Pass—Six Sentence Story

One of two things happens as they pass by. Either they start rationalizing or they start crying.

We try to reason with those who start rationalizing. When that doesn’t work, we get rough. When that doesn’t work, our hearts break.

All we do for those who cry is let God wipe away their tears.


Denise offers the prompt word “pass” for this week’s Six Sentence Stories.

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

27 thoughts on “Pass—Six Sentence Story”

  1. Interesting thing I discovered. People make emotionally based decisions and choices, and then defend them rationally. They remove the very thing (emotions) that motivated (notice the common base word that means to move) their decision or choice. If they are rationalizing their reactions, that means they’ve come to a conclusion–they’ve chosen their responses. We cannot reason with someone who’s rationalizing. We must use emotion. Getting rough steels the person in their resolve that their decision or choice is correct. If we react softly, and emotionally instead of confrontationally and rationally, their emotions change or evolve and their minds open to other possibilities. You don’t heal a broken heart with a hammer.

    If, on the other hand, they’re crying, the tears wash away the initial pain. They need to know someone is sharing the pain and lifting the burden. If we do that, they see Christ through us. God makes His presence known both spiritually and in the personal contacts He puts in their paths. He puts us in the space to transmit the physical hug while He starts the healing process.

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    1. Good point that getting rough hardens the person in their resolve. It is best to use a different tactic. The word “rough” that I used could be improved upon.

      Also good point about sharing the pain with those who are crying.

      Blessings, Rebecca!


  2. In whatever form prayer manifests itself, be it quiet contemplation or meditation or confession or chanting, etc., it is a useful avenue for approaching an answer. A lovely, gentle “six”, Frank.

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