Horizon – Six Sentence Story

Horizon Through Palm Branches

Far be it from Joseph to doubt the angel even when he felt overwhelmed.

There wasn’t a guest room available but they could stay in the courtyard where animals were kept along with the other travelers the inn could not accommodate with rooms. While Joseph prepared a place for Mary and him to sleep her labor began. She gave birth under the stars wrapping her child in cloths and laying him in a manger.

Shortly after the birth shepherds found the child. They told everyone about an angel, the sign of a baby in a manger, and how the horizon filled with a heavenly host giving praise.

Denise offers the challenge word “horizon” to use in this week’s Six Sentence Story.

For a better understanding of what actually happened, see Matthew 1 and Luke 2. I owe the idea of a “courtyard” to David Pawson who described what the inn may have looked like in a lecture, The Church and Christmas – The Truth About Christmas Part 2 (starting about 20:00).

I am offering this as part of the Holiday Blogging Party that Crystal Grimes is hosting.

A very short story of mine, “Fresh Snow”, appeared in Whispers and Echoes. I am grateful to the editor for accepting it.

Horizon on Lake Michigan
GirlieOnTheEdge Denise Farley's six-sentence-stories icon
GirlieOnTheEdge Denise Farley’s six-sentence-stories icon

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

39 thoughts on “Horizon – Six Sentence Story”

  1. Hello 👋 this is an amazing and well taken blog post, i really love it.. Please i just uploaded a new blog post and i would appreciate if you take a look and give som opinion, thank you and merry xmas 🎅 in advance.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Well done…the true Christmas story never gets old. That starry night, so full of signs and wonder…leaves me hushed with awe. Congratulations on your publishing success, well-deserved–may God continue to show His favor on you in the New Year. Merry, merry Christmas.

    Liked by 1 person

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