Exploration 94 – Demons

To paraphrase Andrew Wommack: If our lives aren’t supernatural, they’re superficial.

Through much of my life I didn’t believe that demons really existed. They made interesting characters in spooky stories, but from a superficial perspective psychology seemed to explain them away as personality disorders. That unbelief in them undermined, but it did not crash, my belief in the rest of the supernatural.

To counter that unbelief in demons and reaffirm a belief in the supernatural I remember reading M. Scott Peck’s People of the Lie on evil and Raymond Moody’s Life After Life on near death experiences. However, my grounding view of demons came more from movies like The Exorcist than the Gospels.

Sentimental New Age influences also crept in. The movie Labyrinth offered a view of the demonic that seemed simpler to cast out if only I could remember the magic spell. I began to realize it was easier to tell a demon he had no power over me than to actually stay free from demonic addiction. However much New Age spirituality invitingly plays with the demonic, it brings no authority with it to boss demons around.

Too often I forgot that it is only through exercising the authority of Yeshua (Jesus) that I had any hope of being victorious when facing a demon. Eventually I saw them manifest through their effects like addiction, anger, illness or sin on my life and the life of those around me.

As disciples of Yeshua we are sent to heal the sick and cast out demons among other things (Matthew 10:8). If we don’t know how to go about that, we could prayerfully start with ourselves. If Peter’s shadow is any indication of what is possible (Acts 5:15-16) we may not have to say a word before the demons scatter.

Weekly Parashah Readings
Parashah: Bechukotai, 27 Iyar, 5782 – May 28, 2022
Torah: Leviticus 26:3-27:34
Haftarah: Jeremiah 16:19-17:14
Brit Chadashah: Matthew 21:33-46; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18
Resources: Chabad, Hebrew4Christians, Weekly Torah Readings, Calendar

Pond and Forest
Pond and Forest

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

58 thoughts on “Exploration 94 – Demons”

  1. “Jesus summoned His twelve disciples and gave them authority and power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every kind of disease and every kind of sickness.” Matthew 10:1

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    1. Bunk no such thing as heretic hunters.  At least not till after the Cossack revolt of 1648.  That year, like a famine wine vintage, a particularly tough year for ghetto Jewry.  That year the false messiah Shabbethai Tzvi brought Yiddishkeit almost to its knees with his chaos kabbalah anarchy.

      The Bogdan Khmelnitsky Cossack revolt killed up to 1 million Jews.  Then came the false messiah [think battle of Wounded Knee disaster].  Eastern European Jewry endured a state of anarchy and chaos only matched by the Shoah.
      Goyim, it seems, have this competition who can best develop the Art of Murder and Torture.  Europe has a long tradition of Justice … NOT. 

      At a young age Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, also known as the Ramchal, (1707 – 1746) mastered the Ari school of kabbalah, which so profoundly and likewise influenced the false Messiahs Shabbatai Zevi (1626-1676) and Ya’acov Frank (1726 – 1791).  The overlap between the false messiah anarchy and the life of the Ramchal merits consideration which explains the over reaction by rabbinic authorities to the Ramchal kabbalah writings.  

      The Zohar, first published after the public burning of the Talmud in Paris France in 1242 — the year that the Goyim intervened in the Jewish Rambam Civil War.  Sixty years later the fires of Jewish anarchy witnessed the up-rooting and total destruction of the Rashi/Tosafot school with the expulsion of all Jews living in France.  The false messiah Ya’acov Frank died at the time of the French Revolution.  Napoleon repudiated the Catholic Ghetto war crimes against humanity.  No pope or priest did any government in Europe hang.  Even in the best of times European justice sucks.

