evil eye and bad faith. The Talmud refers to Europeans as Esau. Our history under the rule of those barbarians, shares similarities to the psychic trauma scars born by the Russian people; the suffering they endured from those horrific invasions.

        A perfect precedent: כד:א – ט. The model of shalom stands upon the יסוד\foundation of a husband wife relationship. The obligation to walk with tohor spirits together with all our People, it best defines shalom. Tumah spirits, they so to speak, temporarily transform a “red ant” unto a “black ant” or some other alien species of ant. No Goyim peoples or societies, throughout all the annuls of Human history, have ever weighed and prioritized tohor spirits over tumah spirits. Therefore the Torah absolutely teaches a clear negative commandment that Goyim must never dedicate a shalom korban upon the altar of Jerusalem.

        ישעיה כח: ה- טו, this mussar commandment likewise serves as a precise precedent. Woe to our nation when religious dogmatic ritualism defines our faith in HaShem. When our drunk scholars and judges behave with contempt, they ignore the wisdom of lateral common law, they daily flout their Capital Crime contempt for shalom to reign and prevail within the society of our oath alliance People. A curse rests upon the leads of assimilated rabbis who corrupt Torah common law unto Goyim statute law. Herein defines the k’vanna of:
        ולירושלים עירך ברחמים תשוב, ותשכן בתוכה כאשר דברת, ובנה אותה בקרוב בימינו בנין עולם, וכסא דוד עבדך מהרה לתוכה תכין. ברוך אתה ה’, מצמיח קרן ישועה

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              1. The P’rushim … translated into Greek and later into English as pharisees … they taught Oral Torah Common Law which Rabbi Yechudah Ha’Nasi of the Great Sanhedrin later codified into the Books known as the Mishnah. As a Xtian, how do you explain your messiah’s absolute contempt for the teachers of the Oral Torah common law legal system? Have clearly shown the משנה תורה commandment which makes such behavior expressed by your messiah as a Capital Crime worthy of the death penalty.

                How do you explain the blatant contradiction where your messiah tells his students to obey the Courts judicial legislative review of the laws imposed by Herod … and yet behaves with absolute disrespect to the people who taught how the judges of the courts logically made their interpretation of the mussar intent of the statute laws imposed by Herod’s government?

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                1. Since I don’t accept the Oral Torah (Mishnah Torah) as obligatory, I have no need to justify Yeshua’s behavior with respect to it. The Oral Torah may have interesting things to say, but that is as far as it goes. It is not obligatory.

                  I don’t know what you are referring to by the “Courts judicial legislative review of the laws imposed by Herod”. Regarding Matthew 23:1-3, any conflict between what Yeshua said regarding those speaking “in Moses’ seat” could be traced to a scribal error as I mentioned in my post. See the link to Nehemia Gordon’s explanation of this text for more information.

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                  1. How can you reject Exodus 34: 6,7? The 5th book of the Torah has the name משנה תורה. The 613 commandments function as Common law. Common law rules by means of precedents. Hence Torah commandments they function as precedents to interpret the intent of the commandments.

                    If you rely on the defense of “scribal error” then this defense equally applies to the whole of the New Testament.

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                    1. I am trying to find a list of those 613 commandments both what they are and the reference to the written Torah that they come from, assuming they do come from the written Torah.

                      Scribal error is important even for the Tanach.

                      I don’t understand the point you are trying to make with Exodus 34:6-7.

                      Deuteronomy 4:1-2 and Deuteronomy 12:32 seem to go against the oral Torah as an obligatory part of the law or instruction.

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                    2. Scribal error … the argument made by the Muslims as well. Everybody knows that Avraham offered up Ishmael on the Akadah alter unto Allah. LOL

                      Exodus 34:6-7 refers to the revelation of the Oral Torah to Moshe at Horev.

                      Chukim and Mishpatim … 4:1,2 … LOL A chok חק a deeps subject that requires a lot of research in order to understand its k’vanna (a poor translation: intent). The ashes of the Red Heifer, perhaps the most famous of Torah חוקים. The term משפט refers to common law precedents employed to better understand the depth of the current case before the present day courtroom.

                      The Rambam codification, you can get an english translation of the 613 commandments. Every one of the listed commandments Rambam gives a Torah source.

                      The 2nd p’suk 4:2 commands that all judicial cases heard before a court, that all Torah courts base their judicial ruling upon Written Torah precedents.

                      יב:לא There does not exist 32 p’sukim in the 12th chapter of דברים. So I do not understand what you seek to say on this imaginary verse.

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                    3. I don’t see anything about the Oral Torah in Exodus 34:6-7. However, Deuteronomy 4:2 does prohibit adding to the Torah.

                      Deuteronomy 12:32 is in the English translations. It would correspond to the first verse of דברים יג in the Masoretic text.
                      אֵ֣ת כָּל־הַדָּבָ֗ר אֲשֶׁ֤ר אָנֹכִי֙ מְצַוֶּ֣ה אֶתְכֶ֔ם אֹת֥וֹ תִשְׁמְר֖וּ לַעֲשׂ֑וֹת לֹא־תֹסֵ֣ף עָלָ֔יו וְלֹ֥א תִגְרַ֖ע מִמֶּֽנּוּ׃ פ

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                    4. 13:1, ok let’s examine this p’suk. Torah through the תרי”ג\613 commandments functions as a common law codification. The first Jewish common law codification. Recall that I mentioned the Rambam Safer Hamitzvot book. The Rambam changed, he introduced the תרי”ג commandments as statute-law rather than common-law. A subtle distinction that most scholars failed to discern. The Talmud defines בינה\”understanding”, as the ability and skill…חכמה\wisdom (Shofar, the blowing of the ram’s horn on yom ha’din upon the brit … known as Rosh HaShannah, qualifies as a skill rather than a labor. If blowing a shofar was an act of work you could not do it on shabbot, but as a חכמה its permitted to blow the shofar on shabbot), another subtle distinction of terms.

                      So יג:א commands that all generations who courts of law make halachic\legal interpretations upon the Written Constitution of the Torah, that these lateral common law court rooms base these future halachot upon Torah precedent commandments.

                      The Rambam’s Safer Ha’Mitzvot statute law of the תרי”ג commandments served as an introduction to his Mishna Torah (the arrogance of that Man wow he had no shame) [[[The 5th Book of the Torah דברים – called by the name משנה תורה b/c the way to learn the other 4 Books of the Torah common law code requires that you compare a sugia from within any of the first 4 Books of the Torah with a similar precedent sugia within דברים. Hence the name משנה תורה which means “Repetition of the Ruling”.]]]

                      Any way the Rambam’s Safer Ha’mitzvot serves as an introduction to his יד חזקה. People who realized the perversion of the Rambam halachic codification which perverted Talmudic common-law unto Roman statute-law refused to refer to Rambam’s code by the travesty name “Mishna Torah” but rather refer to it by the name Yad Chazakah. Talmudic common-law stands upon the legal precedent of NaCH common-law. The NaCH common-law codification, in its turn stands upon the precedent of the Written Torah codification of commandments ie תרי”ג מצוות common-law codification. Therefore יג:א — the Rambam’s Book Safer Ha’Mitzvot which serves as an introduction to his halachic codification of the Talmud יד החזקה — flagrantly violated this verse 13:1 of Deuteronomy.

                      The best rabbis in Spain placed the ban of cherum upon the רשע Rambam. This introduced a long bitter Civil War which lasted Centuries. G’lut Jewish refugee populations scattered across the Middle East, North Africa, and Western Europe did not have armies to fight their Civil War as did the North and the South in the American Civil War.

                      The US society did not fall into anarchy and chaos like as did the French society during the “French revolution”, and the Russian society prior to the conclusion of WWI, the German society which elected Hitler as Chancellor of the republic of Germany, as did the Iranian revolution, and the Syrian revolution today. As a rule all societies that fall into political chaos … experience foreign invasion and intervention into their countries. The US society remained ordered and organized during its Civil War in the 1860s and therefore Britain France and Russia did not intervene. Unlike the case of the American revolution against Britain where France did intervene in that “revolution”.

                      Understanding requires the ability to separate and distinguish “like” from “like”. Most people, they never truly “understand” what’s going on in their world, b\c they fail to develop the skill of separating “like” from “like”.

                      The most famous example of this being Xtians like yourself. You don’t know the difference between common-law and statute-law. You have allot of company. After the Rambam published his halachic-statute-law code, as mentioned above Jewish g’lut society fell into extreme anarchy and chaos…foreign countries immediately intervened in that Jewish civil war/revolution. Britain late in the 13th Century expelled all Jews from Britain. France in 1242 at Paris burned all the Talmud manuscripts in that country.

                      About 60 years later the king of France expelled all Jews from France. Germany imposed horrific taxation without Representation upon all Jews residing in Germany. This unilateral action impoverished all Jews living in the kingdoms of Germany. Early in 1516, 24 years after the Spanish expulsion of all its Jews, Rome decreed that all Jews live in ghetto prisons. This cause a huge population transfer whereby Jews fled Western Europe to Eastern Europe, primarily Poland and the Ukraine.

                      Xtianity speaks nothing about its war crimes to this very day. The Turks too play this same card and deny their war crimes committed against the Armenians. The US does not openly admit to its war crimes committed against the red Indian populations. This criminal behavior … the church does not stand alone.

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                    5. Paul, for example, preached that Goyim R not under “the law”. Xtianity confuses Torah commandments with Courtroom halachic rulings ie law … specifically common-law.


                    6. Naturally Goyim are not “under the law”!!! Do the laws of Russia apply to you??? The stupidity of the obviousness of this declaration: “not under the law” … reveals propaganda rhetoric.


                    7. The Rambam safer ha’mitzvot fundamentally errs 3 basic divisions of written Torah commandments: (1) Positive (2) Negative (3) Positive Time Oriented. Examples of the 3rd type of commandment; tefillah, kre’a shma, the Chaggagim and Yom Tovim etc etc.

