Sunday Walk 49 – Weaponized Sexuality

Rocks, Dirt and Darkness

Addiction weakens a person and undermines that person’s community. When addiction is socially promoted one needs to ask just who is benefiting? Anybody socially promoting addictive behavior is trying to undermine some community by weakening its members.

After reading Henry Makov’s excerpts from John Coleman’s 1993 book, The Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, I began to suspect that any promotion of sexual addiction may well be part of a plan to weaponize sexuality and use it against families.

Here are some points from the plan that Makov highlighted.

  • Marriage shall be outlawed and there shall be no family life as we know it.
  • Children will be removed from their parents at an early-age and brought up by wards as state property.
  • Women will he degraded through the continued process of “women’s liberation” movements.
  • Free sex shall be mandatory.
  • Pornography shall be promoted and be compulsory showing in every theater of cinema, including homosexual and lesbian pornography.

There may be an even deeper level of conspirators manipulating this “Committee of 300”. Those deeper conspirators would be demonic and they have been at it since that snake entered Eden (Genesis 3). You could read the Bible as God’s efforts to bring disobedient, but redeemed mankind, the Bride of Christ, back to the wedding feast (Revelation 19). Weaponizing sexuality would be a way for those not invited to try to spoil the wedding.

Now I know that’s a lot to swallow, but assuming you see this as something to be concerned about, what should we do? This is what I’ve come up with.

  • Affirm that sexuality remain within a traditional marriage between a husband who was born male and a wife who was born female.
  • Don’t engage in political or cultural activities that degrade or satirize the family including husbands, wives or their children.
  • Persevere by putting on the full armor of God in anticipation of His Son, Jesus, the Bridegroom.

The first two respond directly to this weaponized sexuality. The last one is there to confront those underlying demonic conspirators. You may have other suggestions.

Weekly Bible Reading:  Deuteronomy (Audio), Joshua (Audio)
Commentary: David Pawson, Deuteronomy, Part 2 of 2, Joshua, Part 1 of 2, Unlocking the Bible

Blue Ridge Mountains

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

7 thoughts on “Sunday Walk 49 – Weaponized Sexuality”

  1. Wow! I have been completely unaware of the Committee of 300. Will look at it closer for sure.

    The effects on the planned destruction of the family is real. Thanks for highlighting what we can do.


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  2. Agree with you. I would add: be strong in our identity in Christ; pray for salvation for our brothers and sisters without ceasing; focusing on Jesus, affirming God’s power and love for His children are greater than any evil in this world.

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