Double—Six Sentence Story

Since I didn’t know where I was going and since AI serves double duty not only as fiction but also as useful fiction, I put the address of the Six Sentence Story Café and Bistro into my phone while walking along the busy street. All I knew was the café was supposed to be somewhere in the area.

The voice coming from my phone told me to turn right so I entered the quieter side street, passed a cobbler shop and then a seamstress storefront which specialized in wedding dresses. As I continued walking I wondered if the software had any better idea than I did where the café was, but then I saw the three granite steps and Nick who let me in. Once inside I could smell Tom‘s cooking and there was Denise at the bar with Mimi while Chris and Clark sat at a table near the stage.

It was a wonderful place with wonderful people something my phone would never be able to appreciate although it did have enough fictional brains to show me how to get there.


Denise offers the prompt word “double” to be used in this week’s Six Sentence Stories.

This is my second story for the prompt, motivated by Clark who gave me a good description of the Six Sentence Story Café & Bistro which I am mostly repeating.

Red and Yellow with Background Green

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

33 thoughts on “Double—Six Sentence Story”

  1. Fictional AI got you to the right part of town and you found your way to the Six Sentence Café & Bistro, Frank. Excellent. Bet Mimi makes sure your plate of Tom’s appetizer du jour is on the house. Enjoy.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Mary stole my comment!! (lol)

    GPS might display the recorded roads and lanes in a middle sized city… but it can’t see what only the heart can: those of good intent…with a major jones for creating (and visiting) places like the Six Sentence Café & Bistro.

    (to AI it’s simply an abandoned textile mill with monocle’d windows and aging granite-block walls… nothing to scrape here, Magog move it on down the road, yo)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Clark!

      I am having trouble posting comments to your blog, but such problems come and go. Hopefully they will go away. I wanted to comment on your blog that referencing the double slit experiment as you did in your story was a great way to describe the messiness of that office.


  3. Good to ‘see/visualize/imagine/read’ you here, Frank!

    The underlying principle of ‘the Café is that it can be found anywhere there are people who share a passion for writing and the make-believe*.

    *not always one-and-the-same… and, now that you see the words ‘make believe’ it kinda accounts for a lot of the fun in the blogosphere

    Liked by 3 people

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