      The assimilated Neoplatonism fraud created its own ירידות הדורות/domino effect, it shaped the mystic kabbalah specuations known as Lurianic Kabbalah.  The sharp contrast between Luria’s kabbalah and that of Moshe Cordovero (Ramak), author of the 13 Peddle Rose – a רמז to the 13 middot Torah sh’baal Peh (1522- 1570).  Lurianic kabbalah speculated upon the nature of evil.  His kabbalah, totally different from the Xtian devil demonology speculations.  By no means does this make this narishkeit type of speculation kosher.  The Ari kabbalah pondered if God encompasses all then how does the Universe even exist?  He developed the notion that God contracted within Himself and the void created from this contraction became the known Universe.  This narishkeit in a perverted way compares to the Book of Mormon which makes similar speculations.

      Ghetto imprisoned Jewry, enduring absolute poverty and criminal oppression by Satanist xtian authorities, speculated upon demonology during those hard times.  But such grasping at straws attempts to understand slavery and oppression by Goyim produced pathetic scholarship.  Jews had to conceal their thoughts from the Goyim censors.  
      This made their works of kabbalah concealed in a code language which required a rabbi, trained in the knowledge of that code, to instruct others who wanted to examine the layers of those hidden kabbalah works.

      But demonology and heretic hunters exists outside of the main stream of Jewish Torah scholarship.  Yes, the ghetto rabbis burned the Ramchal’s kabbalah speculations.  But in their defense, Jewish communities across Europe experienced crisis after crisis after crisis.  Life for Jews living in ghetto communities – shear Hell.

      Liked by 2 people

        1. I wonder if the chronogenealogy of Shem in Genesis 11 which differs from the Septuagint is another such corruption. How could there only be 100 years between the Flood and Babel? Where did all the people come from to build the tower?


          1. Answer: Its just an Aggadic story Frank. Ya don’t read the Torah literally. Ya can read the Torah literally, but that gets you the Scopes Monkey Trial of 1925 narishkeit.

            That trial served its purpose of drawing intense national publicity, as national reporters flocked to Dayton to cover the high-profile lawyers who had agreed to represent each side. William Jennings Bryan, three-time presidential candidate and former Secretary of State, argued for the prosecution, while Clarence Darrow served as the defense attorney for Scopes.

            The trial publicized the Fundamentalist–Modernist controversy, which set Modernists, who said evolution was not inconsistent with religion, against Fundamentalists, who said the Word of God as revealed in the Bible took priority over all human knowledge. The case was thus seen both as a theological contest and as a trial on whether evolution should be taught in schools.

            Liked by 1 person

      1. You write, “The Ari kabbalah pondered if God encompasses all then how does the Universe even exist? He developed the notion that God contracted within Himself and the void created from this contraction became the known Universe.” I agree that it is “narishkeit” although I probably don’t know what that word really means.

        Making life for someone else sheer Hell is what heretic hunters do best. They are all over the place. One of my hopes is not to become one of them in some moment of weakness.


  2. Very well said brother. This is an important topic that many Christians seem to shy away from. The Apostle Paul was clear: “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”

    Thanks for the insight.


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  3. Most of the time we place demons with addictions and evil – and ugly to boot. No, most of the time they appear as beautiful and compelling, drawing in those ignorant to their very existence.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good point. Righteousness if it is man-centered may well be demonic, but look good.

      (By the way, I wonder if my comments on your blog are going to the spam folder. They seem to vanish after I post them. Best wishes and thank you, Oneta!)


      1. I’ve noticed I am not getting comments from you very often. I supposed it was just that your blogging community was growing so you had less time. I often get likes from you.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. When I teach overseas there was one time they asked me to teach a biblical doctrine of demons; I was suprised at how much the pastors were familiar with the verses and teachings than other area of theology. Made me think of that reading this

    Liked by 1 person

        1. Xtianity knows nothing of the brit faith … it denies the Oral Torah logic system even exists… it does not know that the 5th Book of the Torah defines the Oral Torah! This religion – utterly moronic in both scope and vision.


          1. The so-called oral torah is at best a commentary on the Torah. I don’t deny that it exists nor that it contains some logical reasonings. I deny that it is part of the Torah. It is a secondary, derived work of man.