                      What separates the 3rd type of commandment from the other 2 types of commandments? The latter requires k’vanna. K’vanna affixes prophetic mussar unto positive and negative commandments. Therefore if a person know how, a חכמה, to affix prophetic mussar commandments unto positive and negative commandments (the purpose of Oral Torah logic) then a person can likewise affix prophetic mussar commandments (ie prophesy) to rabbinic legal rulings also … this Oral Torah wisdom adds K’vanna (the 3rd catagory of positive time oriented commandments) to not only positive and negative commandments from the Torah, it equally does the same to all the halachot learned from the Talmud!!! K’vanna transforms all positive, negative commandments and halachot unto Positive time oriented commandments from the Torah. Hence all T’NaCH prophets command mussar!!!


                    8. The Rambam’s code of positive and negative commandments exists as religious statute law. This perversion of the Torah compares to the new testament messiah abomination.


                    9. Explain then the distinction between רחום וחנון\mercy and grace? LOL You can not. Webster’s dictionary does nothing. Logic stands upon order. Explain to me why the prophets would change the order of these middot to, for example, חנון ורחום? Why did they do that? Again you do not know. Explain to me why these 13 attributes of mercy require a direct revelation straight from HaShem to Moshe? Again you do not know. Therefore upon what do you base your objections to how Traditional Jewry has interpreted the Written Torah since Moshe the prophet returned back to Israel on Yom Kippur – 40 days after the golden calf? Be honest Frank.


                    10. That is the issue that Nehemia Gordon makes as a Karaite Jew. The religious theology of Rabbinic Judaism overrides direct Torah commandments, in particular, the commandment not to add or subtract from the Torah. (Deuteronomy 4:2)

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                    11. Karaite theology defines its ignorance of Jewish common law which bases all halachic rulings upon Torah common law commandments. Karaite theology can no more address Exodus 34:6-7 than Xtian theology in general and you in particular. All theological systems replace Common law with Creeds and belief systems. This basic distinction proves all these theological belief systems as completely false.

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                    12. What you say, mosckerr, also applies to Rabbinic Judaism and the oral Torah. What Karaites do is take the Torah seriously. The only thing I have against them is they do not accept Yeshua.

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                    13. Watched a propaganda piece of Catholic\Protestant silly stupidity about the soul of Man vs the soulless Angels. LOL What a total joke. Pie in the sky … Pie in you eye narishkeit. HaHaHaHa

                      The concept of the human soul learns from the brit cut between the pieces. Avram had no children. HaShem promised him an eternal soul… his future born children would never go extinct.

                      Torah faith contrasts with Xtian theological beliefs. The latter a total joke.

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                    14. This is the first time I’ve heard of this movie (The Prophecy). I watched a few minutes of it until Thomas started screaming before the bishop and would agree with you. At least, I had no desire to watch more than those few minutes.

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                    15. In Yiddish: putz in the boots/dick in the boots. This metaphor applies just as much if not more so to the Biden Administration. Vietnam a conflict of jungle warfare. US military bases quite often the enemy used the jungle to conceal their forces from the imperialist enemy observations. The US responded with the tactic of placing a 500 gallon barrel of jet fuel, wrapped with a mile or so of barbed wire around the barrel. They then placed this improvised anti-personnel land mine into the jungle and in a clever manner the US soldiers would cut a targeted set of branches and shrubs of the jungle undergrowth such that through this ploy, Vietcong soldiers would unknowingly become channeled into the killing zone of the 500 gallon land mine. The US soldiers would likewise zone in their artillery and machine gun fire unto this targeted channelization of Vietcong. And when the attack against a US military base occurred … the Officer would give the order to explode the land mine which produced lots and loads of ”crispy critters”.

                      Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and the Ukraine border 3 sides of Belarus. It seems to me, that the Russian military in this current “dead fire” military training exercise, it seeks to “channel” Nato forces, if and should they attempt an invasion of ‘mother Russia’, to place their modified “Schlieffen Plan” within the countries of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland. And not invade ‘mother Russia’ through a Ukrainian double envelopment of Belarus and the lands beyond on the road to Moscow.

                      The invasion of ‘mother Russia’ would take a lot of cards from the trench warfare WWI playbook, due to the immense “Pacific Japanese war” size of the Russian land mass. The key to victory in such a war, to dig well fortified trenches which would encircle and enclose key or strategic Russian cities, turned into prisoner of war camps; with the purpose of A) To kill the will of the enemy to continue the fight against the Nato military ground forces by supplying the isolated and surrounded by trenches city POW “camps” with both food and medical supplies. To “kill the enemy with kindness” psyche operation. B) To thereby counter the “scorched earth” strategy which Russian military tactics would, without question employ. C) To protect and maintain the vital military supply lines absolutely necessary to conduct a successful military invasion of Russia.


                    16. Based upon the tunnel dug between England and France, it would be possible and far more feasible to dig a large tunnel from the Mediterranean to the Dead Sea. The water under such pressures generated could easily produce electricity and in turn electrolysis thereby increasing the saline concentrations in the water. This would accomplish multiple advantages. (1) By not digging a canal besides the vastly reduced costs, it would not threatened the Suez canal of Egypt. (2) It could restore the Dead Sea and make the hotel industries even more profitable. (3) It would increase minerals in the Dead Sea. (4) Shooting the oxygen and hydrogen gases into the atmosphere could bring rain to the Sinai and Sahara deserts. This would cement Israel’s economic alliance with all the states of the Middle East and North Africa.

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                    17. What makes you think, mosckerr, because you call yourself an atheist that you know anything about mussar? Your atheism makes you worse than a Karraite. At least a Karaite (hopefully) takes the Torah seriously enough to see it as an historical document.


                    18. Never refer to myself as an atheist. You keep falsely accusing me of something which has nothing to do with myself. Atheist praise HaShem means I am not a believer in avodah zarah Gods worshiped by non bnai brit Goyim.

                      HaShem lives independent of physical history. The Creator created the physical world … the physical world did not create the Creator. LOL


                    19. As for דברים ד:ב
                      Previously addressed this objection: “The 2nd p’suk 4:2 commands that all judicial cases heard before a court, that all Torah courts base their judicial ruling upon Written Torah precedents.” To date you have ignored this response and offered no interpretation of how to understand this p’suk other than the already refuted not to add or subtract literal reading of the Torah. Alas the Torah exists as the first Common law Jewish codification. A mistake to read Common law like a person reads a book.

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                    20. I actually enjoy listening to interpretations from Rabbinic Judaism (such as Rashi for each week’s parashah). As long as these remain as opinions and insights which one can take or leave, they are fine. It is when they become obligatory that they violate Deuteronomy 4.:2. I think that is Gordon’s view as well.

                      I could apply the same criticism to Christian interpretations of the Bible when they become codified as dogma. As long as these dogmas remain as opinions they are fine and interesting. When people are forced to accept them to remain members of a church denomination it is time to look for another church.

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                    21. Unlike xtianity which stands upon fixed Creeds and Dogmatism, the Torah stands upon Oral Torah logic.

                      [[[“”” It is when they become obligatory that they violate Deuteronomy 4.:2.”””]]]. Yes poor logic defines Xtianity throughout the Ages. The Torah commands mussar. Negative commandment to interpret a specific p’suk stripped away from its containing (ס)sugia or (פ)Parich. This פרק … ד:א – כד. Taking a specific verse out of context = religious rhetoric proganda. The new testament employs this tumah technique throughout cover to cover. Just as kosher fish animals and birds have kosher signs … so too the brit faith. Circumcision … the sign of the brit. Common law … another sign of the brit, this sign stands upon Shabbot, another sign of the brit. The new testament does not have the sign of the brit because it interprets specific verses taken totally out of context,,, it does not teach mussar. These two critical witnesses, their testimony proves the guilt of the new testament fraud forgery. The preaching of Jesus another false messiah curse.

                      The חקים ומשפטים which Moshe taught to Israel. What does the Oral Torah logic teach? You do not know. לשמה. Oral Torah teaches how to learn לשמה. The xtian bible does not have the שם of HaShem — not even once. Another witness testifies to its false counterfeit nature.

                      Oral Torah lives as Torah wisdom and understanding. Another sign that testifies to the counterfeit of the new testament bible. The church denies this wisdom, the ability to discern between like and like.

                      Bnia Brit Cohenim we never forget Sinai. Xtianity never accepted Sinai, it directly violates the 1st Commandment and therefore the 2nd Commandment of Sinai. Another two witnesses which testify to the counterfeit nature of xtianity.

                      Oral Torah logic does not compare to Creed Dogmatism practiced by the Church. The comparison of like and unlike, the attempt to compare day and night, it perverts contrast qualities with comparison attributes! Oral Torah middot, employed to compare with other similar middot. To suggest that day compares to night … the cures of calling day night ect.

                      What defines Isaiah’s curse of calling day night and night day? The curse of avodah zarah. Moshe the prophet did not enter the oath sworn lands due to the tumah of the avodah zarah within the hearts of my people. The t’shuvah of all bnai brit Israel who live within the borders of the oath sworn land, to expunge all avodah zarah from within the hearts of my bnai brit people.


                    22. How could new testament believing Goyim who accept the Pauline doctrine that Torah law does not apply to them … it amazes me that Goyim fail to learn the Torah as a defined common law legal format??!!!  Paul plays a critical role in the formation of the new testament mythologies.  Yet church “scholars” totally fail to differentiate between Common Law and Statute Law when they interpret the Hebrew T’NaCH.

                      For Xtian theologians to validate the Pauline doctrine and afterwards totally ignore the Pauline doctrine … not a single Xtian scholar ever made a stab at understanding the Torah as a legal system of law.  Not a single Xtian scholar ever once discerned the distinction between Common Law as opposed to Statute Law, based upon the 613 commandments?!   This fundamental contradiction proves that the church fathers prioritized their post theological dogmatism over and above even the Noise – new testament – texts themselves.  Proof that the early fathers of the church did not treat the Noise – new testament – with anything that remotely resembles respect.

