Exploration 86 – The Dust-To-Darwin Problem

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Genesis 2:7 King James Version

Bob Sorensen used the phrase “dust-to-Darwin” to describe evolution. This phrase succinctly describes the mythopoetic rationalization underlying evolutionary speculations. It brings two contrary things to mind. First, the word dust brings to mind Genesis 2:7 where we have a “dust-to-Adam” creation by God. Second, the word Darwin brings to mind those who promote a mindless, deterministic/random evolutionary explanation of how we got here.

The dust-to-Darwin problem is the realization that the speculations attempting to replace Genesis are no longer plausible, if they ever were. The problem for atheistic speculations is that science never has been on the side of atheism in spite of it being institutionally force-fed. That’s because experimental science doesn’t sit still. Scientists, some of them witlessly, keep pushing down the atheist fencing, because that fencing doesn’t fit reality.

For example, although mutations in DNA might look like the driving force of evolution, look closer and they point to genetic entropy and single, recent male and female ancestors. Although the fossil column might look like it could be dated to be hundreds of millions of years old, look closer and that dating falls apart when scientists estimate the entire geologic record would be eroded away in a mere ten million years assuming measured rates of erosion. Experimental science measured this entropy and erosion. Those measurements undermined speculative philosophy’s attempts to justify atheism.

Even more fundamentally, the dust-to-Darwin problem is that the philosophy of atheism offers no plausible way for any kind of dust to get here in the first place without God. It presents no plausible explanation for how that dust came alive without God. It has no plausible way to explain why men and women are inhabiting earth right now without God.

But the most serious part of the dust-to-Darwin problem comes when normal, ordinary people realize that they have been deceived, fooled into filtering reality through atheistic mythology.

Weekly Parashah Readings
Parashah: Tazria 1 Nissan, 5782 – April 2, 2022
Torah: Leviticus 12:1 – 13:59
Haftarah: Ezekiel 45:18 – 46:15; Isaiah 66:1; Isaiah 66:23-24; Isaiah 66:23
Brit Chadashah: John 6:8-13; Matthew 8:1-4
Resources: Chabad, Hebrew4Christians, Weekly Torah Readings, Calendar

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

17 thoughts on “Exploration 86 – The Dust-To-Darwin Problem”

  1. Sadly, atheists have backed themselves into a corner and cannot get out.

    Love this: “the dust-to-Darwin problem is that the philosophy of atheism offers no plausible way for any kind of dust to get here in the first place without God. It presents no plausible explanation for how that dust came alive without God. It has no plausible way to explain why men and women are inhabiting earth right now without God.”


    Liked by 2 people

      1. The first word of the p’suk\verse/ וייצר \ translated by your translation as “formed”. This reference serves as the basis of the Yatzir Ha’Tov vs. the Yatzir Ha’Rah. The term: ויפח באפיו נשמת חיים translated by your pathetic source as ” and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life”, HaHaHaHa lol what a belly roll utterly moronic translation. The Neshamah of life\נשמת חיים/ refers to the Spirit Name of HaShem. This Spirit of life does not exist as a word. Hence all attempts to pronounce the Name, as if it exists as a word = avodah zarah tumah narishkeit.


        1. The Nazi tumah, promoted a race theory – later supported by the 1953 discovery by the Jewish scientists Watson, Crick based upon Jewish Rosalind Franklin’s data, which provided the key to the double helix model. Jews do not exist as a race, any body born on this planet can become Jewish and many have! Torah teaches mussar as the bedrock of Jewish spirituality. Darwin’s theory in no way manner or form concerns mussar instruction. LOL what a total joke. HaHaHaHa wow that’s really quite funny very good humor Frank ya really got a laugh out of me with this narishkeit.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. If I understood you correctly, I agree that there are no races. We all go back to the same parents and one of the three sons of Noah. That reminds me to write a post on Jeanson’s book Traced.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Clearly the human race has branched out and formed different “species” something like the variants of different species of dogs or cats etc. Torah faith commands prophetic mussar. It has nothing in common with the divergent species known as man kind.


  2. When we realize we have been deceived we usually feel like a fool (I do anyways), when in reality the one who deceives is the real fool. Psalm 53:1 “The fool has said in his heart, “there is no God”. They are corrupt, and have committed abominable injustice;there is no one who does good.”
    Humility is the answer to deception and fools know nothing of humility.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Nice to see you link to someone I appreciate with Creationism! Hit it on the nail: “But the most serious part of the dust-to-Darwin problem comes when normal, ordinary people realize that they have been deceived, fooled into filtering reality through atheistic mythology.”

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I see no issue in religion existing with logical (scientific) thought. I agree with you that an atheist cannot be a true scientist because of the need for ever-changing discoveries.

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