Light Loop—Six Sentence Story

While Daniel walked the loop around the pond he said to himself, When you see that the voice is not your own and you start doing what ‘it’ tells you to do, even when you know you’ll look stupid if you do, things start happening.

After some steps he continued, When the light finally turns on, you are shocked to realize that this ‘it’ was a ‘he’ all along.

Later, halfway through the loop, Daniel said, Then the ‘he’ gets capitalized and you’re in a relationship you would have thought was nutty only a few years ago.

Then Daniel, feeling he needed to answer some fictional objector walking by his side, said, Of course, there are those who’d claim that they could easily explain all of this away as simply me talking to myself, but it’s also not that hard to come up with explanations that explain away why they like to explain away stuff.

Daniel then addressed a more aggressive, but still fictional, manipulator by asserting, To those who insist I cast Him out as if He were some demon or go to a hell of their own choosing…well, I have no intention of doing either.

By this time Daniel was back at his condo where he paused to conclude, When worry becomes synonymous with silliness and there’s a river of joy waiting to overflow where ever you go, whatever you need will be given to you.


Denise offers the prompt word “light” to be used in this week’s Six Sentence Story.

Author: Frank Hubeny

I enjoy walking, poetry and short prose as well as taking pictures with my phone.

19 thoughts on “Light Loop—Six Sentence Story”

  1. Excellent quote from Zechariah. Seems like Daniel figured it out “When worry becomes synonymous with silliness and there’s a river of joy waiting to overflow where ever you go, whatever you need will be given to you.


    Liked by 1 person

  2. You make a good point, it’s as if they want us to go to the hell they are making in their own lives, and it is just sad.

    Also, if they believe in demons and want us to cast something out, why won’t they believe in the Lord Almighty who created those celestial beings that became demons?

    Liked by 1 person

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