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                    23. Here are some ideas from Christianity as I understand it relating to the Torah.

                      1) The law is written on our hearts.
                      2) Yeshua was the final sacrifice needed for sin. Sin was what kept us away from God. It is no longer in the way.
                      3) Believers can be baptized in the Holy Spirit.

                      I am currently listening to Andrew Wommack.


                    24. 1) HaShem Spirits live within the hearts of the bnai brit people.
                      2) You refer to the cross as a sacrifice? LOL The romans beat that imaginary man half to death.
                      3) Holy Spirit LOL the 13 Oral Torah middot which the church denies.


                    25. Oral Torah logic stands upon this יסוד\foundation

                      This introduction, an attempt to define the abstract terms of tohor as opposed by tumah …   Tumah middot, defined as “contrast qualities’ ‘.  If a person behaves, speaks, or even implies through subtle hints\clues/satire etc … such behavior promotes and triggers conflicts.
                      The same equally applies to “similar attributes’ , ie tohor middot.  “Similar attributes” when expressed or communicated by whatever means …a smile of warmth, support or acceptance during a social crisis … such behavor reduces social strife and hatred.


                    26. All Torah T’NaCH and Talmudic law stands upon the Written Torah commandment, a negative commandment not to do Avodat HaShem while breathing tumah spirits. Doing avodat HaShem while breathing tumah Spirits carries the extreme Capital Crimes din of כרת, death by the hand of Heaven … Hand of Heaven defines as Torah curses both written and unwritten. לשון הרע\slander for example, Talmudic sages taught that this tumah spirit releases 3 Torah curses upon Humanity. A Torah curse compares to the blow of an axe to a tree. The נמשל to the משל “tree”, the bnai brit alliance which bind the Jewish people into the chosen Cohen nation. Torah curses effectively cut the Jewish people away from the oath brit Tree of Life. Similar to how the blow of an axe cuts large chip away from the tree.


                    27. Shall now attempt to explain recent American history as viewed through the logic of Oral Torah which stands upon the foundation of tohor and tumah middot.

                      Shall attempt to interpret modern recent American history as view from the perspective of tohor vs tumah middot.

                      This introduction, an attempt to define the abstract terms of tohor as opposed by tumah …  Tumah middot, defined as “contrast qualities’ ‘.  If a person behaves, speaks, or even implies through subtle hints\clues/satire etc … such behavior promotes and triggers conflicts.
                      The same equally applies to “similar attributes’ , ie tohor middot.  “Similar attributes” when expressed or communicated by whatever means …a smile of warmth, support or acceptance during a social crisis … such behavor reduces social strife and hatred.

                      All Torah T’NaCH and Talmudic law stands upon the Written Torah commandment, a negative commandment not to do Avodat HaShem while breathing tumah spirits.  Doing avodat HaShem while breathing tumah Spirits carries the extreme Capital Crimes din of כרת, death by the hand of Heaven … Hand of Heaven: defined as Torah curses both written and unwritten.

                      לשון הרע\slander for example, Talmudic sages taught that this tumah spirit releases 3 Torah curses upon Humanity.  A Torah curse compares to the blow of an axe to a tree.  The נמשל to the משל “tree”, the bnai brit alliance which binds the Jewish people into the chosen Cohen nation.  Torah curses effectively cuts, some if not most, the Jewish people, except for the remnant, away from the oath brit Tree of Life.  Similar to how the blow of an axe cuts large chips away from the tree.

                      Nach employs the metaphor משל of a chopped down tree that returns and spouts.   Spouts of life thereafter does spring forth and erupt from the “dead” trunk of those chopped down trees.  Persons whom contrast qualities dominate and define their lives on earth, can achieve fame, but after they pass from this world, life does not spring forth from their decapitated trunks.  Death destroys and uproots their fame, however bright their glory waved while they yet lived.

                      Arthur Koestler, a famous anti-communist originally a member of the Communist Party of Germany.  His friend Richard Crossman, MP, the editor of “The God That Failed” referred to Koestler as “a hell of a raper” [of women].   Whittaker Chambers, an American journalist, a popular writer-editor of Time magazine, who enjoyed a dramatic impact upon an unusually popular reading audience.  He became, consequent to the Hess trial became one of the most divisive figures during the political witch hunts defined by Senator McCarthy’s vicious slander campaigns.  With an unconvincing show piety of “Quaker meekness”, Chambers lack of public graciousness inspired fierce attacks by his critics, who challenged his authenticity.
                      In summation, the analysis made upon these two famous men, that contrast qualities dominated both their lives and personal characters.  Their fame stands upon the foundation of tumah middot.

                      George F. Will in “Conservatism is soiled by scowling primitives,” Washington Post May 31, 2017 described  Chambers with this description: “” Chambers wallowed in cloying sentimentality and curdled resentment about “the plain men and women”—”my people, humble people, strong in common sense, in common goodness”—enduring the “musk of snobbism” emanating from the “socially formidable circles” of the “nicest people” produced by “certain collegiate eyries.” .  Will’s poetic licence requires clarification.  A collegiate-church … described as the control over the daily office of worship, maintained by a college of canons: ie a non-monastic or “secular” community of clergy, organised as a self-governing corporate body, often presided over by a dean or provost.

                      This author denounces both men as master stroke political frauds.   Employment of mass hysteria fears of Communism, by this foil political backdrop, the Industrial military complex worked in alliance with the post War Truman Administration, through intrigue and political naïveté of the latter, sinister Corporate monopoly forces transformed our Republic unto the evil Pax American empire. 

                      This abra cadabra political witchcraft, it set the stage for US imperialism.  The illegal invasion of South Vietnam.   The camelot Kennedy Administration proposed to turn South Vietnam into an American banana Republic.  Washington favored the rule of pliable ‘Strong Men’ as dictators of South Vietnam. 

                      In my youth, it always bothered me, the strategic and tactical constraints Washington placed upon US military forces.  Specifically the failure of the US military to attack and invade North Vietnam.   Unlike what happened when General Douglas MacArthur invaded North Korea.   Later the realization dawned upon me, the real intent of the US illegal invasion of South Vietnam.   

                      Washington under Kennedy, LBJ, and Nixon had no real interest at all, in North Vietnam!  MacArthur proved through his management of conquered Japan, that he respected the dignity of the Japanese people.  The Vietnam War conducted by these latter three Administrations, in fact despised the dignity of the common man in Southern Vietnam.  Life for the 98% of the population, of any banana republic, has no value at all.


                    28. Following the Vietnam fiasco war, the Pentagon realized that conscript soldiers had little or no motivation to serve as hired thugs to put and maintain corrupt political strong man dictators as heads of banana republic(s) established through the rain of destruction imposed by B-52 bombers. Such ‘bomber diplomacy’ defines the criminal Nixon\Kissinger tumah visions of diplomacy. The 60’s Era which transformed American society, the draft eligible youth revolted against Corporate business monopolies domination of US foreign policies. This reality forced the Pentagon to switch to an all volunteer military in 1973.

                      The illegal invasion of Iraq directly compares to the illegal invasion of South Vietnam. The difference between these two criminal acts of US imperialism, the US Armed Forces. Conscript soldiers had no motivation to serve as thugs of the US Corporate controlled government. Democracy in America today exists only as an abra cadabra switch and bait foil, comparable to the 1950’s Red Scare which cemented into power the Industrial Military Complex; Truman established the two key pillars upon which defines the US Foreign Policy unto this very day – (1) The Marshall Plan (2) The Containment Policy.

                      The false flag 9\11 attack served as the pretext for Bush’s invasion of Iraq. LBJ pulled a similar Gulf of Tonkin stunt, the attack by whales! In the Iraq illegal invasion, private military companies profited by means of ‘colonialism’. Bush resorted to the barbaric practice — employed during the low life period, known as the Spanish Inquisition — the torture of captured prisoners to attain confessions. Post WWII American imperialism definitively proves the American Exceptionalism arguments of arrogance, as complete and total narishkeit.

                      America needs to close – the illegal fourth division – of Federal governance in Washington – the illegal rule by lobbies. Through the simple limitation that restricts all bills submitted to Congress. That simple restriction: All domestic related Federal bills, fundamentally require the official support by State Legislative Assemblies and governments. Only when State legislatures approve: any such domestic related bill which a Federal Congress-persons or Senators desires to submit before Congress. Only then, after a State Legislature majority supports any domestic related bill, do Federal Congress-persons and Senators, have the political mandate to submit such a bill, which addresses US domestic interests, unto the US Congress. Federal Congress-persons or Senators do not have any mandate to add ‘Pork’ to any bill submitted to Congress. State governments do not conduct US Federal foreign policy. State governments do directly shape and influence all US Federal domestic policy.

                      The Civil War did not erase and bury the burning issue of States Rights. The abra cadabra narishkeit of ‘Democracy’ did succeed to conceal the demand for States Rights from the eyes of the American people for over a Century. But the disgraceful abuse of political power by warmonger imperialists Federal governments, their stupidity and arrogance has reignited the spirit of America to restore our political independence as a People. Each State regulates all industry and trade conducted within the borders of that State. Lobbies have permission to operate limited to State government regulation. Such a policy would effectively close most of the Federal bureaucracy. It would force Washington to live within the budget and dramatically cut the corruption of Federal fat, as expressed through the ever expanding budgets of the Federal bureaucracies.Following the Vietnam fiasco war, the Pentagon realized that conscript soldiers had little or no motivation to serve as hired thugs to put and maintain corrupt political strong man dictators as heads of banana republic(s) established through the rain of destruction imposed by B-52 bombers. Such ‘bomber diplomacy’ defines the criminal Nixon\Kissinger tumah visions of diplomacy. The 60’s Era which transformed American society, the draft eligible youth revolted against Corporate business monopolies domination of US foreign policies. This reality forced the Pentagon to switch to an all volunteer military in 1973.

