Sully Award

HeyLookAWriterFellow has announced the First Annual Sully Award for Excellence in Writerishness on March 21st.  I saw the announcement of the award on Jane Dougherty’s blog.  To enter you have to announce the Sully Award in your blog (which I am doing now) and you have to enter a piece of prose under 200 words in the comment section of his blog (which I plan to do shortly).

Check it out.  You might like it.

Here’s my entry, written long ago.  It is three chapters from an imaginary book that I dream of calling Georgette’s Songs.


Chapter M: At the Roqetscienski’s Backyard Party

“What’s Robert telling those kids, Martha?”

By the swing set, they could hear Robert’s voice rise, “…and then there was a BIG BANG!”

“Oh. He’s telling them his version of the creation of the universe.”

When the kids settled, he leaned in toward them and whispered, “And God said, ‘Oops.'”


Chapter M + 1: Another Way the Universe Might Have Started

Kathy’s six-year-old Billy sat by her. She whispered, “What was that crazy Dr. Roqetscientski telling you by the swing set?”

Billy shook his head and giggled.

“You can tell me.”

Billy refused.

“Whisper it in my ear.”

Billy spoke into her ear, “He said God pooped out the universe.”


Chapter M + 2: Still Another Way the Universe Might Have Started

“Robert Roqetscienski told your son that God pooped out the universe.”

“No! Even Robert’s not that stupid. Billy probably misunderstood.”

“You need to talk to your son.” Kathy told her husband.

“Hell, I don’t know how it started.”

Before bed, Billy’s father reasoned, “It might have been only a fart.”

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

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