Stars and Stories

Over the past year I put together a book, Stars and Stories, using LaTeX (MiKTeX) as the typesetting software for both book and cover and Audacity for the audio. I just completed that project and I am now offering the pdf from this page.

The book is a selection of short tales. All of them except for one, Afterwards, were originally written for either Denise Farley’s Six Sentence Stories or for Sammi Cox’s Whispers and Echoes. Some of these stories were revised from their original versions.

Here is the cover, front and back:

The print book is made and distributed by Lulu. It is pocketbook size (think, small) with heavier paper to better show the color illustrations. Because of that it is more expensive to print.

I used Amazon’s Kindle Create to make a replica of the print book as an ebook for Kindle readers. It looks much like the pdf file. As a “print replica” ebook, the text does not reflow. This preserves the illustrations in their original positions on the pages.

Now that I know how to do this, my next projects will be to make a larger, color book of photographs and poems and to create a Volume 2 of Stars and Stories.

You may read and download the book below as well as listen to the audio files. If you would like to review the book you are most welcome to do so. You may consider this pdf file as a review copy.

    Six Poems—Tiny Book

    While looking at LaTeX templates for brochures I noticed LianTze Lim’s PocketMod package which allows one to typeset eight smaller pages on a single letter-size sheet of paper. After printing it one would fold it in half lengthwise, then fold it in half again and then again. That produces a tiny book that fits in the pocket of a t-shirt or can be used as a bookmark.

    So, I put together six poems into a book which you are free to download and print, if you wish. Although I added color to the PDF file, I normally print this in black and white and landscape mode and use it as a bookmark.

    For those who would like the see the LaTeX commands, I placed the files on Google Drive under Six Poems.