                      The illegal invasion of Iraq directly compares to the illegal invasion of South Vietnam. The difference between these two criminal acts of US imperialism, the US Armed Forces. Conscript soldiers had no motivation to serve as thugs of the US Corporate controlled government. Democracy in America today exists only as an abra cadabra switch and bait foil, comparable to the 1950’s Red Scare which cemented into power the Industrial Military Complex; Truman established the two key pillars upon which defines the US Foreign Policy unto this very day – (1) The Marshall Plan (2) The Containment Policy.

                      The false flag 9\11 attack served as the pretext for Bush’s invasion of Iraq. LBJ pulled a similar Gulf of Tonkin stunt, the attack by whales! In the Iraq illegal invasion, private military companies profited by means of ‘colonialism’. Bush resorted to the barbaric practice — employed during the low life period, known as the Spanish Inquisition — the torture of captured prisoners to attain confessions. Post WWII American imperialism definitively proves the American Exceptionalism arguments of arrogance, as complete and total narishkeit.

                      America needs to close – the illegal fourth division – of Federal governance in Washington – the illegal rule by lobbies. Through the simple limitation that restricts all bills submitted to Congress. That simple restriction: All domestic related Federal bills, fundamentally require the official support by State Legislative Assemblies and governments. Only when State legislatures approve: any such domestic related bill which a Federal Congress-persons or Senators desires to submit before Congress. Only then, after a State Legislature majority supports any domestic related bill, do Federal Congress-persons and Senators, have the political mandate to submit such a bill, which addresses US domestic interests, unto the US Congress. Federal Congress-persons or Senators do not have any mandate to add ‘Pork’ to any bill submitted to Congress. State governments do not conduct US Federal foreign policy. State governments do directly shape and influence all US Federal domestic policy.

                      The Civil War did not erase and bury the burning issue of States Rights. The abra cadabra narishkeit of ‘Democracy’ did succeed to conceal the demand for States Rights from the eyes of the American people for over a Century. But the disgraceful abuse of political power by warmonger imperialists Federal governments, their stupidity and arrogance has reignited the spirit of America to restore our political independence as a People. Each State regulates all industry and trade conducted within the borders of that State. Lobbies have permission to operate limited to State government regulation. Such a policy would effectively close most of the Federal bureaucracy. It would force Washington to live within the budget and dramatically cut the corruption of Federal fat, as expressed through the ever expanding budgets of the Federal bureaucracies.Following the Vietnam fiasco war, the Pentagon realized that conscript soldiers had little or no motivation to serve as hired thugs to put and maintain corrupt political strong man dictators as heads of banana republic(s) established through the rain of destruction imposed by B-52 bombers. Such ‘bomber diplomacy’ defines the criminal Nixon\Kissinger tumah visions of diplomacy. The 60’s Era which transformed American society, the draft eligible youth revolted against Corporate business monopolies domination of US foreign policies. This reality forced the Pentagon to switch to an all volunteer military in 1973.

                      The illegal invasion of Iraq directly compares to the illegal invasion of South Vietnam. The difference between these two criminal acts of US imperialism, the US Armed Forces. Conscript soldiers had no motivation to serve as thugs of the US Corporate controlled government. Democracy in America today exists only as an abra cadabra switch and bait foil, comparable to the 1950’s Red Scare which cemented into power the Industrial Military Complex; Truman established the two key pillars upon which defines the US Foreign Policy unto this very day – (1) The Marshall Plan (2) The Containment Policy.

                      The false flag 9\11 attack served as the pretext for Bush’s invasion of Iraq. LBJ pulled a similar Gulf of Tonkin stunt, the attack by whales! In the Iraq illegal invasion, private military companies profited by means of ‘colonialism’. Bush resorted to the barbaric practice — employed during the low life period, known as the Spanish Inquisition — the torture of captured prisoners to attain confessions. Post WWII American imperialism definitively proves the American Exceptionalism arguments of arrogance, as complete and total narishkeit.

                      America needs to close – the illegal fourth division – of Federal governance in Washington – the illegal rule by lobbies. Through the simple limitation that restricts all bills submitted to Congress. That simple restriction: All domestic related Federal bills, fundamentally require the official support by State Legislative Assemblies and governments. Only when State legislatures approve: any such domestic related bill which a Federal Congress-persons or Senators desires to submit before Congress. Only then, after a State Legislature majority supports any domestic related bill, do Federal Congress-persons and Senators, have the political mandate to submit such a bill, which addresses US domestic interests, unto the US Congress. Federal Congress-persons or Senators do not have any mandate to add ‘Pork’ to any bill submitted to Congress. State governments do not conduct US Federal foreign policy. State governments do directly shape and influence all US Federal domestic policy.

                      The Civil War did not erase and bury the burning issue of States Rights. The abra cadabra narishkeit of ‘Democracy’ did succeed to conceal the demand for States Rights from the eyes of the American people for over a Century. But the disgraceful abuse of political power by warmonger imperialists Federal governments, their stupidity and arrogance has reignited the spirit of America to restore our political independence as a People. Each State regulates all industry and trade conducted within the borders of that State. Lobbies have permission to operate limited to State government regulation. Such a policy would effectively close most of the Federal bureaucracy. It would force Washington to live within the budget and dramatically cut the corruption of Federal fat, as expressed through the ever expanding budgets of the Federal bureaucracies.Following the Vietnam fiasco war, the Pentagon realized that conscript soldiers had little or no motivation to serve as hired thugs to put and maintain corrupt political strong man dictators as heads of banana republic(s) established through the rain of destruction imposed by B-52 bombers. Such ‘bomber diplomacy’ defines the criminal Nixon\Kissinger tumah visions of diplomacy. The 60’s Era which transformed American society, the draft eligible youth revolted against Corporate business monopolies domination of US foreign policies. This reality forced the Pentagon to switch to an all volunteer military in 1973.

                      The illegal invasion of Iraq directly compares to the illegal invasion of South Vietnam. The difference between these two criminal acts of US imperialism, the US Armed Forces. Conscript soldiers had no motivation to serve as thugs of the US Corporate controlled government. Democracy in America today exists only as an abra cadabra switch and bait foil, comparable to the 1950’s Red Scare which cemented into power the Industrial Military Complex; Truman established the two key pillars upon which defines the US Foreign Policy unto this very day – (1) The Marshall Plan (2) The Containment Policy.

                      The false flag 9\11 attack served as the pretext for Bush’s invasion of Iraq. LBJ pulled a similar Gulf of Tonkin stunt, the attack by whales! In the Iraq illegal invasion, private military companies profited by means of ‘colonialism’. Bush resorted to the barbaric practice — employed during the low life period, known as the Spanish Inquisition — the torture of captured prisoners to attain confessions. Post WWII American imperialism definitively proves the American Exceptionalism arguments of arrogance, as complete and total narishkeit.

                      America needs to close – the illegal fourth division – of Federal governance in Washington – the illegal rule by lobbies. Through the simple limitation that restricts all bills submitted to Congress. That simple restriction: All domestic related Federal bills, fundamentally require the official support by State Legislative Assemblies and governments. Only when State legislatures approve: any such domestic related bill which a Federal Congress-persons or Senators desires to submit before Congress. Only then, after a State Legislature majority supports any domestic related bill, do Federal Congress-persons and Senators, have the political mandate to submit such a bill, which addresses US domestic interests, unto the US Congress. Federal Congress-persons or Senators do not have any mandate to add ‘Pork’ to any bill submitted to Congress. State governments do not conduct US Federal foreign policy. State governments do directly shape and influence all US Federal domestic policy.

                      The Civil War did not erase and bury the burning issue of States Rights. The abra cadabra narishkeit of ‘Democracy’ did succeed to conceal the demand for States Rights from the eyes of the American people for over a Century. But the disgraceful abuse of political power by warmonger imperialists Federal governments, their stupidity and arrogance has reignited the spirit of America to restore our political independence as a People. Each State regulates all industry and trade conducted within the borders of that State. Lobbies have permission to operate limited to State government regulation. Such a policy would effectively close most of the Federal bureaucracy. It would force Washington to live within the budget and dramatically cut the corruption of Federal fat, as expressed through the ever expanding budgets of the Federal bureaucracies.


                    29. The forth and fifth chapters of Leviticus: פרק ד’ של ויקרא ג:ו – יא. פרק ה’ — ג: יב – יז

                      The 3rd and 4th chapters, very similar in that both address the subject of a korban shalom.  A korban requires a וידוי.   This occurs when the person places his hands upon the head of the animal, just prior to the Cohen who slaughters this korban shalom, that man swears his oath unto HaShem.  The 4th chapter delves into the specifics of the dedication of a sheep as a korban shalom.  A korban shalom dedication to HaShem, limited to either sheep or goats.  As previously learned, only an Israel can dedicate a korban shalom unto HaShem. 

                      Yet Yitro dedicated a shalom korban to HaShem, as explained in Rashi’s commentary.  Yitro, the first person to bless Israel after our salvation from Egypt.  This makes Yitro the polar opposite of Amalek.  Some argue that Yitro converted.  But to reach this conclusion requires reading a lot into the strict language of the text.  עיין פרק שמות יח: א – כז.    Therefore before learning the משנה תורה on פרק ד’ ויקרא, shall first examine how the משנה תורה learns פרק שמות יח.

                      A slightly distant precedent: דברים: יח: א – ח.  Herein designates the portion of the shalom for the Cohonim and Leviim.  A precise precedent: דברים כא: י – כג: ג.  The משנה תורה lists terms of shalom among the bnai brit people.  Yitro returned Moshe’s wife and children back to him.  Therefore Yitro, regardless of whether he converted, he honored the terms of shalom and therefore he dedicated a shalom offering unto HaShem.  This significant pre-condition applies to shalom korbanot for all peoples and generations.  

