Juice – Six Sentence Story

George cut the lemon into halves. He squeezed the juice from each half into his water container. Then he cut the squeezed halves into quarters and ate them.

Distracted by the harmony of clouds and ocean during the morning’s sunrise, he almost forgot. He thanked God for lemons, even the most bitter ones. He thanked God for the one he received today.

Denise offers the word “juice” to be used in this week’s Six Sentence Stories. Eugenia offers the word “harmony” to be used in this week’s Weekly Prompt.

Tiny Sunrise Through the Clouds

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

39 thoughts on “Juice – Six Sentence Story”

  1. Ah yes, even the bitter ones and the worthy distractions. My daughter used to eat lemons like apples. I wonder if she still does. Im sure there is a story here but I don’t know to write it yet.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. well executed, multi-level Six as per the usual*

    enjoy reading your Sixes, in part, for the technical skills exhibited, writing a story that offers more than one interpretation/meaning is not that simple!

    Good Six

    I looked the expression up and they suggested the ‘the’ be added for grammar’s sake…lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We should be grateful even for what is bitter. Thank you, Mimi!

      I don’t know how to respond to your story on your blog, so I will do so here. I liked how you showed two people coming down with some kind of flu and wanting to drink orange juice through their dialog.


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