  5. Parshat מצורע contains three פרקים. 

    The first פרק contains two סוגיות.  The first סוגיה: יד: א – כ.  The second סוגיה: יד: כא – לב.  The precedent of the korbanot dedicated on the Yom Tov of Yom Kippur, the sanctification of the two goats,  gives an in-depth understanding of tumah of g’lut & the geulah from tumah ratio. 

    Through the korban אשם, the Man redeemed from tumah, validates the true din of his guilt.  A second precedent learns directly from the Moshiach anointment of the House of Aaron.   The man redeemed from the g’lut of נגע הצרעת, returns to live in the camp of the chosen Cohen nation. 

    Both Aaron and this man, healed from a terrible g’lut tumah experience, both share an identical Moshiach t’shuvah dedication to HaShem.  All avodat HaShem services require t’shuvah.  T’shuvah learns from Miriam following her צרעת disgrace caused by speaking לשון הרע. The identical error which resulted in the g’lut of the Wilderness generation. 

    HaShem first revealed נגע הצרעת as a Divine sign to Moshe, @ the Horev wonder.  Whose flames did not consume the bush; just as  משנה תורה logic by means of court common law precedents, interprets the k’vanna of the Written Torah without adding or subtracting from its original intent.

    The house of Levi had to shave and remove all body hair from their bodies.  After the death of Aaron’s two sons, the anointed Cohonim –  forbidden by Moshe to leave the tent of the Mishkan for the entire 7 days of their Moshiach ordination anointment.  The אדם צרעת by contrast remains outside his tent until fully cleansed from his tumah plague.  This distinction learns from the tumah status of all things found in a tent, should a person die suddenly within that tent.

    Herein understands the order of Parshat מצורע followed by Parshat אחרי מות.  These three Parshaot serve to understand the sanctity of the Mishkan.  The revelation of this Torah comes to teach the priority of justice and its close relationship with the geulah from Egyptian slavery.  Tohor and tumah reflect the eternal struggle within the heart of bnai brit Man.  Which pits the Yatzir Ha’Tov against the Yatzir Ha’Rah.

    A man who employs the devil as his scapegoat, in order to justify his errors of judgment, has no portion in the bnai brit faith.   The stories of Angels vs Demons, the rebellion of the Devil against God … these mythologies exist as an expression of superstition theology, coined by religions of avodah zarah throughout history.   A debate conducted between fools, whose vanity argues how many flies can stand on the head of a pin.  So concludes the opening sugia of the first פרק of מצורע יד:א – כ.

    Let’s Learn.  A distant precedent: דברים ה: ו – טו.  Avodah zarah and the plague of צרעת, learn from one another.   Both learn from the g’lut of Egyptian slavery.  Swearing an oath falsely in the Name of HaShem compares to publicly doing work on shabbot.

    An exact precise precedent: יז: ב – יג.  People who assimilate and worship the God(s) whom the Goyim worship.  Another precise precedent: כ: י – כ.  The contrast between making war against alien Goyim in foreign lands to alien Goyim living within cities of the oath brit inheritance.  Goyim human beings who live in remote foreign lands, the Torah compares them to fruit producing trees.  Whereas Goyim who reside within the oath sworn inheritance lands, they resemble the din placed upon trees which produce no fruits, during a military siege conducted against hostile enemy cities.

    A distant precedent: כג: ב – ז.  The Torah restriction which prohibits strangers who display strong habits or histories of עין הרע ולשון הרע.  A precise exact משנה תורה precedent: כג: כב – כד: ז.  All the cases addressed here serve as living examples of either עין הרע םר לשון הרע.  The exact opposite of the blessing and curse לשמה given on Mt. Gerizim and Mt. Eival.  

    Before Yom Ha’Din upon the Brit (Rosh HaShanah), the minchag accepted by the Jewish people, we read the Torah curses and have the opportunity to answer Amen to all these Torah curses.  Acceptance of responsibility for our tohor and tumah behavior precedes Yom Ha’Din upon the Brit.  Geulah of Israel from g’lut opens the potential for our Cohen nation to serve as the Head rather than the refugee g’lut tail of humanity.   The two crowns of the Torah, the two mussar Parshaot of blessings and curses.