                      A precise precedent for פרק ג:ו – יא, located in יא:יג – כא.  The 2nd paragraph of the kre’a shma acceptance of the yoke of heaven, it too qualifies qualifying terms of the shalom alliance dedicated through the korban shalom.  The mussar of ישעיה ט: ז – כ likewise instructs upon the pre-conditions of shalom among our people.  The mussar instruction teaches that hatred without cause annuls the oath brit faith, par par with the worship of other gods.  Yitro declared the supremacy of HaShem above all other Gods.

                      The fifth פרק, addresses the dedication of a goat for a korban shalom.  A precise precedent for this the fifth פרק, the משנה תורה יא: כב – כה.  If the chosen Cohen nation abides by the terms and preconditions of the required maintenance of our bnai brit people, then HaShem promises us victory over our enemies in time of war.

                      Liked by 2 people

                    30. In some ways your problems with Rabbinic Judaism in the Sanhedrin issues you mentioned suggest you may have more in common with Karaites than you are willing to admit. If common law does not add to the Torah then that is good. That is what Karaites want as well – add nothing to the Torah, but provide advice as needed.


                    31. The Written Torah exists as common law. The Karaites reject the Torah as common law. This places their scholarship on par with the statute religious law established by the Rambam. LOL


                  2. All kings of Israel have a Torah commandment to write the quote unquote: “משנה תורה”. Your JeZeus did not do this, proof that he does not qualify as a king.

                    Liked by 1 person

      1. Frank you have thousands of followers, as does Mr. SlimJim. Due you not consider it as utterly strange that not one of your Xtain followers possesses the courage to address the issues that you and a Jew discuss? I offer this as proof that the Pauline theology of “grafted upon” = complete and total bs.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. The Pauline doctrine is fine and don’t forget, mosckerr, according to that doctrine you can be grafted back in. You have an advantage because you still have your Jewish traditions. The problem with Christianity is we have been influenced too much by Greek thinking especial Gnostic Manicheanism and we use a pagan calendar coming from Constantine and Eusebius.

          Regarding followers I suspect less than 100 people even click on one of my blog posts. Fewer actually read it. I am grateful to all of them, but I do not have the influence you imagine that I do.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Jews we are the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life never get grafted back into the Tree of Life. A fundamental contradiction of terms. To condemn Gnostic Manicheanism without evidence that supports this huge thesis … wow you really got me to laugh at that one. In like fashion to denounce Constantine and Eusebius … a classic Protestant justification of its opposition to the Catholic Church. Big HeadLine Declarations but no physical objective specifics which prove and validate the HUGE HeadLine Declarations.

            Oral Torah logic further teaches כלל\פרט. General/Specific. Xtianity fell head over heals with the rediscovery of ancient Greek philosophers, which Constantine banned! The latter taught a systematic disciplined logic (Plato & Aristotle). Constantine banned all Greek Logic/philosophy. The Dark Ages have this name description, not because the “barbarians” lacked culture and education\wisdom … rather that the church had no disciplined logic format by which the Priests could interpret their bible translations.

            Can honestly respect your modest interpretation of your influence. We ride in the exact same boat.


  3. The Next פרק of the Book of ויקרא, it contains 6 סוגיות. The first סוגיא, א:יד – יז, ב: א – ג, ב: ד, ב: ה,ו. ב: ז- יג, ב: יד -טז. The Torah learns by means of משנה תורה precedents. Thereafter, Books of the later Prophets too serve as precedents whereby a scholar learns the mussar commandments of the Torah. This sh’itta (method) of learning the Written Torah as the first Common Law codification, this most essential precedent of how to correctly learn the Torah, it proves conclusively that the NaCH Order\Codification likewise organized as through the sh’itta of common law. Hence the Talmud learns likewise through this common law sh’itta.

    The attempts made by Reshonim scholarship to learn the Written Torah down to its simple פשט, which some understood as grammar, contrasts with Rashi’s unique sh’itta of learning פשט. He affixed Midrash and Aggaditah to a specific verse. Rashi’s exceptionally terse language did not explain the logic by which he accomplished his utterly amazing commentary upon the Chumash. Oral Torah logic, classically taught one on one with a Rabbi to a pupil. Alas even before the Rambam Civil War, many if not most rabbinic authorities had lost the skill\wisdom of the פרדס Oral Torah logic. Hundreds of super commentaries written on the Rashi Chumash commentary. Personally have not seen a single post Rashi commentary which understood the פרדס system of logic.

    This absolute disaster serves as proof of the brutal realities of g’lut. The harsh environmental conditions which threatened the very continued existence and survival of g’lut Jewry. Scattered by the Romans, following the 3 Wars which resulted in our total defeat. Jews, thrown into g’lut, defeated, decimated survivors of those brutal revolts; sold as slaves, forced to live in hostile societies who hated and detested the ‘cursed wandering Jews’. ‘Condemned by God to forever wander the earth’, as despised and detested refugees – who have no rights.

    The vast majority of the Jewish people under these conditions assimilated, embraced, and copied the cultures and customs of the societies wherein they struggled to survive and continue to exist. The same realities equally affected Sephardi and Ashkenazi g’lut Jewry. The halachic codes made by the B’hag, Rif, and Rosh they sharply contrast against the later works produced by assimilated scholars like the Rambam, the Tur, the Shulchan Aruch, and the ghetto Polish commentaries made upon that latter worthless code of statute law.

    The day and night difference between Rashi’s commentary and the later super commentaries upon Rashi … they closely compare to post Rambam Civil War Talmudic scholarship which clearly had no knowledge of the פרדס Oral Torah logic format — designed to employ this unique sh’itta of logic to interpret the Written Torah mussar commandments. The rabbinic authorities after the Rambam, they compare to herds of buffalo who run off the edge of a cliff, chased by leaves blowing into the wind.

    Post Shoah, many Israelis utterly despised the Shoah survivors. Israeli society viewed their willingness to simply walk passively to their deaths as an absolute disgrace which revealed their despicable cowardness. Following the Eichmann Trial, Israelis embraced a different point of view. We had a better grasp of the horrors of the Nazi war crimes. We thereafter better understood and recognized the horrid plight of European Jewry.

    Sephardi rabbinic authorities in mass, they volunteered to kiss the butt of ancient Greek philosophers. This decision compares to the plight of Shoah survivors. It therefore requires that later generations strive to appreciate and understand the harsh physical environment which directly challenged our Jewish survival as a people.

    The facts testify to their defense: Jewish communities they did survived, despite taxation without representation, arbitrary expulsions, absolute poverty and destitute misery, constant slanders, degradations and humiliations. Consequently rabbinic Judaism merits more than simple pity. Rabbinic Judaism, church Priests and Pastors, they often persecuted those Rabbinic authorities first, and only thereafter butchered & slaughtered the hapless Jewish common man. The Shach (1622-1663), a Polish lord murdered him as a sacrifice.

    Jews, my Yeshiva peers, who study the Shulchan Aruch, virtually all view the commentaries made by the Shach and his son in law the TaZ, as absolutely essential to understand that statute law codification. Rav Nemuraskii chose to reveal the פרדס logic system only to myself. My peers who did not learn this definitive sh’itta of Rabbi Akiva, they do not merit contempt for their ignorance.

    Post Shoah Israel, perhaps we compare to a turtle that slowly emerges from within its protective shell. 2000+ years of g’lut, even after the attainment of National Independence as a People, only slowly do the differences emerge which distinguish a free independent nation from despised refugee populations who endured harsh environments in g’lut societies. All of whom, with the big exception of the United States, have generally abhorred and detested the existence of Jewish refugees within their borders. Some South American governments, of the Catholic new world, immediately after WWII, with the blessings of Poop Pius XII, openly embraced and concealed Nazi War criminals.

    With this preamble introduction completed,,, let’s learn. A slightly distant precedent דברים יז: ח – יג. The mussar instruction of the משנה תורה contrasts with the non-commandment Oleh bird offering. The משנה תורה obligates our bnai brit allied People to present our disputes before lateral common law courts. A precise exact precedent, כד: א-ד. The mussar instruction here compares the Cohen bnai brit alliance among our people to a divorced and remarried woman. That woman’s first husband, should not despise and detest his ex-wife. In like manner, Jews who have a dispute with other Jews, we need to respect our alliance together as a People.
    Consider ישעיה ג: טז – יז as a precedent which supports the k’vanna of this mussar.

    The משנה תורה now weighs the mussar k’vanna toward a meal offering dedication. A slightly removed precedent, דברים ה: יב – טו. The instruction compares the brit relationship with our people to honoring and respecting shabbot from chol. The brit relationship sets our people apart from all other Goyim on the Planet Earth, just as shabbot stands separated from the days of chol. Another slightly removed precedent: ח: יט – כ. The mussar here stands on the יסוד of the disgraceful behavior of the brothers of Yosef. If we despise and hate our people, how can we honor our oath brit relationship with HaShem?

    A exact precise precedent: טו: ז – יא. Here the Torah compares giving a loan, when requested by the poor among our people,,, even if the shmitta year approaches. Respecting the dignity of even the poor among our people, it measures and defines the precondition of loving HaShem with all our wealth; as expressed through the language of the kre’a shma. A precedent which supports this mussar, ישעיה א:א-ט.

    Shall learn the next three סוגיות as one intact סוגיא: ב: ד – יג. A distant not precise precedent, דברים ב: ח – ל. This mussar precedent compares the negative commandment, not to make war upon Moav, despite the decree which bans all Moav males from becoming Jewish. Irregardless, the Avraham/Lot family relationship merits respect. This mussar makes reference to the Wilderness generation. Learned in context, that cursed generation clearly they would not and did not respect the oath brit alliance cut among and between the nation of Israel @ Sinai and Horev.

    The king of Sichon, he informed Avraham of the capture of Lot. None the less, this does not compare to the alliance which Avraham and Lot swore to one another. The language: HaShem hardened his spirit and heart against Israel, it compares to a similar language touching Par’o in Egypt in the days of Moshe.

