Troubles – Friday Fictioneers

The coffee shop at the corner under the trains was open. The owner was protected and so were they. The neighborhood still looked civilized, but the troubles had begun.

One year later a quarter of the world’s population died, but it could have been more. No one knew for sure. Official truth was passed on by word of mouth and doubted as soon as it was heard. No one doubted the bodies in the streets.

An unexpected smartening raced through the population like the cleansing fire of revival as the war, the big one this time, began.

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields offers the photo below by Ted Strutz for this week’s prompt for Friday Fictioneers.


Whispers and Echoes recently published a 100-word story of mine called Spotting the Heretic. I am grateful to the editor, Sammi Cox, for selecting it. Submissions to this online journal are currently open.

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

45 thoughts on “Troubles – Friday Fictioneers”

    1. The link is open for about a week. This one was announced on Wednesday even though it is called “Friday” Fictioneers. I follow the blog so I get a notification in my emails. I save the prompt photo as an image and use it in the post, but I don’t think that is necessary. However, the story should be related somehow to the photo. To make sure I add the photo in the post. The story is limited to 100 words. I check that by copying it into a text editor that has a word count function. That’s all I do outside of trying to find something to say which is not always easy.

      I hope to see you here! Best wishes, Mary!


  1. That seems to be the pattern. There are Official Truths and the truth that comes from reflection on facts. We are more savvy than the media believes, and we can smell the spin in the information almost instinctively. Very intriguing story.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Much of that could happen. I am reading Peter Wyns’ Unexpected Fire which is a study of Revelation containing both end-times tribulations and the resultant revivals and the interactions between Israel and the gentile church. Thank you, Rochelle!


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