    No man cuts an oath brit with HaShem without acceptance of the blessing\curse responsibilities this freedom entails.   All avodat HaShem requires this most basic fundamental t’shuvah.   Only bnai brit embrace this succinct t’shuvah.  Goyim repentance for sin shares no common denominator with brit t’shuvah.   

    No false messiah imaginary man, proclaimed and worshipped by Goyim, can atone for a lack of t’shuvah within the hearts of the Cohen nation, wherein we as the chosen people fail to take 100% responsibility for our tohor and tumah behaviors. 

    Herein defines the essence of the oaths which the Avot swore by which they cut a brit with HaShem, and thereby gave this defining inheritance only unto the chosen Cohen people, the spirituality of Torat Moshe, commonly referred to as “Fear of Heaven” or “Master of the Good Name”.  As defined by the p’suk (דברים לב: לא)  : כי לא כצורנו צורם ואיבינו פלילים. 

    A slightly distant precedent learned from the kabbalah מלכים א ב:יג- כז.  The failure of Eli the Cohen Ha’Gadol to take responsibility for the tumah behavior practiced by his sons, when the prophet Shmuel lived as but a young child.  Compare this to the exact precise precedent: ה: כא – ו: יג.  The confused mind of king Shlomo who built a house of wood and stone as the Beit Hamikdash, but fundamentally failed in his king’s responsibilities, to establish the Federal Sanhedrin lateral common law courts across his kingdom.

    A slightly more distant precedent, ח: א – יא.  The placing of the Ark within the Holy of Holies.  The cloud of blessing\curse descended upon the Cohen nation.  Moshe prioritized Sanhedrin court responsibility to make righteous judgments to establish justice.  King Shlomo prioritized lavish wealth, foreign wives, and returning the Cohen nation back to Egyptian subjugation.  The king of Egypt, the father-in-law of Shlomo, would later conquer Shlomo’s kingdom and take away all of king Shlomo’s gold shields.  

    Immediately after king Shlomo died, the nation forever split into two divided kingdoms.  The result and consequences of king Shlomo’s avodah zarah, and his failure – together with the tumah arrogance of his heir – to rule the land with justice.
    Compare this bit closer slightly distant precedent: יא: א – י.  King Shlomo presumptuously married women from Moav.  The Book of Ruth, the Nasi of the Sanhedrin court ruled that women from the family of Lot could join the house of Israel through marriage.  But king Shlomo brazenly made no such Torah halachic calculations.  Shlomo worshipped Milkom the abomination of the Ammonites.  King Shlomo despised the Torah obligation to rule the land with justice.

    Another distant precedent: מלכים א טו: כה – טז: ז.  King Ba’sha expunges the house of Yarov’am, he like all the kings of Israel, their hunger and thirst ambitions for power cause all of them to fail.  All the kings of Israel lack the tohor middot required to establish the lateral Sanhedrin common law courts, the Torah obligation to rule the oath sworn lands with righteous justice.

    A slightly distant precedent: טז: כט – יז: ז  Ah’av the son of Omri assimilated, passionately embraced avodah zarah, and permitted Izevel, the daughter of Etba’al king of the Zidonians to impose a reign of terror upon the nation.   HaShem plagued Ah’av comparable to the drought plagues which afflicted Egypt in the days of Moshe.

    A slightly distant precedent: מלכים ב ה: כ – ו: כג.  Gehazi pursues greed and wealth, condemned to endure the plague of צרעת.  The prophet Elisha crushes the will of the king of Aram, by conducting the affairs of warfare with justice.

    An exact precise precedent: מלכים ב יג: א – יט.  Lone judges lack the stability and power of an established Federal lateral common law court Sanhedrin.  Lone judges, the Book of Judges described their failure to establish the lateral Sanhedrin common law courts.  Tactical justice does not compare to strategic institutional justice.  