    A much closer, but still slightly removed precedent: ה: א – י. The Oral Torah brit explanation of the revelation of Horev’s interpretation of the Sinai experience. Only Israel accepted this revelation, which resembles a 10 commandment statute law! To discern between Common vs. Statute law — it compares to differentiate respect for our bnai brit people from all other Goyim; both this and that live as human beings. Our assimilated failure, to differentiate between our shared oath alliance cut between ourselves, from alien Goyim who have no such oath alliance – effectively guarantees bringing Torah curses upon our heads, and upon the heads of our children and their children etc.

    Contrast a distant precedent: ו: כ – כה. On Pesach night the question asked by the wise child, together with its תשובה. All generations of Israel came out of Egypt. Hence our people strongly advised to always separate the k’vanna of our behavior toward our own people, as contrasted by non bnai brit Goyim – family first.

    Another slightly distant precedent: דברים טו:יב – כג. Sending away the Eved Iveri, respecting his dignity and giving him the means to start his life over again. The bnai brit folk have an obligation to for-ever remember our deliverance from Egyptian slavery. An exact and precise precedent: כד: יז – כה: יט The positive commandment to guard the dignity of the poor and weak among our people. Court room righteous justice, when our people dispute among ourselves – this compares to respecting the dignity of the fatherless and widow. The יסוד of respect, equally applies also even to all domestic animals under our command.

    In like and equal measure the positive commandment of Yevbum. Protecting and respecting the dignity of our people, the positive commandment to protect ‘their’ backs. This positive commandment equally expressed through our business practices among and between our bnai brit people. A popular opinion, that we Jews have lost the ‘fear of heaven’ to do the mitzva of Yevbum. If so then we have equally lost the ‘fear of heaven’ to practice honest and straight business dealings with our people.

    Absolutely no difference between the positive commandments of Yevbum and honesty in business. Both require ‘fear of heaven’. The master of a good name, builds a reputation – shared among his neighbors, that that righteous man guards the backs of his bnai brit people. He gives them heart, during hard times when they endure anguish and distress. Unlike the ”’friends”’ of Job. A precedent learned from ישעיה ט:יג – י:לב, the prophet gives a exceedingly bitter and very harsh g’lut mussar.

    The closing סוגיא of ויקרא פרק ב: By now משנה תורה common law, obvious to all, the sharp day and night difference between this type of legal system from that of Statute law, as expressed in the tumah codes of the Rambam, Tur, and Karo codes. The Book of ויקרא opens with the kleppot shells of religious korbanot ritualism. This 3rd Book of the Torah absolutely requires the משנה תורה to understand the k’vanna of these positive time oriented commandments. Worlds separate the substance of tefillah, from the forms of the written Siddur.

    The substance of government, the current leaders calling the shots. The forms of government, the halls of Congress or the Knesset building. The sharp contrast between the substance vs. the forms of Government. The Prime Minister together with his Cabinet, who devises and determines State strategic and tactical policies. Far removed and different from the buildings wherein these leaders conduct the business of State. In like manner the k’vanna which requires that the Moshiach builds the Beit Hamikdash.

    A slightly distant precedent: דברים יב: כט – יג:א. The P’sach killing of the first born contrasts with assimilation which arouses the desires to pursue the customs manners practices and ways of Goyim societies who never accepted the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai & Horev. Another slightly removed precedent: כג:כב – כד. The forms of korbanot intrinsically depend upon the k’vanna of the oaths and vows sworn by the person who dedicates a korban, holy to HaShem. This closing סוגיא has no precise משנה תורה precedent. But ישעיה כז:יב – כח:ד functions as an exact precedent. Here the mussar differentiates between the gaulah of Yechudah, from the klippah g’lut of Ephraim. Woe to the statute halachah fools, who confuse the forms of halachic ritualism. With the substance of k’vanna, required by all positive time oriented commandments – dedicated as a korban – holy to HaShem. HaShem commands the substance of k’vanna of positive time oriented commandments … not the forms of halachic ritualism and worship.


  4. Julius Wellhausen, a German protestant Higher Criticism proponent of the late 19th Century

    The development of biblical texts over time correlates with broad changes in religious thinking.
    While the prophets lived long after Moses, the prophetic literature of the literary prophets, such as Amos, Hosea, Micah and Isaiah, are more ancient than much of the Torah.
    The cultic laws of the Priestly (P) text—the Tabernacle passages in Exodus, the entire book of Leviticus, and the legal sections in Numbers—are post-exilic.

    This German foreigner (outsider) he held that the Book of ויקרא – as legalistic and lacking in spirit\Geist/. He held that the T’NaCH required historical context in order to understand it. The only problem with this utterly absurd deduction,,, the T’NaCH commands mussar, it does not teach history … any more than the Russian fiction novel “War and Peace” gives a history of the invasion of Russia by Napoleon.

    Conservative Judaism “scholars” like Richard Elliot Friedman, German Protestant Higher Criticism exposes their complete and total ignorance on how to study and learn T’NaCH and Talmudic Primary Sources. These assimilated Jewish “scholars” compare to clowns at a rodeo. Hebrew University during the Mandate period likewise produced moronic scholarship.

    Yehezkel Kaufmann serves as a classic example. Authors of this type, their abysmal failure centers upon their inability to grasp the horrific schisms which have destroyed classic Judaism after the sealing of the Sha’s Bavli in about 450 CE. From Karaitism, the Rambam abomination, thereafter unto the present. He fails to grasp that Monotheism flagrantly violates the 2nd Commandment of the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai.

    The bankruptcy of this balloon like “scholarship”, it total inability to grasp how the משנה תורה\ספר דברים commands mussar as the guiding precedent on how to learn and understand the k’vanna of the opening first 4 Books of the Written Torah common law. The most glaring flaw among these assimilated “scholars”, like the German Higher Criticism “scholars” which they so much admire, none of these scholastic morons understood the primacy of learning the Torah לשמה — the first Commandment of Sinai.

    Wellhausen’s ilk generation divorced the T’NaCH from the later Talmud and Midrashic literature. An utterly moronic and completely asinine error. The sheer arrogance which ignored the framers of the Torah faith, the rabbinic leadership who produced Talmud and Midrash, exposes the clear brain dead stupidity of these despicable Goyim. Small wonder that Nazism sprang from the foundations of German Higher Criticism.

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    1. I agree with you about Wellhausen and German Higher Criticism. It doesn’t surprise me that one could find a link between it an Nazism.

      I also don’t accept the documentary hypothesis (the hypothetical J, E, D, P authors rather than Moses)..

      So, we seem to agree on something.

      Indeed the only places were we disagree that I am aware of at the moment is that I don’t take the mussar from Rabbinic Judaism as obligatory (although it might be good advice) and I accept Yeshua as the Messiah.


  5. The 7th chapter of Leviticus: ד: יג – כא The obligation on the entire nation of cohonim to dedicate tohor middot unto HaShem.

    Chapter 6 serves as a specific which interprets the k’vanna of the General subject of the dedication of Moshiach by all generations of the brit cohen chosen people.  

    A very distant precedent, דברים ב: ח – טז.  Despite hiring Bil’am to curse Israel, the Torah respects the terms of the oath alliance wherein Lot departed from the house of Avraham, prior to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.  This precedent compares the giants that inhabited the territories of both Lot and Esau to the giants of Canaan.  It gives heart to the cohen nation, something like it they can conquer their homelands then so too can Israel make a similar accomplishment.  

    The tohor middah of giving heart unto our People, especially during times of war, perhaps the central pillar represented by the qualities of a good eye.  The middah of giving heart does not compare to flattery or compliments.  Giving heart to others, closely compares to causing “others” to feel confident that should trouble arise, they feel confident  that you will guard their backs.

    Another distant precedent ד:מא – ה: ה.  The g’lut 3 Cities of Refuge serve as an example of a good eye attribute of the oath alliance brit faith, which defines the Cohen nation.  A closer but still distant precedent: יד: כב – כז.  A specific toward a good eye, respecting the dignity of the Tribe of Levi.

    Another distant precedent טז: יח – כב.  The irony between common law justice, “compared” to the tumah of avodah zarah.  Why irony?  Avodah zarah proclaims itself as righteous.  Something like the words of a false prophet.

    An exact precedent כד: יד – כה: טז.  Here the Torah makes a דיוק upon the term חטא.  (See כד: טו).  The sanctity of a purification dedication, centers upon remembering the oppression our people endured as Egyptian slaves.  The commitment holy to HaShem never to treat our own people in such a disgraceful fashion. 

    The justices of the Courts have an obligation to protect the dignity of criminals among our people, just as the wealthy have an obligation to protect the dignity of the poor among our people.  In similar vein the k’vanna of Yebum among brothers, based upon the brit faith that a man would not die childless. 

    In similar fashion the Torah instructs how a wife should conduct herself with her husband during a conflict with some other.  The mussar then extends to doing business in the marketplace.  This last closing comparison learns by כל עשה עול, meaning בן בלי עול – person(s) who betray the oath alliance with our people; such tumah personalities possess the attribute of an evil eye.

    A precise mussar precedent learned by ישעיה. לב:א – לג: יב teaches the k’vanna of the dedication of the purification of the national Moshiach that sanctifies generations of Israel as holy.  The concept of holy, this term of dedication unto HaShem contains blessing & curse.  The dedication of purification of the Moshiach, swings a double edged sword.

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  6. “The 9th chapter of Leviticus: ד: כז – לא”

    This chapter addresses the korban of purification (of the Moshiach) for the common man…נפש אחת תחטא.  The central focus of Torah faith centers upon the eternal struggle – obligation to live life as a Mensch.  Pirkei Avot 2:5 “In a place where there are no people, you should strive to be a person.”  The k’vanna of this mussar, based upon לבבך\כם of the kre’a shma acceptance of the yoke of heaven.  Perhaps the sharpest contrast to this mussar, the disgraced Nazi soldiers who attempted to justify their war criminal behavior with the excuse of simply following orders.

    A slightly distant precedent דברים יב: כט – יג: א.  This mussar commanded by this sugia warns against assimilation.  Assimilation to the cultures and customs of Goyim who never accepted the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai & Horev, represents a huge expression of the jealousy felt by the Yatzir Ha’Rah.

    Another slightly removed precedent יח: ו – ח.  The Tribe of Levi did not receive a Tribal inheritance of the land as did the other sons of Yaacov.  The crisis of the Golden Calf, Levi demonstrated their t’shuvah, and received a direct portion of the Cohen obligation to instruct prophetic mussar unto the rest of the Nation.  Israel has an eternal obligation to give heart to Levi so as not to arouse the tumah Yatzir of jealousy and lust.  

    Another slightly distant precedent כג: כב – כד.  Making a Torah vow, (as mentioned previously like committing to write a Sefer Torah), a person should not delay this mitzvah, lest it arouse the jealousy of HaShem.

    A distant precedent ל:טו – כ.  HaShem jealously judges each and every generation as to our fidelity to the oath sworn by the Avot unto HaShem.  G’lut Jewry as a hard and fast rule, they only know of the oath which HaShem swore an oath brit with the Avot.  Ignored and totally forgotten the 3 oaths which the Avot swore to HaShem when they cut the oath brit faith.  

    The jealousy of HaShem forever judges the dedication of the generations to keep the oaths, our eternal inheritance, sworn by the Avot unto HaShem.  The scales of justice weigh Blessing or Curse; Life or Death; Judicial justice within the oath sworn lands or judicial corruption and oppression of the strong over the weak, the wealthy over the poor.

    The משנה תורה does not include an exact precedent for this the 9th פרק of the Parshah of ויקרא.  But the prophet ישעיה commands mussar precedents which serve as precise precedents by which to understand the k’vanna of this the 9th פרק of Leviticus.  

    כז: יב – יג  This mussar commands hope for the coming g’eulah from the cruel oppression endured by our People in g’lut.  Three years after the Goyim systematically murdered 75% of European Jewry, the nation of Israel rose out of our 2000+ years grave; and cast our cruel Goyim overlords, both Xtians and Muslims, unto a g’lut of their very own.  Europe ceased existence as Xtian nations, and the common man moans, waiting for the 2nd Coming; stateless refugee Arabs decry their absolute disgrace … the victory of the risen Jewish State.

    Another precise, exact precedent of mussar: כט: כב – ל: ה.  The jealousy of HaShem does not forget the oath sworn to Avraham, Yitzak, and Yaacov.  This opening sugia precedent opens with the term: לכן.  Midrash teaches that this word expresses the language of an oath.

    None the less the tumah Yatzir Ha’Rah within the hearts of the Israeli common man, it continually entices the daughter of Zion to pursue assimilation to the customs, ways, and practices of Goyim who never accepted the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai @ Horev.  The revelation of the Written and Oral Torah serve as eternal witnesses in all matters of דיני נפשות.  All Cases of דיני נפשות require no less than two independent witnesses.

    Another precise and exact mussar rebuke: לא: א – ג.  The mussar stands clear and crisp: ומצרים אדם ולא אל.  As horses live as flesh, and not spirit, so too and how much more so the רוח הקודש middot of the Oral Torah breath tohor spirits rather than kleppah shells of empty word noises that cry for mercy, expressions of faithless assimilated Israelis and g’lut Jews.

    Still another precise and exact mussar rebuke: מ: ט – כו.  The mussar of Moshiach burns in the opening sugia.  HaShem alone rules as KING over his chosen Cohen Nation.

    The 2nd sugia again validates HaShem alone as the KING of the chosen Cohen Nation.  Israel remembers the mussar rebuke of the prophet Shmuel when assimilated Israel rebelled and asked for a king other than HaShem.  HaShem alone brought Israel out of the slavery of Egyptian oppression.  HaShem alone commanded the first and second Commandments of the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai; @ Horev – the revelation of the 13 tohor middot spirits of רוח הקודש logic – appointed by HaShem alone – as the eternal inheritance of the chosen Cohen nation.   The Oral Torah revelation of רוח הקודש permits the generations to interpret the k’vanna of the Written Torah common law codification,,, the תרי”ג commandments.

    The preachers of theology establish Creeds and Dogmas that command Goyim to believe in God in this or that fashion.  Comparable to fools who compare HaShem to sticks and stones.  Justice this obligation has the KING placed into the hands of the chosen Cohen Nation.  Justice stands alone as the sole obligation which the תרי”ג commandments command the generations.

    Creeds, Theology, Dogmas, and Doctrines do not compare to the 1st Commandment of the Revelation of the Torah @ Sinai.  Yet this has not stopped Goyim attempts to replace with their beliefs – Monotheism and Trinity etc – as did the fools who cast their idols cut out of gold or fine wood.   As if their Replacement theologies possessed the power to cast the Crown of the KING unto their satanic Hell.

    Still another exact precise mussar precedent which the prophet commands: סב: י – יב.  Another vision of the redemption of the chosen Cohen nation from the cruel unjust oppression imposed by Statute Laws, the expression of tyrants.  HaShem redeems Israel from g’lut and restores the eternal obligation to rule the oath sworn lands with righteous lateral common law justice.


  7. The 10th chapter of Leviticus: ד: לב – לה

    This פרק differentiates between the k’vanna of dedication between a korban of purification from tumah of a sheep korban as opposed to the previous chapter of a goat korban.  The dedication of a korban entails a וידוי oath dedication.  Hence the mussar k’vanna of one korban, slightly different from the mussar k’vanna of the other korban.  Despite the fact that both species of korbanot – dedicated for purification from tumah.  The Torah of Moshe commands mussar.  Mussar defines the k’vanna of all prophecies.   The vision of all prophets validates the eternal struggle between the opposing Yatzirot, within the hearts of bnai brit Man.

    The shallow superficial reading of ויקרא, this טפש פשט reactionary reading of worshipped words causes fools to assume that Moshe commanded Israel to offer different animals merely as a barbecue unto Heaven.  The study of the 3rd Book of the Torah, denuded of משנה תורה prophetic mussar, results in the desecration of the Name.  Comparable to Xtians believing that a brutally beaten and tortured imaginary man, crucified on a Roman cross of execution, qualifies as a valid korban\sacrifice.  That tumah corrupt judicial injustice qualifies as tohor Avodat HaShem.  Herein defines the curse of calling Day, night and Night, day.

    A slightly distant precedent: דברים ה: יא.   The Gemarah of Sanhedrin, there the sages attributed the floods which destroyed the soul of Adam Ha’Reshon, all of the first 10 generations of Humanity in the days of Noach, to swearing false oaths.  Another slightly distant precedent: כד: א – ד.  The swearing of an oath likewise defines the mitzva of קידושין.  A man acquires the Nefesh O’lam Ha’Bah soul of his wife … the future born children of this oath brit union.   Such a man who divorces his wife, but refuses to give her back the brit Nefesh O’lam Ha’Bah soul acquired through the mitzvah of קידושין, the equivalent of making a public worship of other Gods.

    People who have no fear of Heaven, they also have no shame.   Such people can never do Avodat HaShem.  The Court has a Torah obligation to place this רשע into the ban of כרת נידוי.  The tumah conscious choice to make a married daughter of Israel into an Agunah, it serves as a precedent by which the sages learned that the mother – and not the father – determines the Jewishness of all children born into the chosen brit Cohen nation.  The רשע who refuses to give back the acquired Nefesh O’lam Ha’Bah soul of his ex-wife, this evil Man has broken faith with both HaShem and his ex-wife.  Swearing a Torah oath has serious consequences.

    Another slightly distant precedent: כז: ט – י.  The entire world rejected the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai @ Horev.  At the Sinai revelation Israel thought they would die; the Horev revelation occurred after the sin of the golden calf metaphor; the sin of perverting the רוח הקודש Name into a profane word.  There HaShem threatened to expunge the memory of Israel.  Moshe “remembered” the oath sworn to Avraham Yitzak and Yaacov.   This memory, forced upon HaShem the mitzvah of t’shuvah.  Therefore the opening blessing of the Shemone Esrei includes, through k’vanna of the heart, the memory of the oaths the Avot swore back unto HaShem as the eternal oath inheritance of the chosen Cohen People.  Swearing a Torah oath has serious consequences.

    The mitzvah of blessings in general and tefillah in particular stands on the fundamental distinction which separates blessings as toldoth of oaths from praises – as expressed by saying Tehillim.  Mitzvot learn through other Mitzvot because the Written Torah exists as the first Common Law codification.  The failure to learn the Written Torah as the Common Law codification of all Yiddishkeit, this produces the classic 10 Commandment statute law perversion of the whole of the Torah.  All references made by non brit Goyim unto the 10 Commandments, this serves as witness that the Goyim never accepted the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai @ Horev.

    The משנה תורה does not include an exact precise precedent by which to understand the k’vanna of this the 10th chapter of Parshat ויקרא.  The prophet ישעיה however commands a spot on mussar ז: ג – ו.  The rebellion against HaShem in the days of the prophet Shmuel, by which the people asked for a king – when HaShem ruled as their KING – occurred during the dry season.  The prophet Shmuel therefore called upon rain, to prove to the people their error.  Still the people insisted on imposing a king – like all the other nations – upon the nation.  

    The mussar commandment decreed upon the house of David as the anointed Moshiach … that Civil War would plague both David and all his generations forever.  King David served as the model for all other kings of Yehuda and Israel.   No other king ever matched the righteousness of David.  Yet, Civil-Wars divided the House of David in the lifetime of Shlomo, his son.  The divided kingdoms of Yehuda and Israel never healed their breach of faith.

    Therefore shall attempts by people who share no brit alliance, not with the Torah as the Written Constitution of the Republic, nor the king of Syria who rejected the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai @ Horev, shall HaShem bless their attempt to impose a new king upon the land when HaShem cursed through rain not in its due season, the Cohen nation when we rebelled and asked for a king other than HaShem.