    Herein defines the משל\נמשל mussar by which the kabbalah refers to the sin of Yarov’am which all the kings of Israel pursued with lust and vigor.  Assimilated Israel dominated bnai brit society in the days of the prophet Elisha.  Foreign invasions and wars dominated his avodat HaShem.  But as bad as foreign oppression crushes the spirit of the Cohen nation, far more worse – when the government which rules our people behaves as did Par’o in the days of Moshe.

    The 2nd סוגיה: יד: כא – לא.  Opens with respecting the dignity of the poor.  א – ה

    A slightly distant precedent: דברים ה: יב – טז.  Tohor stands separated from tumah like shabbat from chol.  Like the mitzvah to honor the customs and practices kept by ones’ parents.  Another slightly distant precedent: יא: י – כא.  HaShem continually judges the tohor\tumah status of the land.  Nothing pollutes the land as does justice’s acceptance of bribes or government statute law which decrees injustice upon the people.

    The first paragraph of the kre’a shma, contained within tefillen, prioritizes the mitzva to establish Sanhedrin lateral common law tohor justice within the borders of the oath sworn lands.

    Another slightly distant precedent: יג: ב – יב.  Avodah zarah and court or government injustice – upon these two legs stands the din of g’lut.   Forever decreed as a permanent Torah curse upon the chosen Cohen nation.  The Torah commands a positive commandment to utterly destroy assimilated Jews who proselytize among our people, to believe, follow and embrace the theologies or creeds which Goyim religions continually profess.

    A distant precedent: יד: יא – כז.  Kashrut, the negative commandment which separates eating meat and milk together, maaser, Maaser Sheni dedicated during a Chag or Yom Tov.  A slightly distant precedent: טו: ז – יח.  A good eye when giving Tzedakah to the poor among our people.  Making ‘partnership loan’ alliances with business partners rather than loan money on interest.  Conducting business loans close to the Shemitah year of release.  Sending the Eved Ivri back to freedom with a Good Eye.  All these mitzvot sanctify the tohorah of the land, together with its people.

    An slightly distant precedent: יז: יד – יח: ב.  The burden to establish the rule of law among our people.  The institution of government represents a very tricky and thorny issue.  The Yatzir among Goyim, they just love to represent themselves as the decider of who rules the Jewish people as king.  The Torah directly commands a negative commandment not to assimilate and accept any dictate made by Goyim touching “the king of Israel”.  Rather the king has a Torah obligation to write the משנה תורה and obey the rule of halachah established by lateral Sanhedrin common law courtrooms.

    The Yeshivot established within the confines of the 42 Levitical cities functions as the schools of the prophets from which the sages of Israel appoints judges who make up the common law lateral courtrooms.  To establish the Great Sanhedrin Federal Court rests upon a basic fundamental foundation.   The requirement to establish דיני נפשות Capital Crimes small Sanhedrin courtrooms in the 6 Cities of Refuge.

    The Great Sanhedrin court has as a primary duty of obligation, to establish the borders of the Jewish state; this includes the borders which separates the government authority of one Tribe from another within the commonwealth Republic.

    An exact and precise precedent: כא: א – ט.  The Great Sanhedrin court system serves to protect and maintain the tohorah of both the oath sworn land together with the culture and customs practiced by the Cohen people.

    A slightly distant precedent learned from the kabbalah מלכים א א:א נג.  The transfer of the anointed moshiach government from kingdom to kingdom without Civil War.  Evil Eye and l’shon ha’rah both directly connected to the outbreak of internal domestic chaos anarchy and Civil Wars. 

    Adoniyya lusted to inherit the kingdom from his father.  Yoav and Evyatar, their self centered tumah interests, caused them to cut a political alliance to achieve Adoniyya’s ambitions.  Neither of these men took counsel with King David on this difficult issue of transferring David’s rule to establish the stable government of his son.  As such their actions compare to those of Absalom and his party of allies, who committed treason and died in disgrace.