    HaShem alone took Israel out of Egyptian bondage.  HaShem alone spoke the opening first two commandments at Sinai in the ears of the nation of Cohonim.  Just as HaShem rejected the attempt made by the kings of Ephraim and Syria to place a new king upon the throne of Jerusalem, so too and how much more so the attempts by Xtian Goyim who too never accepted the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai @ Horev, their vain attempts to impose the empty JeZeus myth as the king of the Jews.

    Another precise precedent יז: ד – יח: ג.  Nothing separates the avodah zarah of asherim or sun images from the avodah zarah of mythology of Gods as found in both the new testament or koran.

    Still another precise precedent: כח: ה – ח.  World separate lateral courtroom common law halachot from statute laws imposed by foreign kings, princes, or priests.  The Torah rejects alien Creeds, theologies, dogmas, and doctrines.  Goyim who never accepted the Torah @ Sinai @ Horev, they possess no power to declare any false messiah as the king of the Jews.

    Still another precise precedent: ל: ו – יא.  The assimilated among my People, they abandon the Torah brit faith.  The delusion that alien Goyim will rule the oath sworn lands with justice and peace, compares to the political rhetoric which the EU, and Russia spout about Peace, a result & consequence of “their” Two-State Solution propaganda.  The vain promise that if Israel only surrenders its victory, the 2nd Independence War of 1967, and agrees to divide Jerusalem and our Nation into two hostile States, whose people hate one another, that the nations will guarantee Peace in the Middle East. 

    This precise mussar compares to a slightly distant precedent: מז: ד – טו.  The people who crushed Jewish stateless refugee population that culminated in ghetto, pogroms, blood libel slanders, and Shoah, do you think yourselves superior to the Babylonians?  Do you think Jews have forgotten the crimes of the Inquisition, the Crusades followed by the unilateral expulsion of my people from your lands?

    Still another less precise mussar precedent: נא: יז – כא.  The memories of 2000+ years of g’lut, has left a permanent scar upon the soul of my people.  These memories, they have decreed that the Goyim of Xtiandom have no ‘good name’ reputation.  The religions of abomination which these people once worshiped, even they too now reject their former religions as utterly false.  Both Protestants and Catholics declare the religion of the other as faithless.   Believing members of the Church of “Crisis”, they do declare that all other Xtians shall burn in hell; that only the true believers shall live life eternal in heaven, together with JeZeus.

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    1. Thank you for presenting your perspective on the Oral Torah based on Rabbinic Judaism. I think I agree with you about the State of Israel to the extent I understand your position. We disagree on Yeshua.

      Next Sunday I plan to criticize the Christian liturgical calendar containing Easter and Good Friday linking it to anti-Semitism and idolatry.

      Best wishes.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Parshat צו, chapter Two — ו:יב – טז.

        This 2nd פרק opens with the korban of Moshiach for the House of Aaron.  A meal offering, very similar to the מנחה offering of a woman suspected of adultery.   The Written Torah, as common law learns by means of comparative precedents.   This fundamentally separates Torah and Talmud from the code of the Rambam’s statute religious law.    The Torah commands mussar.   Prophetic mussar defines the whole of T’NaCH and Talmudic literature, as instructed through the medium of Aggadah.  ג – ו

        The Rambam statute law code, together with the similar heretical Tur and Beit Yosef\Shulkan Aruch statute religious law codes, they all stand upon the tumah יסוד that they divorce the halachah from its eternal Torah partnership with aggaditah.   The stories, especially told in the Book of בראשית, teach aggadic mussar instruction – NOT history.   

        This fundamental הבדלה forever separates the T’NaCH and Talmud\Midrashim/ from the tumah bible and koran books of avodah zarah; these latter day replacement theologies preach history rather than instruct mussar.   As shabbot stands forever apart from the days of chol, so too and how much more so T’NaCH, Talmud, Midrash, and Siddur stand separated and holy from the profane religions of avodah zarah together with all their prayers directed to their foreign alien Gods.

        As the location and hiding place of the Ark containing the Sinai revelation remains concealed, so too the Oral Torah revelation of Horev.   No Goy has ever grasped this unique logic system format, by which the sages of Israel interpret the k’vanna of the mussar commandments contained in the first 4 Books of the Written Torah.  Neither church nor mosque ever comprehended the yoke of the kingdom of heaven: צדק צדק תרדוף.  Today, the 12th day, one week and 5 days of the Omer, the mitzvah to remove avodah zarah from within our hearts; Holocaust Remembrance Day, forever serves as witness to this truth.   

        Goyim worship avodah zarah.  Therefore Goyim rejects the revelation of the Written Torah @ Sinai and the Oral Torah @ Horev.  The moshiach anointing of the House of Aaron dedicates the nation of Cohonim to this eternal truth; Israel sanctifies our commitment of dedication – faith to HaShem – the chosen holy People, to keep and honor this faith; specifically that we the bnai brit people cannot throughout the generations accept the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai @ Horev together with avodah zarah within our hearts. 

        The Blood Libel pogroms, like the Shoah of the 20th Century, testify that Europe and its fraudulent false messiah religion share no portion, not with the Torah nor with the chosen Cohen nation.  HaShem @ the revelation of the 2nd Commandment together with the revelation of the golden calf forever rejects avodah zarah from the oath brit faith.   Hence the korban מנחה of the House of Aaron Moshiach dedication resembles the mussar of the מנחה dedication of the woman suspected of adultery.

        A precise משנה תורה precedent, דברים ב:ח – טז.  The comparison not to view alien peoples with jealousy to the jealousy of HaShem which burned against the Wilderness generation due to the avodah zarah in their hearts.   To what precedent does this and that learn?   From the commandment not to desire neither gold nor treasure of cursed avodah zarah.   Based upon the story of Akhan, the son of Karmi, the son of Zavdi, the son of Zerah, of the tribe of Yehuda, who took נידוי objects and brought a curse from HaShem upon our people and nation.

        A distant precedent, contrasts with the previous precise precedent.  יד:כב -כז.  The commandment to convert your tithe unto money and travel to Jerusalem on the regel and pursue תאוה נפשך\the passions of your heart.  With the warning, not to ignore the dignity of Levi, who has no land inheritance, in your midsts.

        Another precise Torah precedent from the משנה תורה, the opening first two sugiot of Parshat שופטים, טז:יח – כב.  Corrupt justice compares to placing an idol next to the altar in Jerusalem on Mt. Zion!   HaShem does not recognize oppression of the poor and weak together with religious dogmas which preach the glory of being saved, any more than a woman can be just a little bit pregnant.

        A distant precedent, יז:יד – יח: ב.  The commandment to any king of Israel to write the משנה תורה.  The explicit defining commandment placed upon the Moshiach king of Israel.  The commandment to write the משנה תורה – placed upon the Moshiach king of Israel – goes hand in glove with the House of Levi not to have a land inheritance in the oath sworn lands.

        The mussar as taught through the Book of דברים, it instructs the k’vanna of the other four Books of the Written Torah.   The anointed king of Israel/Moshiach received the kabbalah education, how to learn, by means of the Oral Torah logic format first revealed to Moshe @ Horev.

        A slightly distant precedent: כד: יד – כה: טז.  The negative commandment which forbids oppression of the poor and poverty stricken.  The negative commandment to condemn a current generation based upon the condemnation of an earlier generation.  The positive commandment to remember the salvation wrought through the deliverance from Egyption oppression combined with the negative commandment not to crush the refugee within your land.

        To positive commandment to respect the dignity of the orphan widow and refugee.  The counterfeit religions have no portion with the deliverance from Egypt by the hand of Moshe our teacher.   Justice goes hand in glove with the responsibility to respect the dignity even of criminals among our people; just as a farmer has a responsibility not to sow his field with a muzzle on his ox, lest he eat some of the seeds. 

        Fear of heaven or building a good reputation defines avodat HaShem as expressed through the mitzvah of Yibum.   What does HaShem abhor and utterly detest in ‘Fallen Man’?   Any Man who does not ardently pursue after, and cling to – the mitzvah of fear of heaven.   All theologies, creeds, doctrines and dogmas stand in the scales of eternal judgment opposed by the mitzvah of fear of heaven.  All comes from heaven EXCEPT fear of heaven.

        The concluding Parshah of the משנה תורה holds an exact and precise precedent: לג: א – יב.  The blessing to Levi stands out, the struggle with the matter of Yosef thrown in the well … opposed by … standing together with Moshe after the sin of the golden calf.  Fear of heaven does not shine, if a man does not struggle with his tumah Yatzir inclinations within his heart.

        ירמיה ד:ט – כו instructs a precise mussar precedent.   What defines the fierce anger of HaShem?  A people who forsake fear of heaven.  Xtianity and Islam have utterly destroyed any possible reputation of a good name, when both made alliance with Hitler to extirminate the Jews.

        Another precise precedent, ה:יד – יט.  The decree of g’lut has now passed on to both Xtianity and Islam.  Xtianity bemoans, waiting for the 2nd coming of their God, and Arabs now rot as refugee populations, who have no political rights across the Middle East.

        Still another precise precedent: ו:טז – ל.  Actions have their consequences.  Who among the religions of monotheism stands as a people rejected by HaShem today?  Herein concludes פרק שני of Parshat צו.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I see the Torah as teaching BOTH mussar and history. Why don’t you?

          That you only accept mussar is a sign that your education in a goyim / Christian university environment taught you to value “evolution” over the Torah.

          Your worldview has more in common with the goyim atheistic worldview than you realize. My evidence for that is your claim that the Torah is not history, only mussar.


          1. Xtian theology knows nothing about mussar — never in 2000+ years has any Xtian ever addressed the central basis of the Torah — mussar. LOL That’s funny Frank, ya ought to laugh at that.

            Liked by 1 person

              1. I laugh b/c now the tables have turned, with great joy we Jews rule our homelands and the lies of Xtianity now stand publicly obvious for all to mock and hold in complete derision.


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