    Prophetic mussar employs Aggadah stories to teach the distinction between tohor and tumah social behaviors.  As such this precedent serves as a depth analysis of this opening פרק of Parshat מזורע.

    Another slightly distant precedent: ו: יד – ז: נ.  King Shlomo introduced a lust to build imposing cathedrals.  Medieval European priests and kings modeled their avodah zarah after the constructions made by king Shlomo.  This Yatzir Ha’Rah does not limit itself to Europeans.  The Muslim empires, they too pursued this tumah rather than establish just rightous courts rule of law.

    Another slightly distant precedent: ט: כג – י: יג : Vanity of vanities; all is vanity.   All the korban offerings which Shlomo dedicated, that HaShem bless his building programs, and  for them to succeed and prosper.  All the wealth and gold which king Shlomo amassed, none of it prevented the coming Civil War which exploded immediately following his disgraceful demise as king. 

    The mussar instruction by which the Book of מלכים opens, makes clear distinctions between tohor and tumah middot, as recorded through the aggadah of mussar, which depicts the social behavior of famous men, as recorded in these prophetic “historical” works.  Torah scholarship continually separates primary from secondary issues.  The study of middot, both tohor and tumah, serves as the chief function of all the Books of the Prophets within the NaCH literature.

    This wisdom forever separates Jewish common law scholarship from how Goyim superficially read their bible translations.  A pithy summation of all Torah spirituality, Jews rationally study Torah as common law, while Xtians and Muslims worship words which they emotionally believe.  The tumah which makes the false, untrue separation between the Word of God against the word of Man – utter and total narishkeit.  Vanity of vanities; all is vanity. 

    An exact and precise precedent מלכים א יז: ח – טז.  The stark contrast between the poverty of the woman and her son; yet she guards and protects her good eye toward the prophet Eliyyahu … this tohor behavior – day and night different from the tumah ambitions of King David’s sons and their key allies.   The mussar of this kabbalah defines the k’vanna of the 2nd sugia of מצורע.

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    1. If I understood correctly, you don’t believe in demons. Your points about assuming responsibility are well-taken. Many deliverance services I’ve seen involve repentance. We are responsible for those demons.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Demons, devils, satan etc etc etc all metaphor to the tumah Yatzir Ha’Rah within the heart. Consequently Torah spirituality focuses upon dedicating tohor middot by which a person can rule over the tumah middot within that persons’ heart. As mentioned on previous time, (1) the Torah speaks in the language of Man (2) the Torah instructs mussar by means of making משל\נמשל דיוקים. Demon, devil, satan … exist as a משל. Yatzir Ha’Rah … exist as its דיוק נמשל.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Frank as an atheist Praise HaShem, of course I do not believe in demons and devils. Don’t believe in JeZeus and Allah on par with demons and devils. LOL


            1. It sounds like you are making insignificant distinctions to try to rationalize your rejection of Christianity. It is not me you have to justify yourself to. I am not your judge.


          1. Religion, the key to understand strategic imperialism
            The suicide of Nero terminated the Juleo-Cladian dynasty which ruled some 95 years before its extinction. The Civil War, known as the Battle of the Four Emperors brought Rome unto the verge of total collapse. Had Jewish warriors killed Vespasian at the Battle of Gilboa, Rome would most probably not have survived its internal domestic Civil War.

            Galba replaced Nero. But before General Vespasian could swear an oath allegiance to Emperor Galba, he too died through assassination by the corrupt Praetorian guards; these spout brats of the Roman Army decided, if the price was right, who would rule as Emperor. The Praetorian guard supported first Salvius Otho, a friend and lover of Nero, as Emperor.

            Chaos and Anarchy prevailed in Rome, during the Jewish Revolt. Emperor Otho, replaced Galba. His rule also lasted but a few months. Alus Vitellius followed Otho, and for a short time he assumed the purple robe. The Roman Civil War threatened to tear the Roman empire apart.

            The New Testament, during the Jewish Revolt, served Roman interests and the Roman efforts to promote Civil War anarchy and chaos in Jerusalem. Something comparable to Ho Chi Minh’s ‘Peoples’ War’ strategy promoted chaos and anarchy within the American homefront during the Vietnam War.

            General Vespasian, originally came from a stock of common mule breeders and farmers. He fathered Titus, and saved the Roman empire. As the last general to seize the throne, this Roman warrior served the Empire with both talent and integrity. He sought to uphold and protect the best interests of the Empire, even above his own personal benefit. He stands head and shoulders above the 3 previous Emperors who seized the reins of power for vain self serving interests.

            The failure to kill Vespasian at the Battle of Gilboa, compares to king Shaul’s disastrous defeat before the Philistines. That First Commonwealth disaster, also referred to as the Battle of Gilboa. General Vespasian decided to return to Rome, he transferred the burden to crush the Jewish revolt unto his son Titus.

            Titus as head of a regional Army, likewise replaced Galba’s vacated domain in Damascus Syria. Alas, Vespasian’s rule ended the Civil War which Sanhedrin foreign policy actively promoted within Roman society in Rome. Vespasian inherited an empire on the brink of total collapse. The Judean revolt against Roman rule specifically timed to explode during that domestic political anarchy in Rome. This political opportunism failed to coordinate the revolt together with the Jews in Alexandria Egypt. The Sanhedrin sent a Jewish agent spy to Rome to promote propaganda of a limited form of Monotheism among polytheistic Roman citizens! Rome responded with the exact same tactic – its New Testament forgery – in the hope to likewise promote Civil War in Judea.

            Many modern day Indian descendants deny the prevalence of the barbaric, disgraceful custom of cannibalism, practiced by many or most ancient Anasazi Indians in South and Central America. Likewise Xtian revisionist historians, in their turn, repeatedly deny that the Apostle Paul served as a Sanhedrin agent provocateur, sent to Rome to promote Civil War. Or that the Gospel forgeries, in their own right, served Roman strategic interests to plant the seeds of political anarchy. Aimed toward the destabilization of Sanhedrin rule within Jerusalem.

            A key strategy, throughout the annals of human conflict and warfare, it seeks to defeat the enemy by promoting domestic Civil unrest and violence within the internal home front politics of that enemy nation state. The Torah views monotheism as an abomination, as it likewise does polytheism. This unique quality of the Torah oath brit faith, Jews as atheists praise HaShem. It simply invalidates all theological belief systems in any and all God(s), other than the oath brit HaShem faith.

            This prima causa objective crystalised itself during the Jewish revolt against Rome as a key strategic effort. The objective, to promote Civil unrest and political anarchy within both societies. Launched by strategic planners in Rome and Jerusalem – against one another. The concept of Peoples’ War guerrilla warfare, Hồ Chí Minh, in the 20th Century, did not originate.

            Stateless Balestinian interests promote social hatred between ‘Liberal Judaism’ in g’lut and Israelis. In like manner the imperialist States of Russia, the EU, and United States promote the division of Jerusalmen and foreign imposed borders – imposed by some UN Quartet authority (as if France won WWII) upon the Jewish state, commonly known as the 2-State Solution, expressed repeatedly through UN propaganda Resolutions 242, 338, 446, & Obozo’s 2334.

            Foreign intervention in the internal domestic affairs of distant countries abroad effectively separates imperialist state interests from countries who refuse to jump into the domestic squabbles of foreign countries. Like as occurred in Spain’s Civil War prior to the outbreak of WWII. Separated by the Atlantic ocean European empires did not intervene in the Mexican American war. Imperialist powers behave comparable to flies, attracted to the fresh manure of foreign Civil Wars.

            Religion has always served, throughout all Human history, as a basis of nation state stability or instability. Religion served as a Prime Cause for the colonization of the New World. Both church and mosque, throughout their histories, have attacked and disrupted the religious practices observed by minority conquered populations. Sunni Syria backed the Shiite Iranian revolution to the horror and disgust of the Saudis.

            The idea that segregates the new testament or koran propaganda into some Apartheid “religions of faith” – alone and all by themselves – divorced from State strategic interests, utterly and completely absurd. Religion has always served as the key weapon of choice & rhetoric, employed most often by dictators, to control the herds of the sheeple masses, both domestic and abroad.


  6. Not any Primary source that ever once refers to “humanistic righteousness”. Proof that this latter day speculation exists as revisionist history.


    1. I made up the phrase “humanistic righteousness” although maybe others thought of the term as well. I am using it as a label for ethical theories mainly since Kant that attempt to rationalize morality using only natural means. See G.E.M. Anscombe’s “Modern Moral Philosophy” for an article on the same theme.


      1. Therefore humanistic righteousness a term of your own creation and imagination. Kant … what does that dead philosopher know about the Torah. LOL


  7. Modern day Indian descendants deny that cannibalism a very common custom practiced by Ancient Anasazi Indians in South and Central America. Something like humanistic righteousness.

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    1. In 68 CE Civil War Nero vs Galba settled by Vespasian, father of Titus, who reigned from reigned from 69 to 79 CE. Promoting the outbreak of Civil War in Rome a key Sanhedrin foreign policy objective which explains the monotheism propaganda by the Jewish agent Provocateur which history refers to as ‘the Apostle Paul’.


      1. So, now you need to provide evidence for your assertion that Paul was a “Jewish agent Provocateur”. Just making the assertion is not enough. At the moment it is wishful thinking on your part.


    2. So? Maybe I can use their denial analogically to explain why non-Messianic Jewish people deny that Yeshua is the Messiah. I wonder if that would work.


    1. Galba, then proclaimed Emperor. But before Titus could swear an oath allegiance to Emperor Galba, he too died through assassination by the corrupt Praetorian guards, the spout brats of the Roman Army decided, if the price was right, who would rule as Emperor. The Praetorian guard supported first Salvius Otho, a friend and lover of Nero, as Emperor. Chaos and Anarchy defined Roman politics. Emperor Otho his rule lasted but a few months. Alus Vitellius for a short time assumed the purple of Emperor. Civil War tore Rome apart. The nt served as the Roman attempt to promote Civil War anarchy and chaos in Jerusalem.

      Vespasian, a mule breeder and father of Titus, saw this chaos as he fought to put down the Judean revolt. He decided to return to Rome. He placed his son Titus as head of his Army based in Damascus Syria. Vespasian returned to Rome and became Emperor. 69 CE the year of the 4 emperors. Alas, Vespasian’s rule ended the Civil War which Sanhedrin foreign policy promoted in Rome.

      Vespasian inherited an empire that stood on the brink of total collapse. The Judean revolt against Roman rule exploded during domestic political anarchy in Rome. The Sanhedrin sent the Jewish agent spy to Rome to promote a limited form of Monotheism in a Poly theistic Roman society! Rome responded with the exact same tactic – the New Testament forgery – in the hope to likewise promote Civil War in Judea.

      Before Vespasian – emperors born and not made! Realism and common sense defined that ugly man Vespasian. Vespasian the mule breeder compares to Shaul who pursued after his fathers lost mules in the Book of Shmuel. Both Shaul and David came from the common man peasant stock. Xtianity loves history yet they remain totally ignorant of ancient Roman history. Why? Because Roman history holds no theological importance to Xtian revisionist historians.

      Rome’s management of water, this model qualifies as a key modern day Israeli domestic objective today. Making the dessert bloom, from David Ben Gurion and every other Israeli Prime Minister — the key to Israeli economic prosperity in the Middle East.


      1. You wrote: The Sanhedrin sent the Jewish agent spy to Rome to promote a limited form of Monotheism in a Poly theistic Roman society!

        I know that is your theory. What is your evidence for it? What document do you have that shows the Sanhedrin did any such thing?


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